Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 29 Oct 2023, 22:35

Samo se nadam da će se lawsuite popušit, klošar mali.Takozvani Napoleon sindrom....


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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 01 Nov 2023, 22:15

Ovo je prvo i vrlo vjerojatno jedino pozitivno raskrinkavanje :zubifale:

Slažem se sa svime u videu i sa komentarima, i ja volim njegov kanal Wilderness Cooking. Eto, jedna pozitivna priča. Evo i njegovog kanala https://www.youtube.com/@WILDERNESSCOOKING

0:00 Wilderness Cooking Story
1:00 Who is Tavakkul actually?
1:57 What makes Wilderness Cooking successful?
2:06 It's more than just a cooking channel
2:41 Tavakkul's cooking is extraordinary
3:18 Tavakkul is the real deal
3:51 High quality video production
4:02 Wilderness Cooking revenue
4:54 Home & Wild cookware
5:20 Major takeaways
He absolutely deserves it. Hes such a humble man. You can only love this man.
The dude has it absolutely nailed. The location, the equipment, the cooking. It's one of the very best cooking channels on here.
My 82 year old mother loves his channel and cooking skills. She's waiting for all the kids he feeds to say "super" in unison
I found his channel a year ago, and usually watch his recipes when my mom visits on weekends. The fun part is that despite him being a great chef, there are a ton of segments on his videos of him just building stuff almost effortlessly. On his early videos he talks a lot more and tries to explain what he's doing. But after a while, he just cooks silently and appreciates the view and finishes off with a deep voiced "super". Its a really soothing viewing experience. And as a portuguese, i appreciate his usage of cow's feet and cow's tail. My mom said she used to basically get cow's tail almost for free on butcher shops. After people learned how to use them (the meat is insanely tender) the price skyrocketed.
A sad povratak klasičnom raskrinkavanju. Ovo je raskrinkavanje Kineske vlade i njihovog zakona. Ovo uopće nisam znao i malo je reć da sam šokiran. Znači, oni imaju zakon da ako se netko sruši na cesti i ako mu ti PRVI ideš pomoći, da si kriv i platit ćeš ogromnu kaznu. Da, dobro ste pročitali. Pogledajte na ovom videu na 2:30, deda padne na zebri i nitko mu ne pomaže. Ja to ne mogu zamisliti to da se dogodi kod nas ili bilo gdje u Europi. Bolesno je ovo. Onda ovaj lik u videu kaže nije da kinezi ne žele pomoći već se boje vlade, strah ih je.

Two things popped into my mind:
1 - They are training their citizens to disregard any feeling of empathy towards others. Imagine a chinese army that has been raised like that. What are they willing to do to an enemy?
2 - It is the first step of population control. Let people die and don't help them.

Absolutely appauling. I have never herd of this before. Sounds like a horror movie.
How depressing! I had no idea anything like this was happening in China. Thanks for the awesome reporting, as always.
Also I want to mention, a VERY BIG reason why it's like this now is due to a civil court case that happened in 2007 -- Xu Shoulan v. Peng Yu case. The young man (Peng Yu) had accidentally pushed an elderly lady (Xu Shoulan), whom then fell and collapsed on the ground. He and another bystander rushed her to the hospital, where she was then diagnosed with a fractured femur. She demanded that he pay for her surgery, which he refused. Xu then sued him for personal injury, which went through three court hearings. In the end, both parties decided on a settlement of 10k yuan in 2008.
What failed him was the justice system -- the court, despite the lack of concrete evidence that Yu caused Xu's injuries (given no cameras were around and Yu claiming it was only a slight touch), ruled in favor of the old lady. Famously quoted “不是你撞的为什么要扶?", which roughly translates to: "Why would you help her if you're not guilty?".
This ruling is what caused the public's distrust in the justice system -- why bother helping someone who could potentially sue you and the court would probably rule in favor of?
A society without empathy and trust is a dystopia
In France, you may be fined or go to prison for not helping someone in distress. "Non assistance a la personne en danger" is a criminal offence. Whatever the law, if you fall, there will be plenty people around you to assist and enquire about your wellbeing, wether you are in a big town or at the countryside.
That explains alot. I've seen multiple videos of people being in actual trouble in china and everybody just ignoring it. I always wondered what the hell is wrong with these people, now I get it. They are essentially scared to be scammed by fakes and don't wanna risk becoming a victim themselves. It's beyond sad.
Iduće raskrinkavanje je nešto sasvim drugo. Bald and bankrupt je poznati travel youtuber kojeg sam i ja znao pogledati jer je imao zanimljive videe. Vidim još snima, i dalje je to ok, ali vidim da je exposan pa mi je to zanimljivo. Bald ima povijest seksualnih putovanja/prostitucije/pua i zapravo iskorištavanja žena, u jednoj je navodno priznao da je silovao djevojku u ruralnoj istočnoj Europi. Također je bio na sudu za silovanje u Velikoj Britaniji kad je imao oko 18 godina s još 2 tipa, ali nisu osuđeni. Jedina stvar o kojoj je Bald redovito objavljivao (na svojim drugim računima na forumima) bila je pronaći lokalne prostitutke. Druga stvar bila je sprijateljiti se s lokalnim ljudima, pokazati high value, a zatim dobiti njihove djevojke. Što bi oboje bilo (možda) donekle moralno propalo, ali ne i nezakonito.

Ovo je uvod za jedan video koji ga raskrinkava zbilja nevjerojatan uvod, i još nevjerojatniji video kojima svima preporučujem da pogledate. I naravno pročitajte ispod komentare koje sam stavio gdje vidite da su njegovi sad bivši fanovi jako razočarani u njega. Ja nisam bio fan niti sam ga pratio redovito ali ovo što sam vidio mi je uvijek bilo dobro tako da nisam mogao skužiti kakav je.
Tajni dvostruki život "Ćelavog i bankrotiranog" koji radi kao YouTuber koji se pretvara da je ljubitelj Sovjetskog Saveza, ali zapravo je plodan predatorski seks turist koji odlazi u zemlje bivšeg Sovjetskog Saveza radi pljačkanja žena i seksualnog iskorištavanja žena u ekonomski nepovoljnom položaju zemalja ili kako on to kaže "Putujem tisuće milja za svoje šiške jer ne vjerujem britanskim ženama".

Bio je seks turist koji lovi žene u zemljama bivšeg Sovjetskog Saveza više od dva desetljeća, a njegov nastup na Youtubeu zapravo je paravan i generator novca za financiranje njegovih ljubavnih aktivnosti, a on danju radi kao YouTuber snimajući u blizini svojih "lovišta" a noću je pravi predator za nesuđene žene u istočnoj Europi. Objavio je opširne detalje o svojim osvajanjima i "postavljanju zastavica" na forumu RooshV i forumu Naughty Nomad koji su mjesta okupljanja umjetnika i ženomrzaca koji traže da se seksualno zlostavljanje žena legalizira.

Pogledajte video i saznajte više o malim prljavim tajnama i dvostrukom životu ćelavog i bankrotiranog čiji je YouTube čin zapravo fasada za njegovu podlu zabavu pljačkanja žena u slavenskim zemljama..

Man this hurts . He was somehow inspiring to me years ago to explore the world , dismiss stereotypes and just talk to people and that made me see the world a little bit brighter as a depressed opioid addict at the time. All this conclusions from back then shredded to pieces with this video. But the message is still somehow true and there are millions of good hearted lads who are doing world traveling like him just for the sake of meeting new people and seeing new places. I guess drew binsky is a good example
Sometimes you feel "bad energy" about people that you can't explain. I guess this was another example of that for a lot of people.
A few youtube videos have tried to expose him, but this was the first one that presented evidence in an irrefutable way. I hope this becomes viral, so many people getting canceled these days and a monster like him is still untouched.
Used to love his videos but then it became increasingly clear in each of his videos the type of person he really was - sexist comments, mocking people in poverty, praising the USSR's oppressive history, being used to spread Syrian propaganda.

Some people prefer to turn a blind eye and enjoy his content. I think it's important to not support people like Bald, otherwise their influence spreads and society becomes worse, especially for people who already suffer.
I knew about this 2-3 years ago. The first few Youtubers who posted this content exposing Bald received immense hate and backlash. Glad to see that people actually understand and see it thanks to this video!
Damn. This is irrefutable. Thank you for focusing purely on hard evidence instead of mere speculation and sensationalism. I don't like knowing I have been hoodwinked all the years I have eagerly awaited Bald's latest upload. A small part of me wanted to be him, and it gave me confidence to explore away from the tourist trails. But seeing the facts laid bare is grim. Thank you for your courage posting this, I shan't be following this creep any longer.
s disturbing as all the details were, you did an amazing job compiling them. I unsubbed and unfollowed him from insta about 8 months ago. It blows having someone that you thought was genuinely traveling and learning about culture, that you don’t often hear about, turning out to be this sociopath and honestly a disgusting pos. Will def spread this vid across platforms.
This info needs to be fully known and taken seriously about Mr. Ben (my godcomplex will be known to women across alll regions, and ages, for $6 with or without consent) Rich-Swift and his useless “friends” too.
Thanks for making this.
I started this video coming in very skeptical of the title’s claims, but wow, this is irrefutable. I hope more people catch on and realize how awful he is; I know I’ll be sharing this video whenever I see him mentioned. Thanks for bringing awareness.
Lots of people saying how ashamed and embarrassed they are about being taken in by this man, but they shouldn't - it's very understandable. You see someone striding about in a country that has a completely different culture from his own, confidently talking to strangers, and you think "Wow, he's so brave". But often people who look courageous are just thick-skinned. B and B is just an insensitive jerk who can behave like this because other people and their opinions don't matter to him.

Three of the chief symptoms of a psychopath are:

1) An uncaring temperament,
2) Boldness and social dominance, and
3) Disinhibited behaviour.

B and B has all three, in abundance, but he shrewdly hides (1) behind a lot of touchy-feely bullshit.
Thank you for bringing this up... I cant believe how stupid I have been for the past 2 years, loving his channel, considering him one of the few golden remnants in today's Youtube... and dismissing all accusations against him. Now however, things have changed. Again thank you for putting so much time and effort in, and creating this amazing video, I hope justice can be served
Dude that sucked. Being Ukrainian i was so happy to see him visit my country, I loved watching his channel. It’s always disappointing to find something out like that
I looked at his oldest video, the one about indian policewomen

Holy fuck, that gave me goosebumps.

Honestly watch the video, it's creepy and genuinely frightening.

A quote from what he said:

In fact, I'd often stop to ask needless directions just to see their smiles up close. Maybe, feel the slight hint of their breath on my skin, and to prove to myself, that these angels of the north were in fact real. And not just figments of my imagination

He said he also stayed an extra day just to see them again.
Baš jezivo ali drago mi je što su takvi likovi raskrinkani. Toliko ga likovi raskrinkavaju, pogotovo na redditu da imaju 20 stranica o njemu ovdje tu https://www.scribd.com/document/4510297 ... D-BANKRUPT

Kakav psiho jebote.

He chose the name "Bald and bankrupt" because he was thinking about what negative comments can he have after going on YouTube, what can be dug up on him. The one thing was his baldness, the next is his failed restaurant business. But of course, there was more....
For the longest time there was something 'off' about him and dodgy, this all makes perfect sense. Ugh what a total scum bag. His words on rape are insane.
I know this is a 4 month old video, but I knew about this a few years ago. I came across a reddit thread of a bunch of the fucked sex tourism accusations that were super detailed and had receipts, I'm glad people are finding this out now.
I am shocked. Sure, the screennames may or may not be linked to him, but the stories that he wrote in his SELF-PUBLISHED book are vile and disgusting. And his support for Andrew Tate says volumes. I have been watching him for a while and had no idea. More people need to see this.
It's not a matter of speculation. He made a video saying that women who visit India are responsible if they get raped. I will be unsubscribing from him. Edit: I just realized I never was subscribed to him.
He's literally got a woman drunk and raped her with his buddies but the judge ruled it not rape because....Idk. Anyways his a general piece of shit and a misogynist.
Guy is an absolute predator, who reads this shit in their spare time?! Imagine the legacy you leave on this planet to be nothing more than being a bald wanker who takes advantage of impoverished women for sex, pathetic.
Ovo je cijeli subreddit posvećen njegovom raskrinkavanju i kao što vidite, ogromno je. 16 tisuća članova https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldAndBaldrDossier/ a Bald i dalje snima videa za youtube, ima lizu 5 miliuna subscriebova. Popratit će se u narednim mjesecima da vidim kuda će sve ovo ići.
https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldAndBaldrDo ... at_soviet/
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 01 Nov 2023, 22:46

a daj, gledao sam Baldove videje...nebi nikad rekao da je takav seksualni manijak


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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 01 Nov 2023, 23:12

Svi iz PUA su takvi. Za one koji ne znaju, PUA su pick up artisti, vješti manipulatori i oni iskusniji su očiti psihopati i sociopati. I ja sam gledao njegove videe, nisam bio neki fan ali znao sam pogledat no toliko je već poznatih youtubera raskrinkano da me uopće više ništa ne čudi. Nevjerojatan je postotak raskrinkanih, a jezivo je pomisliti da ih sigurno ima još za koje ne znamo ali siguran sam da će se s vremenom saznati.

Inače, balda su već prije 3 godine počeli raskrinkavat, a ja tek recimo saznao danas za te stvari. Miče sa svojeg youtubea sve nepoželjne komentare i sad čitam da ovaj prvi video koji sam stavio o njemu, da taj najviše mrzi i da zna za taj video. A rabbit hole je jako dubok, nisam ni pokazao 90% toga što se sve pisalo na tom subredditu, možda neki drugi put. Stvari koje je bald pisao na PUA forumima strašno.
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 01 Nov 2023, 23:15

Michel wrote:
01 Nov 2023, 23:12
Svi iz PUA su takvi. Za one koji ne znaju, PUA su pick up artisti, vješti manipulatori i oni iskusniji su očiti psihopati i sociopati. I ja sam gledao njegove videe, nisam bio neki fan ali znao sam pogledat no toliko je već poznatih youtubera raskrinkano da me uopće više ništa ne čudi. Nevjerojatan je postotak raskrinkanih, a jezivo je pomisliti da ih sigurno ima još za koje ne znamo ali siguran sam da će se s vremenom saznati.

Inače, balda su već prije 3 godine počeli raskrinkavat, a ja tek recimo saznao danas za te stvari. Miče sa svojeg youtubea sve nepoželjne komentare i sad čitam da ovaj prvi video koji sam stavio o njemu, da taj najviše mrzi i da zna za taj video. A rabbit hole je jako dubok, nisam ni pokazao 90% toga što se sve pisalo na tom subredditu, možda neki drugi put. Stvari koje je bald pisao na PUA forumima strašno.
Šta bi tek raskrinkao o David Bond-u, jednom od najpoznatijih američkih PUA za azijske zemlje...


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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Inferno » 04 Nov 2023, 07:40

Michel wrote:
01 Nov 2023, 23:12
Svi iz PUA su takvi. Za one koji ne znaju, PUA su pick up artisti, vješti manipulatori i oni iskusniji su očiti psihopati i sociopati. I ja sam gledao njegove videe, nisam bio neki fan ali znao sam pogledat no toliko je već poznatih youtubera raskrinkano da me uopće više ništa ne čudi. Nevjerojatan je postotak raskrinkanih, a jezivo je pomisliti da ih sigurno ima još za koje ne znamo ali siguran sam da će se s vremenom saznati.

Inače, balda su već prije 3 godine počeli raskrinkavat, a ja tek recimo saznao danas za te stvari. Miče sa svojeg youtubea sve nepoželjne komentare i sad čitam da ovaj prvi video koji sam stavio o njemu, da taj najviše mrzi i da zna za taj video. A rabbit hole je jako dubok, nisam ni pokazao 90% toga što se sve pisalo na tom subredditu, možda neki drugi put. Stvari koje je bald pisao na PUA forumima strašno.
Ti mozda nisi PUA, ali zato ni ne jebes :lol:

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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by hitman_4 » 05 Nov 2023, 09:54

metju perija su ilaminati sredili!!



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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 05 Nov 2023, 10:54

hitman_4 wrote:
05 Nov 2023, 09:54
metju perija su ilaminati sredili!!
ne, nego moja baba,rekla mi je da ga je žrtvovala đavlu da joj poveća penziju


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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 06 Nov 2023, 09:21

Danas za vas imam poslasticu i ne mogu vjerovat da tako nešto tek sad vidim. Ovo čak nije ni raskrinkavanje u čistom smislu ali je na rubu jer ne zna se što je bilo u pismu. Radi se o sprovodu Georgea HW Busha, onaj najstariji Bush. Bili su mnogi poznati ljudi i Obama, Soros, Trump. Trump nije dobio pismo, ali ostali jesu tijekom sprovoda. Hillary Clinton je isto bila. Ono što ćete vidjeti u videu je stvarno i nešto što se meče pod tepih i nitko ne pita zašto su tako reagirali. Postoji mnogo teorija što je u pismu neki kažu neka slika koja ih je šokirala, a neki kažu da je mlađi Bush im napisao "sve znaju, oprostite". Svi reagiraju na jebeno čudan način, a najviše na kraju videa brat od Busha doslovno je šokiran otvorenih ustiju što je to u pismu. Uglavnom, ili je slika ili je nešto kratko.

Love the different camera angles ready to go to capture almost all the envelopes and their reactions! Priceless!!!
Jeb and Laura look like they were having a massive panic attack, trapped like rabid dogs!! I wish I was a fly on the wall when they all got arrested!!!!
One of my favorite videos of all time.
"they know everything. Im sorry" - George W Bush
that’s what we’ve been told, but there’s no proof. Whatever Jeb saw, he couldn’t have read it in the split second it took to look at it. It is speculated that it could’ve been a picture.
I'm not exactly sure why the general public wasn't alarmed by this occurrence? Something quite significant happened here. The red flag was Laura Bush and Jeb Bush's reaction. Jeb looked like he saw a ghost and had the look of fear on his face. Laura looked shocked and then stared over at someone with an angry look on her face (I'm assuming at Donald Trump but that's speculation).

What in the hell scared Jeb to this level? Pence got a letter too which was interesting.

Going back to Jeb, he literally glanced at what Laura showed him and he instantly lost his shit. So it had to be a picture or a very short note written in large size font. Jeb has horrible eye sight so it had to be something easily recognized...

Damn, I guess we'll never truly know however, we know it was something significant.
I think the envelopes had pictures in them pictures of the husband's with minors on epsteins island only an image would be recognized that fast. Would explain alot since that list was still not released and after this epstein mysteriously died in prison, and ghislainne was arrested.
3:50 Look at the reaction of "Joe and Jill"... Donald knows Something. That's why they freaked out. Its massive!
Kao što vidite mnogo je teorija, a koja je točna :kokicarenje:
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by hitman_4 » 06 Nov 2023, 11:14

poznato je da je pravi trump umro još 2017. ali igraju se s nama!!



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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 14 Nov 2023, 09:26

Uh, kakvo raskrinkavanje danas imamo :supz:

Krenut ćemo sa nečim laganim, a to je Joe Rogan i njegova komedija i kako je uništio komediju jer budimo realni, tip je C kategorija stand up komičara dakle nije smiješan. Tu pogotovo Roganov frend, Bert Kreischer koji zaslužuje :facepalm:

Ovaj video analizira utjecaj njegovog utjecaja na svijet komedije.

Bert trying to explain what he thinks is some profound thought on the differences between comedians and peasants while Stavros laughs his ass off and makes fun of him could never get old 😂
Stavros telling to Bert's face that it's ridiculous to think he's different is probably the best podcast moment. Especially that he fakes being on Stav's side. My god does that man suck so much.
The fact that Bert Kreischer obsessively checks YouTube for videos criticizing him, makes me very happy that channels like yours exist
I didn’t expect this video to go down the path it did but I’m glad it did. The market built around this society of pseudo-intellectuals and productivity-maximizers has grown to absurd heights and the fact that it’s leeching into comedy is really depressing.
I’m so happy you brought this up. These clowns overstate their importance in society so bad. I’m listening to this on my earbuds as I frame a house. There are tens of millions of hard working men like me that actually keep the world turning.
“A golden age of mediocre comics selling out arenas” ..
Nailed it👌👍
Happy to see this pointed out. I've noticed these elite comedians pointing out how they think their brains are different and it ruins the comedy for me.
This channel presents EVERYTHING that I think and feel about all these comedians! Great work my friend and God Bless!
More people need to treat rogan like bill burr did. I’d tune in every episode for that level of realness
What do you mean when you say bill was just cool? I mean he didn't let rogan just say stupid shit and get away with it. He would point out the stupid behavior Joe presents where other guests would just go along with his ignorance like its meaningful and not just total embarrassing nonsense.
A sad na raskrinkavanje zbog čega i čitate ovu kultnu temu :P

Radi se o slavnom youtuberu boogie2988 i njegov kanal https://www.youtube.com/@boogie2988/videos

Ovako on izgleda i kao što vidite isti EX forumaš Cons. Čak imaju i isto godina, 49 :)

O čemu se radi, čemu je ovo raskrinkavaje? Paaaa, polako strpite se. Njegov youtube kanal se bavi sa video igricama (svaka sličnost sa EX forumašom Consom je slučajna) i priča o kulturi. Nedavno je izašao dokumentarac o njemu evo ga kojeg je i on promovirao no u dokumentarcu ćete naći kakav je zapravo on. Kako traži novce, a bogat je oko 2 milijuna dolara je njegov net worth. No, to nije o čemu ćemo pričati. Pogledajte dokumentarac, a evo i reakcija na dokumentarac da malo vidite o čemu govorim. Zapamtite, boogie promovira dokumentarac ali nije računao na hejt koji je dobio.

Can't believe we got such a high quality documentary posted on YouTube for free, let alone one that's about Boogie2988 out of all people. Insane
The job interview scene 29:19 is absolutely unreal. A team of satire writers couldn't have scripted something that absurd.
43:47 I would like to give this director an award, the scene in which Boogie2988 complains about his bills and has no idea what he can do to make money or lower his bills and is surrounded by his arcade machines is by far the best representation of how insane Boogie is. My friend, you are going places Mike.
This inspires me to not have self pity all the time or I’ll end up like Boogie.
seeing the young girl talk about not having a father figure broke my heart..
That poor girl deserves so much better. He's 100% taking advantage of her
The doc
umentary maker became too depressed by proxy from being around Boogie just for a few WEEKS - god knows what this girl has had to deal with all day every day for months. You can already see it in that speech he gives her about how he's pretty much facing impending health and financial doom.
He refuses to work. He does everything to avoid getting a job like everybody else. He turned his channel into a selfish self pity party that ruined him. Deserves everything. The quality of this documentary is stunning. Well done btw
If you're ever feeling down, watch this for five minutes, and you be up off your ass running away from the potential of this dudes future.
I feel no sympathy for this man, my heart breaks for his girlfriend, I truly hope she finds a way out of that situation.
bruh, shes 20 and he's almost 50. She has her entire life ahead of her, doesn't need to waste it on a pathetic narcissist that's broke.
At 26:25 he himself says he's a narcissist and then they have the psychiatrist list the ways in which he fits the category of a covert narcissist. Just watch that part and you'll see.
This is the single most depressing video on this site. It’s extremely well made. I have no doubt this channel is about to fucking explode.
the way he talked about women in the beginning, the “Arkansas 8 and LA 10” and then HIS GF SHOWING UP LATER MADE MY HEART DROP. that poor girl, he does not value her at all i hope she finds her selfworth, heals, and gets the fuck away from him
Na 07:10 možete vidjeti kako boogie uzima escort dame i plaća im sve da idu s njime. Escort dama daja intervju i na 8:24 kaže "spavanje sa boogiem je jedan od razloga zašto sam prekinula seks posao" :D vrh!

Uglavnom, tužan dokumentarac o raspadu jednog odraslog čovjeka. Kao što vidite u komentarima, pozelenio sam vam neke highlighste. Osim toga što još vidite u komentarima? Pa spominjanje neke cure jel tako. Hvala što ste se strpili jer tu dolazi twist. On ima 48 godina, a ona ima 20 godina. To je njegova kć... pardon njegova cura. Lik je manipulira, psihički lagano zlostavlja, a mala je naivna, nema oca, zbunjena i vjerojatno imao daddy isues. Ako već nećete pogledati cijeli dokumentarac, pogledajte kada ona dolazi na 33:01 pa sve do 36:00 degutantno.

I zbog toga je dobio najviše napada zbog čega je on počeo odgovarati "hejterima" i još se više zakopavati. Cure je neizgrađena, razlika je 29 godina. Pa ta cura je prije 3 godina imala 17, a on 46 o čemu pričamo više.

Evo još nekih videa. Video o njemu je napravio i legendarni youtube Penguiz koji će btw. dati nama intervju isključivo za horor hr tamnicu stay tuned za to već sam ga kontaktirao i specijalno će dati za našu zajednicu. :kokicarenje: :rock:

I don't get how you can spend $200,000 on "workers" while having a girlfriend.. That's truly insane.
Boogie's problem is he's comfortable.

He isn't changing because he's happy with how things are. His constant trauma dumping is less about actual pain and more about him loving the idea of defining his story as a tragedy.
The sex worker thing is really sad. He says he "deserves" these women (which he doesn't, no one is entitled to another person, sexually or romantically) but if he was so deserving then why does he have to pay for them? Wouldn't these women just want him anyway? The delusion there is crazy.
It was definitely eye opening. The fact they had to take a break recording because it was too depressing for the team is insanity. He’s a joy succubus, whose sole drive is making everyone feel miserable for him.
The best part of the boogie2988 documentary was the revelation that he was so disgusting he caused an escort to get educated and form a family
What I always found super crazy about him is that he was willing to throw away a cute wife for all this. Insanity.
I actually just watched this documentary last night, and holy crap it left me feeling depressed. To see somebody who at one point was one of the nicest people on the internet fall so hard is far and become such a horrible person is just sad.
I used to watch this guy every single day after school. I remember when I was 19 in rehab I was coming off of synthetic marijuana and for the first 3ish days I kept seeing hallucinations of him on the TV screen saying “hello everyone it’s boogie2988 coming to you live from the power of the Internet” not only was all of that the end of my drug career, but I never watched his channel ever again after that. That was almost 10 years ago.
My eyes have been opened. I feel like such an idiot for defending him at one point. All I can say is I’m so sorry.
The documentary was a hard watch. Figuring out one of my favorite childhood YouTubers is a terrible human was tuff. I don’t think he can get himself out of this one
Man, you hit the nail right on the head about this guy. Everything, literally everything, is 100% on him. He could quote literally STILL turn things around, but like you said, he speaks as if he’s a ghost. He’s given up a long time ago. Couldn’t think of a better opinion I’ve seen on this guy and his documentary so far. He’s a walking disaster, and it’s truly just sad, not pity wise, but a person who spiraled themselves into the ground sad.
Narcissists will never improve and never change because they don't want to change. They're incredibly egotistically, while simultaneously trapped in their insecurities and addictions. It's sad to see, but Boogie's fall from grace is a hard lesson he'll need to learn before any change really happens.
Kako penguiz kaže 1:48 "boogie je počeo kao cijenjeni youtuber content creator i postao je joke". Kaže da je dobio nagradu za mister nice guy u gaming community :zubifale: kakva maska.

Da, nije dobra osoba.

Youtuber Joon the King je isto napravio video o njemu. Dosta youtubera rade o njemu videa i raskrinkavaju ga.
00:00 Intro
1:36 Recap
6:10 Twitter obsession and massive lies
19:57 Slight recovery with experimentation
22:43 Christopher Tom
26:58 What is a lolcow
27:34 More Inconsistencies
29:28 Frankly a Hassle
35:50 Even more inconsistencies
39:35 Boogie is rich
45:00 Losing money and losing it
59:55 McJuggerNuggets initial falling out
1:01:53 H3H3 falling out
1:05:34 Failed commitments and continued embarrassments
1:09:55 Boogie is no longer rich
1:13:05 Was possibly improving
1:15:45 Needs you help, Boogie lost his fortune and things get worse
1:26:54 The fight saga
1:31:40 Down to his last 17k and creating more trouble
1:34:06 New girlfriend controversy
1:37:47 Conclusion

I always had a problem with boogie, using your trauma to identify and relate yourself to your audience is fine. Using your trauma to manipulate your audience is not. I seriously hate people who think just because they went through something traumatic and difficult in their lives they are entitled to things or expect something from people, and then use it to manipulate you.
You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain
This is an incredible piece of human psychology
Boogie was playing a character by a character in a character inside of a character.
Boogie, proof that the victim card eventually runs out.
“The more you hate, the more I’m loved”
That aged well
Youtuber SunnyV2 je isto napravio video o njemu.

People like Boogie make me really thankful that I never took on YouTube as a full time career, which would require a major overhaul of my content, sacrificing my privacy, mental state and relationships in the process. I'm incredibly fortunate to be able to work full time in video marketing, putting my experience as a YouTuber to good use and still having time to do YouTube stuff on the side "for fun". I regret 0 of my decisions because of that
i cant stress enough to not give money to these youtubers, they don’t appreciate you, they aren’t your friend.
I try not to be a gullible person, but I'll never forget the betrayal I felt when I found out Boogie had been putting on a mask all the years I watched him. I loved his Francis character, and I had always thought that Steven was a genuinely nice guy, until he revealed who he truly was. It's honestly hard for me to have any sympathy for him
Moral of boogie's story: Don't use your audience as a substitute for actual therapy
Boogie prijeti da će ubiti jednog lika koji ga snima i zapucao je :kokicarenje:

It’s so bizarre to think that a decade ago Boogie was hailed as the Mr Rogers of YouTube.
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 14 Nov 2023, 11:07

ova mala mu je kćer?


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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 14 Nov 2023, 11:17

Ta mala mu je djevojka :D kad ćeš imati vremena, pogledaj sve što sam stavio jer je luuudoooo
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 14 Nov 2023, 11:24

Michel wrote:
14 Nov 2023, 11:17
Ta mala mu je djevojka :D kad ćeš imati vremena, pogledaj sve što sam stavio jer je luuudoooo
pedofilčina, booolesno


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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Inferno » 15 Nov 2023, 13:39

Michel wrote:
14 Nov 2023, 11:17
Ta mala mu je djevojka :D kad ćeš imati vremena, pogledaj sve što sam stavio jer je luuudoooo
Boli te kurac koga će neki debeli amer na drugoj strani planeta karinđat, get a life :lol:

Da bar vrate javne radove za socijalce da manje tu prdiš

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