Howling serijal (1985 - 1995)

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Howling serijal (1985 - 1995)

Post by dr_gonzo » 22 May 2010, 11:54

Howling II: Your Sister is a Werewolf (1985)


Directed: Philippe Mora
Christopher Lee (Stefan Crosscoe)................Annie McEnroe(Jenny Templeton)
Reb Brown (Ben White)...............................Marsha A. Hunt (Mariana)

Also known as: Howling II: Stirba – Werewolf Bitch
Release date: August 28, 1985
Running time: 91 min.
Trailer filma

"- When Ben, the brother of one of the werewolf victims from the first movie, is told that the world is actually full of werewolves and they're planning to take control, he is skeptical. After a good deal of convincing from werewolf hunter Stefan, however, he finally agrees to join Stefan's band of lycanthrope hunters in Transylvania on a mission to kill Stirba, Queen of the Werewolves. Can the group survive against her army of evil?"

Howling III: The Marsupials (1987)


Director: Philippe Mora
Barry Otto (Prof. Harry Beckmeyer)................William Yang (Siberian Peasant)
Imogen Annesley (Jerboa).............................Deby Wightman (Wolf Woman)

Running time: 94 minutes
Trailer filma

"- Movie is about a scientist involved with a cult of Australian werewolves via his love interest. The plot line is based on the premise of Australian werewolves descended from the now extinct Thylacine, or Tasmanian Tiger, a marsupial carnivore which was hunted to extinction by Australian farmers to protect their sheep."

Howling IV: The Original Nightmare (1988)


Directed: John Hough
Romy Windsor (Marie)................Michael T. Weiss (Richard Adams)
Antony Hamilton (Tom)..............Susanne Severeid (Janice)

Running time: 94 min
Trailer filma

"- Marie Adams, a successful author, visits the scenic woodland town of Drago with her husband Richard to find respite from constant nightmare visions involving werewolves and a mysterious nun. Marie's stay in the village does nothing to dispel the visions, which increase in frequency and seem to suggest strange portents of evil events to come...and a warning to get out of town before the next full moon."

Howling V: The Rebirth (1989)


Directed: Neal Sundstrom
Philip Davis (Count Istvan).......................Victoria Catlin (Dr. Catherine Peake)
Elizabeth Shé (Marylou Summers)..............Ben Cole (David Gillespie)

Cijeli film

"- When a group of people from different walks of life converge on a Romanian castle sealed for 500 years, they bring with them a werewolf which slowly begins to cut their numbers down. The movie is The Howling a la Agatha Christie's Ten Little Indians."

Howling VI: The Freaks (1991)


Director: Hope Perello
Bruce Payne (R.B Harker)....................Brendan Hughes (Ian)
Michele Matheson (Elizabeth)...............Sean Sullivan (Winston)

Running time: 102 min
Trailer filma

"- Ian, a likeable but severely solitary drifter, takes a job making repairs at the local church in the barren rural town of Canton Bluff. Eschewing human contact, Ian seems unnaturally leery of the impending full moon. Aware that Ian is a genuine werewolf, R.B. Harker (the owner of a traveling carnival) captures and forces the young man to work for his carnival, where he is put on display with other human oddities. To further complicate matters, Harker is revealed to have a monstrous secret of his own - he is a vampire."

Howling VII: New Moon Rising (1995)


Director: Clive Turner
John Ramsden (Detective)................Ernest Kester (Ernie)
Clive Turner (Ted Smith)..................Elizabeth Shé (Mary Lou)

Running time: 90 min
Cijeli film

"- An Australian man named Ted, intricately connected to the previous three Howling films, arrives in a small western town where he begins to mingle with the local townsfolk, secretly recording his own enigmatic agendas into a tape recorder in his hotel room. At the same time a number of mysterious slayings appearing to be the work of a large animal begin to occur in the area. A detective investigates the case, helped by a priest who is certain the killings are the work of a werewolf, leading the two of them to uncover several clues that connect events from the majority of the latter part of the series."
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Post by dr_gonzo » 22 May 2010, 12:00

Mislim da je bolje ovako da ovi filmovi imaju svoj jedan zajednički topic da bez veze ne trošimo topice. Ujedno im je svima zajedničko da su to jako ubore loši filmovi te po meni nisu zaslužili da se uopće spominju u istom kontekstu sa jedinicom...
"The difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is that in a democracy you vote first and take orders later; in a dictatorship you don`t have to waste your time voting. "

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Re: Howling serijal (1985 - 1995)

Post by Ghrall » 22 May 2010, 12:41

Meni ni 1. dio nije bio nešto dobar a ovo kasnije bolje da ne spominjem.

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Re: Howling serijal (1985 - 1995)

Post by john_constantine » 22 May 2010, 14:00

Ghrall wrote:Meni ni 1. dio nije bio nešto dobar a ovo kasnije bolje da ne spominjem.
+ 1. Imam čak prvi, treći i četvrti dio... Ali volio bi pogledati onaj Freaks.
Michel puši karu.

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Re: Howling serijal (1985 - 1995)

Post by filmofil » 22 May 2010, 14:34

gledal preloš i predosadan prvi dio pa totalno odustao od ovog serijala...obožavam vukodlake inače, al fakat rijetko nađem dobar film o njima
This is the Zodiac speaking.

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Re: Howling serijal (1985 - 1995)

Post by remike2 » 22 May 2010, 14:39

Nisam gledao niti me baš privlači, možda eventulno jedinicu pogledam.
But, you know, I knew something must be rotten in Denmark. There was no way you could like me that much. Man, I can't tell you how relieved I was when you took off your dress, you... you didn't have a dick.

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Post by dr_gonzo » 22 May 2010, 19:36

Barem 1-cu pogledaj, ovo ostalo nije važno...
"The difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is that in a democracy you vote first and take orders later; in a dictatorship you don`t have to waste your time voting. "

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Post by remike2 » 22 May 2010, 19:49

dr_gonzo wrote:Barem 1-cu pogledaj, ovo ostalo nije važno...
Pogledat ću onda svakako jedinicu, ostalo neću niti mi izgleda baš primamljivo.
But, you know, I knew something must be rotten in Denmark. There was no way you could like me that much. Man, I can't tell you how relieved I was when you took off your dress, you... you didn't have a dick.

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Re: Howling serijal (1985 - 1995)

Post by Boby » 22 May 2010, 23:19

Nažalost, nisam uspio uhvatiti ovaj serijal da ga pogledam u doba kada sam imao živaca ovakve stvari gledati.
Znam samo da sam jednom naletio na jedan od nastavaka kada su ga pustili prije par godina na Netu ili Z1. Radnej se je zbivala u cirkusu.

Nego, kakva je petica? Kada bih sudio samo po koricama, rekao bih da mi se čini zanimljiva.

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Re: Howling serijal (1985 - 1995)

Post by Horrorist » 23 May 2010, 09:14

Možda sam lud ali meni je prvi Howling u rangu sa American werewolf in London.
Možda i bolji :shock:
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Re: Howling serijal (1985 - 1995)

Post by HorrorHR » 23 May 2010, 11:10

Pogledao ih prije par godina, stvarno ima preloših filmova u serijalu :D

Howling II: Your Sister Is a Werewolf (1985) ... wolf-1985/

Howling III: The Marsupials (1987) ... ials-1987/

Howling IV: The Original Nightmare (1988) ... mare-1988/


Howling V: The Rebirth (1989)


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Re: Howling serijal (1985 - 1995)

Post by jigsaw » 23 May 2010, 16:25

Ja sam gledao jedinicu, koja je solidna, čak vrlo dobra, trojku koja je jedno od najvećih govana, lošu četvorku i lošu šesticu...dvojka, petica i sedmica malo će pričekati.

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Re: Howling serijal (1985 - 1995)

Post by sikeone » 30 May 2010, 17:50

jedinica među boljim filmovima o vukodlacima sa odličnom scenom transformacije dok se ostali djelovi natječu koji če biti lošiji
J...š film u kojem nema tuče

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Re: Howling serijal (1985 - 1995)

Post by dark_driving » 31 May 2010, 17:16

kad pomislim na serijale koji nikad nisu trebali to postati prvo mi padaju na pamet children of the corn i ovo, ali inace ne volim horore o vukodlacima pa mozda zato ... ma nije zato, prvi je jos kao ok ali sve ostalo -1

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Re: Howling serijal (1985 - 1995)

Post by HorrorHR » 09 Jun 2011, 22:14

Mala trivia, po Rotten Tomatoes najgori redatelj ikada po omjeru loših ocjena na njihovom sajtu je Dennis Dugan, inače redatelj prvog Howlinga :)

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