Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 21 Mar 2024, 02:00

Nisam dugo pa evo nešto zanimljivo. Andrew Tate raskrinkava najpopularniji youtube kanal Mr. Beast. Ako ne znate pozadinu. Mr Beast svi znate, on ima svoje prijatelje koji su s njim u videu i jedan od njih je postao žensko. Andrew Tate u ovom videu govori koja je vjerojatnost da najpopularniji/najutjecajniji youtuber za mlade, ima jednog svojeg frenda koji je odlučio postati žensko. Dio agende u kojoj smo oko transića i svih tih izopačenosti. Evo video, zanimljiv je.

Just watched the latest mr beast episode on a ghost town and i was really uncomfortable watching chriss dressed up like a woman the whole episode its really weird.
it is very scary, man, kids nowadays see the shit every time they open any social platform, and most kids have access to the internet and to tiktok and others
There’s a reason why he calls himself Mr.beast
Its called an industry plant...Mr beast was pushed in by youtube for sure he had money when he started from 0 and suddenly he became rich and famous
Well hes target audience is kids so make sense
25 years ago, no one would even talk to you in school if they saw your picture with a transgender guy together.
I feel like Mrbeast being the most famous person on Youtube should try to be as neutral as possible when it comes to certain topics and communities. He shouldnt promote anything and show no favoritism to certain communities. Its the same as him supporting Ukraine but not Russia. All his Russian followers will feel attacked. Instead of showing support to a community but risking a community feel attacked he should just not mention anything.
Kris Tyson prije i danas.

Raskrinkat ću i Mr. Beasta za koji tjedan. Opet, zamislite taj utjecaj koji ima na mlade i onda taj njegov prijatelj iz djetinjstva čudesno odluči biti žena. Ne, nije žena već je muško koliko god on to htio prikazati da nije tako. I kako je tako bogat Mr Beast. Sami naziv koji ima za youtube kanal.
Ive been saying for over a year now, that mr beast is (The Beast) think about the Bible. That's why I stopped uploading to my channel.
think about youtube being the dragon, all his channels as the dragons heads and the gold play buttons as the crowns. He gives everyone what they want and acts over God. It's so tippy the more details you read from the Bible and look at mr beast
I been saying this about the dude in mr beast so casually transforming infant of hundreds of millions of kids.
A sad raskrinkavanje Rocka. Pogledajte ovaj video. Nevjerojatno. Ja stvarno ne znam tko voli tog tipa osim naravno amera i lopatara kradljivca lemonzooa koji drka na te WWE fejkere.

Moram ovako video stavit ijer mi ne dopušta na onaj način.
He’s so disingenuous in almost everything he does it’s like he has absolutely no opinions of his own
It's one thing to not be informed and not recognize his physique isn't natural, but how many people INSIST he's natural makes me roll my eyes in disappointment.
To me, the Rock just comes off like a Manchurian Candidate. He is the poster boy for disingenuous behavior. He tries so hard to say all the right things at all the right times he just comes off weird. Nothing about him is organic. You can tell it's all carefully constructed. I'm a career salesman, and even I'm annoyed by how much he is always trying to peddle something to you. I was a huge fan of him from the beginning, like we all were, but about 3 years ago, I quit following the guy. You know something is off when your wrestling gimmick seems more real than the actual person.
The only opinion this guy has is about how amazing he is. I don't think I could ever trust anyone who has a "no-lose" clause in their acting contracts because they have to always be the one portrayed as the winner. There's some serious mental issues in that kind of behavior.
I'm always skeptical when people act overly nice all the time. They're usually throw their weight around behind the scenes.
"The Rock" isn't a person, he's a persona, a brand. He has no quarrel offending people, as long as it isn't public. His value has always been his Q-rating. It rises from teasing being president (and how great his chances are winning it), but it might drop from actually doing it.
The Rock as president sounds like a terrible idea. But now I understand why he agreed to be a guest on JRE
The Rock has been playing a character his entire life–I don't think Dwayne Johnson even knows who Dwayne Johnson is. He's a product, a commodity.
He just seems really fake. The kind of guy who's never had a close friend his entire life.
Here's the scary thing about Dwayne Johnson: he returned to WWE and last Friday did a promo with Roman Reigns. Even though he had not worked out or excersizes at all he was completely out of breath when doing the promo.I wouldn't be surprised if he suffered a major heart attack in the near future. He has muscles in his head! You don't get that unless you are taking steroids and you also can very easily die from them.
I za kraj malo meni omiljenoga Philiona kako ismijava na svoj specifičan način. Znači, ovo morate vidjeti ovo je cringe komedija. Ovdje ismijava i komentira jednu reality emisiju ranih nulti gdje jedna zgodna ženska bira između četiri frajera. Ajme meni kakav cringe.Ovaj video ja zlatan.

LOL THIS MY AUNT!! I had no idea she was in this show, i ran into this by complete accident. Sharons doing real well for herself, she married a man who’s an executive at Dave & Busters. Im showing this to my mom ahahaha.
eality TV has done more damage to the American IQ than leaded paint and gasoline 😂
My old boss was on elimidate as 1 of 4 guys for 1 woman. He said Elimidate rented a house for them and filled it with unlimited alcohol. They encouraged them to start drinking in the morning and didn't film until night.
Oh, and they were all also given GHB
Not enough of y'all are talking about how the dude was just walking around with a rubber on. MF bought it up like it was a point of pride. Serial killer shit
Man these 2000’s reality dating shows would not survive in 2024 without getting cancelled.
I najnovije raskrinkavanje prije 4 sata napravio. Raskrinkava curu koja misli da je PAS. Kakav video :prayer: :lol:

that woman peed on the floor as part of her doggy larp. i hope the money is genuinely worth it.
Imagine having a daughter...wasting hours, days, weeks of not sleeping to make sure she's okay during her newborn stage. Then sacrificing tons to see her grow and do your best to prepare her for the world....just so she can end up like this
I believe people develop fetishes when their needs as a child weren't met, you can't raise a child properly and them developing into a fucked in the head adult, fetishes are adults finding ways to get what they needed when they were kids but in insane ways, could be a need of validation, connection, a need to be seen etc...
a dog girl walks into a bar and the bartender asks "what can i get you?"
the dog girl replies, "oh ill have a rum.............and coke"
the bartender goes "haha whats with the big pause?"
the dog girl blushes, looking self-conscious "umm i was born with them"
When the Internet inevitably breaks, irl standup can work well in your favor, my Third Eyed Comrade
Everyday we stray further from God
I’ve never seen my dog get so excited over a YouTube video. Dude was barking, staring at the TV and confused as f***
We all need mental and physical health coverage.
Definitivno smo na pogrešnom putu kao civilizacija i nitko ništa ne radi po tom pitanju.

Uglavnom, najjača tema na forumu is BACK :rock:
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 21 Mar 2024, 10:57

taj beast izgleda kao teška pedofilčina, bio u Hrvatskoj nedavno


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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by hitman_4 » 21 Mar 2024, 17:17

šta se zbiva sa princezom kate, jel živa?



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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 21 Mar 2024, 17:53

hitman_4 wrote:
21 Mar 2024, 17:17
šta se zbiva sa princezom kate, jel živa?
zašto nebi bila,mlada je


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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by hitman_4 » 22 Mar 2024, 12:17

nisi u toku!!



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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 22 Mar 2024, 13:15

hitman_4 wrote:
22 Mar 2024, 12:17
nisi u toku!!
Imam svoj živat, ispunjen srećom, bogatstvom i ljubavlju.Nemam vremena se baviti tuđim životima :P


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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by hitman_4 » 22 Mar 2024, 14:16

vjerujem ti ko michelu :D



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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 22 Mar 2024, 20:51

hitman_4 wrote:
22 Mar 2024, 14:16
vjerujem ti ko michelu :D


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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 24 Mar 2024, 02:45

Mini raskrinkavanje Lebrona i onoga što je rekao. Dajte pogledajte ovo, pogotovo prvu minutu i od 0:38 :shock: SICK!

He has the BOULÉ tattoo all over him. And he took the mandatory oath. He has A LOT of blood on hands‼️
the kingdom of darkness is crumbling before our eyes raise a hallelujah!
Sacrificing family? That is so evil, how can they live after doing that?
I think the media forces him because hes an idol to so many people. They want people to stay idolizing him. Releasing info of him using PED’s would diminish the idolatry.
I'm convinced all celebrities are into this stuff.
LeBron is definitely part of the top and yes he had to agree to sacrifice Kobe.....I am Matthew by the way and I Love your channel Marcus please continue to wake these lost souls up much ❤️
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 24 Mar 2024, 10:57

zna se za lebrona da štuje vraga


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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by hitman_4 » 28 Mar 2024, 18:46

šta je sa puff didyem? jbte nikakve koristi od ovog michela



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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 07 Apr 2024, 10:53

Navodno sutra 8.4. će biti puno pizdarija po svijetu radi eklipse.


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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 10 May 2024, 09:54

https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-ne ... 54530.html

još jedna pedofilčina iz holivuda raskriniana


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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 10 May 2024, 19:46

Sve to divno krasno, ali Bradley Martin ajme meni kud ga baš taj debil raskrinkao. Iskreno, niš njemu ne vjerujem sve je fejk oko njega i ovo je samo radi klikova. Nek se pika u guzicu sa roidsima i pljuje po UFC borcima kako ih može pobijediti. Lik živi u deluziji. Bit će i on raskrinkan.
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 10 May 2024, 20:00

Michel wrote:
10 May 2024, 19:46
Sve to divno krasno, ali Bradley Martin ajme meni kud ga baš taj debil raskrinkao. Iskreno, niš njemu ne vjerujem sve je fejk oko njega i ovo je samo radi klikova. Nek se pika u guzicu sa roidsima i pljuje po UFC borcima kako ih može pobijediti. Lik živi u deluziji. Bit će i on raskrinkan.
nikad čuo za tog roidera


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