Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 11 May 2023, 02:15

Vraćamo se legendarnom youtubeu Phillionu koji je kralj raskrinkavanja i evo ovdje raskrinkava glumca Ezru Millera :supz: tražili su me dosta ljudi da pokušavam istražiti Ezru jer je dečko bolestan pa evo i pozdrav susedima :P

Svi znamo što je Ezra radio ljudima i Phillion je izvrstan tragač i složio je nevjerojatan video.

Video je ovako podijelio
0:00-0:53 Intro
0:54-6:08 The Wallflower
6:09-8:10 Helix
8:11-8:34 Shallow Waters
8:35-15:35 The Deep End
15:36-25:15 Clown Paint
25:16-28:24 Full House
28:25-30:53 Conclusion

The fact that DC fired Cavill and kept this nutcase explains Hollywood perfectly.
The fact that Ezra Miller isn't in an insane asylum or prison right now sums it all up perfect
Love how Erza landed the role of being every parents worst nightmare in " we need to talk about Kevin". He basically played himself lol
I feel so sorry for Tokata. When she turns 24, will she be able to see what she looked like at 12 and understand anyone willing to hang out with a 12 year old and ply them with LSD after spiriting them away from their family is no good? Ezra seems to have convinced her it’s a matter of “us versus them” when in reality it’s her versus Ezra. I hope she finds help.
If that dude was poor he would have been in jail years ago...wtf are these double standards
Ezra getting away this all of his crimes towards children and then getting a return role as a superhero, pretty much just sums up what Hollywood is all about.
The fact that this dude befriended some random 12 year old should've been a MASSIVE red flag
The current wave of the lgbt "community" really, desperately needs to learn to take out the trash. There are far too many people like Ezra, Inferno, Cons, it's enough for me to dissociate from anything labeled as "queer". He clearly thought he could adopt a queer persona as a cover-- something many are now using as a shield or battering ram depending on the situation. Tokata's parents deserve a lot of criticism but I have no doubt he manipulated the hell out of them as well.
Philion's growth is just so damn satisfying to see. There's nothing but big things ahead for you man
Let us not forget that while all of this was going on, especially when authorities couldn't find him, David Zaslav (who runs Warner Brothers) had him come back to the WB Lot for reshoots of The Flash. Since then, he's continued to force the people he pays to say how good the Flash movie is and that people should see it, similar to how Ezra Miller likely paid off a couple of his victims to drop the charges against him.
I wonder how Ezra did his method acting practice for the Flash, did he just run really fast?
Our justice system is beyond broken. If there is authentic tangible proof why in the hell do these people get off? Why do they bend the law and lessen the charges? At that point why even have a law?
Part of me misses Fitness Flops, but man, these videos have been fucking kino

No one escapes the Third Eye of Truth
This is just so extreme. Thank you for this really well done video!! I work at a cinema and the trailers for the Flash are playing on our screens, and at first I was like "man he seems interesting, let's reasearch about him" and now I see this and I'm just so disgusted. He seems like Inferno, legitametely insane and psychotic. It's crazy they still decided to work with him and publish all of it. I guess they just hope no one will research their actors :,)
he always weirded me out like there wasn't something right with him and this sort of proved my gut feelings were right. won't be watching the flash with him having any association with it and i think a few others will be skipping watching it
I think the movie "We Need to Talk About Kevin" foreshadowed Ezra Miller's descent into madness.
I had a feeling an Ezra Miller vid was in the works. Once again Philion keeps raising the bar of production quality with bangers like these
I'm only 30, and not particularly knowledgeable when it comes to pop culture and celebrities. I remember watching We Need To Talk About Kevin and knowing I'd just seen a future great of the big screen. With that said, finding out about this guy's personality and seeing how it's affected his career has been a long, slow, and significant disappointment for me. I was looking forward to watching him inevitably win an Oscar. Edit: ... Ok, I just got to the grooming part. Wow.
Ezra is a real life example of when in a Family Guy episode, where Quagmire’s dad was at a bar and the bartender told him something, which the father told the bartender, “it’s okay I’m a trans person,” then the bartender said, “oh sorry, do whatever the hell you want then.”
Phillion je stvarno car, njega se na internetu najviše boje pogotovo oni šarlatani, prevaranti i poznate osobe jer Philion ih sve raskrinkava. :supz:

Ezra Miller - raskrinkan si!
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Inferno » 11 May 2023, 05:54

sad si ti njemu pokazao majmune

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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by john_constantine » 11 May 2023, 08:58

Jbt, na što smo spali da i Ezru Millera izmišljamo
Michel puši karu.

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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 11 May 2023, 10:41

Raskrinkavanje sotonista koji su nedavno imali okupljanje, imaju milijun aktivnih članova. U Bostonu se održao i nazvali su SatanCon. Nick Jones youtuber ih ovdje raskrinkava na jedan pažljiv i odličan način. Stvarno poučno. Eye opening video.

Saying ‘I don’t worship Satan but support Satanism’ is like saying ‘I don’t support the Nazis but look up to Hitler’
One of Satan's greatest tricks is getting people to not believe he is real.
As you can see by the comments from this young couple and people at that event, Satan has got blinders on them all.
Good job Nick, keep the videos coming.
God bless!
The Bible ripping litteraly troubled my soul in so many ways that's just revolting, i feel goosebumps down my spine And seeing these two smiling and laughting made me feel so much sadness. They all truly don't know with what and who they are really dealing with.
The destruction of The Holy Bible made me sick to my stomach but not as sick as I felt knowing what Beyoncé did with pages of the Bible—pure demonic behaviors! We need to pray for all of these lost souls!🙏🏼
The craziest thing about all this is that at the end of the day Satan doesn’t even care about any of these people. He wants them to be stupid, he wants the destruction of them, he only wants to take from God because that’s all he can do, he can’t be like God. They fail to realize this and think what they’re doing is so cool but it’s just sorry.
"You can be a Christian and be a part of satanist".....what? Clearly these guys are deceived by the devil.....God Bless to your channel Bro.
It's so sad as well that people can give all the reasons they were there but what they don't understand is they are being a part of it. You can't just play satanist for a weekend then go back to life as usual. It's not like that. Father please forgive them for they know not what they do.
Thank you for your videos. They are really helping me understand the Bible. I am a nee Christian and you have really helped to enlighten me 🙏🏻
So she said there not going anywhere,Well if I was her I wouldn’t bet on it… Her and all those that attended that event is going straight to hell👿🔥🔥if they don’t repent and ask for forgiveness. May God have mercy on theirs soul..🙏🏽🙏🏽
I literally started bawling my eyes out when I watched those people defile the Lord & His Holy Bible. That hurt my soul, I just couldn't stop crying and saying, "Lord how could they do that to you!?" "How could they do that to You, my Father, my King, my all, the one who created them, and the One who created all of us!" How can they do that to You Heavenly Father!?" It breaks my heart to see people do something so evil... I pray for those people at that evil event. That they would turn from their evil ways and that the Lord will reveal Himself to those who persecute Him. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Man, I couldn't finish this vid. I can hear an sense the evil spirit in the kids voice. Prayers to them and everyone that was in attendance. The enemy definitely is doing a number on them
I live 30 minutes from there .I believe my daughter and I were being spiritual attacked that whole weekend .
I will agree with them on one thing, not that many souls were saved. I was in Boston on the Saturday and will admit that I and many other Christians failed to display and walk in God's power. There was no unity or sense of urgency. The conference attendees saw us as a joke. If we were united and truly moved in the Spirit, large numbers would have walked out repenting and proclaiming Jesus is Lord! This was a hard lesson for me to learn.
After watching this I can’t help but feel that

1. This is about attention for themselves.

2. This also feels like some of them have no idea what they’re really getting into for some it’s “sheeple syndrome”.

3. If they don’t turn their lives around and find Jesus they are all going to see the truth at the end which at that point it will be too late. I hope God will have mercy on them and reveal His truth.

I’ve come from a background where the occult was frequently practiced and I can tell you from personal experience when you come to Jesus you realise just how powerful God is and how deep Satan’s lies go.

Final comment. Nick I completely agree with you on how stupid their comments are and them ripping up a bible isn’t going to stop the Holy Spirit from doing His work here on earth
Ima i ovdje video od 9 minuta gdje su neki spašeni.

As someone who works right across the street where this was happening in Boston and working during that weekend watching the protests, I'm glad to hear people were actually people saved. Very powerful. I work in a restaurant and served some of these people and they were all very nice, but it makes me wish I had shared my faith with them.
Thank you for what you do. I was a practicing Witch for almost 30 years before becoming saved. I pray that those new Christians get connected to good churches who will mentor them and help them to keep walking in the light.
This shows how powerful our Lord really is🙏🙏
It doesn't surprise me that Satan's followers lie by saying they don't actually believe in Satan as a literal entity, since their master is the Father of Lies
I'm from Massachusetts and Salem has always been non for witches and a big Ouija board right in town. I'm so glad ppl were saved and now know the Truth instead of lies
As someone who worked several years as a project manager for a insurance company specifically for religious based organizations you would be amazed at how many arsons happen at churches it really opened my eyes to the war being fought between good and evil
Spiritualni rat se odavno vodi.

Sotonisti - raskrinkani ste!
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by john_constantine » 11 May 2023, 10:59

Daj si obriši spermu s svoje face koliko svršavaš na te pizdarije
Michel puši karu.

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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Inferno » 11 May 2023, 12:26

I šta bude kad raskrinkaš sotoniste? Oni samo nastave i nisi kurca napravio ko i inače u životu.

Čemu onda uopće služi to "raskrinkavanje"?

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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Inferno » 11 May 2023, 12:27

Npr. ja sam sotonist, ti mi kažeš da sam sotonist....ja ti kažem da si smrdljivi četnik ko i inače i nastavim dalje sa sotonskim radnjama

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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Inferno » 11 May 2023, 13:31

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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 12 May 2023, 17:08

Nakon raskrinkavanja Ezre ljudi su glasali za Shiu pa evo opet od najboljeg yutubera za raskrinkavanje, Philiona. Prvo pohvale idu Philionu jer čovjek radi nevjerojatan posao, hrabar je jer ti moćnici mogu krenuti na njega, gasiti kanal i što sve ne ali kako to istražuje je stvarno za svaku pohvalu :prayer:

E sad na Shiu. Philion kaže da je odrastao uz njegove filmove, jedan od najtalentiranijih glumaca generacije ali da je fraud, plagirao je dosta stvari, zlostavljač, njegovo ponašanje ima dosta sličnosti sa Ezrom. Znao sam dosta o Shiji tijekom godina i o njegovim kontroverzama, ali kada imate ovakav video pred sobom koji ide u detalje od njegovih samih početaka pa do danas fascinantno je za gledanje jer je Shia očito bolestan čovjek, mladi dečko koji je trenutno na suđenju a hvali se (snimljeno) kako ima milijunske odvjetnike koji može svojim žrtvama zagorčati život. Njegove prijetnje, njegova zlostavljanja su jako dobro dokumentirana u ovom videu. Ogromna preporuka za sve da ovo pogledaju jer Phillion nikad ne razočara.

Ovako je to on složio: I ovo sa bandom mi je bilo zanimljivo kakav lik :zubifale: ali Slauson Rec je baš kulminacija svega ali obavezno od početka gledajte.
0:00-3:19 INTRO
3:19-7:17 ECHO PARK
7:18-12:00 THE PRODIGY
12:01-13:44 THE SPIRAL
13:45-23:17 THREE BLIND MICE
23:18-33:48 THE VILLAIN
33:49-34:42 CREEPER
34:43-35:55 KEEPS
38:28-50:13 SLAUSON REC
50:14-55:14 CONCLUSION

Philion I just want to say that your evolution as a content creator has been incredible to witness in real time, and a testament to your drive and creativity! <3 peace <3
Philion has come so far. From calling out fake natty's to legit serious content. This is how you evolve as a content creator.
I've known a few dudes like this in my life. Dudes like Shia and Inferno... They are very friendly and congenial and can snap in a fucking instant. Substance abuse is part of it but not all of it. They are master manipulators until you know what to look for. They give off a very, sort of, unique energy.
fuck yeah, these mini-documentaries are incredible man. I’ve been battling cancer and spend a lot of time in the hospital, so when I was in treatment today I saw this drop and was so stoked! made the whole process smoother. thanks homie! ♥️
I suspect Shia has some deep rooted anger issues and some serious emotional trauma. He is an unpredictable guy, and this is scary. How can you trust a guy that can snap out of the blue and harm you? I highly doubt that becoming Catholic and a father will be enough to make him change for the good. Hopefully, he gets serious therapy and makes a serious efort to better himself.
I think the iamsorry table experiment was "inspired" by the Serbian artist named Marina Abramovich. Her project was named "Rhythm 0" and it was performed for 6 hours(kinda similar to Shias 6 days) in Naples, Italy. "Rhythm 0'' was and still is one of those art/science experiments that reveal the sinister nature of humans when left without consequence of their actions.
Discovered the performance with your comment and damn... That was sinister. She was brutally abused and almost killed. And LeBœuf and his click decided to do it for 6 days... I mean, that has to be intentional, isn't it? They must have wanted something bad and shocking to happen for publicity sake. I feel like the duo exploited Shia for fame and money, by playing his God complex and very troubled mind.
One of the most bizarre things about Shia is hid voice/cadence has completely changed over the years. Like a codeswitch. It's wild. I don't really think that he knows who he is anymore.
This is like some weird level of narcissism mixed with a whack job of an individual given a platform. A normal person pulls this and they’d be long gone.
The fact that actors get away with so much sh*t just boggles my mind. Not sure if Shia actually is getting better, however considering he has 'not really' taken actual accountability for his actions thus far, not sure if that is the case. I feel sorry for Mia and her child, I hope for their sake he really is focusing on his family and his mental health cause he is/was clearly unhinged.
Man, I’ve been following you for well over five years and I don’t know if you’re gonna read this comment but this is what content you need to do! I’m only 10 minutes in and I’m on the edge of my seat. I love content like this. You definitely have the voice and drive for it.
as this gets more attention, it will eventually evolve into more investigation and most likely court cases if the victims feel secure enough to come forward. this is probably a huge can of worms. I'm definitely following this. I have a feeling Slauson Rec. goes much deeper and will connect directly to Mountain. Soto seems nervous. This is not over. please continue
Phillion going deeper than ever. 100% here for it. The time he puts in his videos are amazing!
Everything thing about this man screams narcissistic personality disorder probably co occurring with other PD's/mental health issues. I'm not trying to justify his behavior but a lot of the times we don't recognize that our behavior is in the wrong which sounds crazy because a lot of people with PDs act psychotic. It's all about self awareness though and it seems he's definitely starting to see the bad behavior for what it is.
Man, I remember Phillion talking about Shia Labeouf buying him a drink.
The third eye of truth spares no one, not even celebrity idols.
Excellent video Phillion
I've never understood why he started acting weird and crazy, didn't know about his past.
I really like him as an actor, he has great movies.
But he needs serious help.
Maybe he should go to a psychologist with Ezra Miller lol
Also, his war against 4chan was absolutely amazing.
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Inferno » 12 May 2023, 19:42

Nisi odgovorio na moja pitanja gore, molim te da odgovoriš

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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Inferno » 12 May 2023, 19:42

Također još jedno pitanje, što ako su mi sotonistice iz tvog videa jako jebozovne?

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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Inferno » 15 May 2023, 17:43

https://www.index.hr/mobile/vijesti/cla ... itaj_jos_m

koje raskrinkavanje! cijeli svijet zna koje su sprdačine četnici 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Inferno » 15 May 2023, 21:38

https://www.index.hr/mobile/magazin/cla ... ajnovije_m

Mihaela razotkrivena si! Znao sam da si ćelava.

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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 17 May 2023, 00:05

Uskoro novo razotkrivenje!!! Ostat ćete šokirani!!!


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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Inferno » 17 May 2023, 05:58

John_Ryder wrote:
17 May 2023, 00:05
Uskoro novo razotkrivenje!!! Ostat ćete šokirani!!!
Može, idemoooo :mrgreen:

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