Loving Vincent (2017)

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Loving Vincent (2017)

Post by Michel » 07 Feb 2018, 22:42



Directors: Dorota Kobiela, Hugh Welchman
Writers: Dorota Kobiela, Hugh Welchman
Stars: Douglas Booth, Jerome Flynn, Robert Gulaczyk

A year after the death of the artist, Vincent van Gogh, Postman Roulin gets his slacker son, Armand, to hand deliver the artist's final letter written to his now late brother, Theo, to some worthy recipient after multiple failed postal delivery attempts. Although disdainful of this seemingly pointless chore, Armand travels to Auvers-sur-Oise where a purported close companion to Vincent, Dr. Gachet, lives. Having to wait until the doctor returns from business, Armand meets many of the people of that village who not only knew Vincent, but were apparently also models and inspirations for his art. In doing so, Armond becomes increasingly fascinated in the psyche and fate of Van Gogh as numerous suspicious details fail to add up. However, as Armond digs further, he comes to realize that Vincent's troubled life is as much a matter of interpretation as his paintings and there are no easy answers for a man whose work and tragedy would only be truly appreciated in the future.

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Post by Michel » 07 Feb 2018, 22:43

Loving Vincent (2017) - i nešto najbolje što sam pogledao od prošle godine ali nije igrani film. Animirani je film o najvećem slikaru u povijesti, velikom Vincentu Van Goghu. Film je ukratko genijalan na koji je način napravljen i kako. Prvo, animacije je fantastična. Preko 100 drugih slikara je uzelo njegove slike i nacrtalo iz njegovih slika te likove. Van Gogh je bio poznat što je slikao prave ljude i ti ljudi su u ovom filmu i govore o njemu. Svatko od tih ljudi koji su postojali su i u stvarnosti tada govorili o njemu tako da pratimo jednog mladića kojemu je njegov otac ostavio pismo koje mora dostaviti Vincentu ali je saznao da se on ubio i tako dolazi u to mjesto i počinje ispitivati sve te ljude kakav je bio Van Gogh. Pa i počinje lagana rekonstrukcija događaja. Ne znam što da kažem osim da me emotivno ubio jer iako nisam dovoljno upoznat sa slikarstvom kao takvim ali eto na Van Gogha sam uvijek bio slab i uvijek sam bio fasciniran sa njegovim slikama. Prekrasan animirani film koji svakome preporučujem. Počeo slikati tek sa 28 godina, ubio se sa 37 i u tih 8 godina preko 800 slika.

"You took your life
As lovers often do;
But I could have told you
This world was never
Meant for one
As beautiful as you."

8=========o/8==========o (9/10)
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