Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

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Re: Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

Post by Inferno » 27 Oct 2023, 06:08

ima nešta u šta ne vjeruješ?

vjeruješ u kojekakve iluminate, demone, ravnu zemlju, vanzemaljce, sad još i jebene vukodlake....

šta je sljedeće? vampiri? goblini?

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Re: Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

Post by Michel » 05 Mar 2024, 18:42

Ima jedan kanal koji volim pratiti zove se MR SLAV i tip je to iz istočne europe obučen u adidas trenirku i istražuje zanimljive stvarne slučajeve. Danas sam pogledao čisti horor. Dakle, radi se o stvarnom incidentu ... l_accident gdje je umrlo više ljudi duboko ispod vode jer su radili na polu uronjivoj bušilici i kako je dolje atmosfera pod vodom, moraju proći svakavke stvari. Ali uglavnom, više ljudi poginulo, a jedan od njih je bio usisan kroz otvor od veličine 60 centimetra i usisan je i 0.1 sekundi i njegovo čitavo tijelo se skroz raspalo. Ovo su njegovi ostaci ULAZ U SLIKU NA VLASTITU ODGOVORNOST. ... 5y4b1.webp

Koliko sam ja shvatio, većina njegovih organa prvo je izašla kroz ranu, a onda je usisana kroz rupu od 60 cm zbog razlike u tlaku. Dakle, ovo mora biti ono što je ostalo s druge strane. Gadna smrt, ali čovjek vjerojatno nije ni niš osjetio, ali samo zamislite koliko to mora biti jako da te tako usisne unutra kroz otvor od 60 centimetra. Svaka čast ljudima koji tamo rade jer čitam ima dosta incidenata oko tih stvari. Diferencijalni tlak nije zafrkancija.

10 minuta traje video

The chipmunk voices are because of the trimix they're using in their scuba tanks. A mixture of oxygen, nitrogen and helium - the last one in particular is responsible for the voice pitch change. They need to breathe this mixture, because regular oxygen in deeper depths would give them a condition called nitrogen narcosis.
The sucking into the pipe was terrifying. They could save the trapped divers, but they didn't for some reason... Not only the divers were injured by the really strong suction, they also were covered in oil and were left dying there for days. One of the worst deaths possible. I really hope they passed out from the oil fumes or lack of oxygen in the first hours, otherwise their death probably was very agonizing
Hi, scuba diver here! I'm only going to talk about the last incident, as the others don't focus much on what I want to talk about. Those guys were working at 300 feet below sea level and were under 9 atmospheres of pressure. For context, the lowest you can go for leisure diving is 130 feet (40m), which is about 4.9 to 5 atmospheres. And another thing - they were working, as said, at 300 feet below sea level. In diving, there's something called the MOD (Maximum Operating Depth), which the oxygen/nitrogen mix you're breathing is no longer safe to breathe due to (i think) pressure. The two most popular mixes are air (obviously) and 32% oxygen. The MOD for air is 214 feet, and the MOD for 32 is 111 feet. So, you might be asking: how are these guys breathing? The answer is the same as to why they have chipmunk voices: they are breathing a special, expensive oxygen/nitrogen/helium mix. The addition of helium not only gives them chipmunk voices but also allows for breathing with lower oxygen levels, and therefore more depth. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
The fact that the GoPro just showed how quickly it happens is just purely terrifying it’s almost like the way nocliping looks between the two areas it almost looks like it was straight from Kane pixels series
Pressure differences can even be dangerous on land, when you are working in an airplane and have the doors closed, the pressure can slowly rise because of the ventilation, this once caused an accident in my workplace where an aircraft mechanic wanted to open the plane door and because of the higher pressure the door shot open and the worker flew around 12meters away where he was found with multiple broken bones, in another case 2 workers wanted to open the door from the outside and both died because they got hit by the extremely fast moving door and fell around 3meters deep onto concrete
I jedan drugi video koji animacijom prikazuje jako detaljno.

This is horrific! Time to add all of it to my novels.
Being blinked out of existence in a nanosecond sounds like a pretty decent way to go, actually. No pain, no probably don't even realize that it happened.
Known as explosive decompression, instant millisecond death, those who died had no idea that they died!
The autopsy report is pretty horrific.

As a former oilfield worker (seperate sector), it doesn't surprise me. A lot of companies penny pinch when it comes to communication, proper tools, etc. Every job does in reality, it's just most jobs aren't as potentially dangerous.
Out of all the dangerous jobs out there this is definitely the scariest.
I have quit my job working in oil and gas technician, for reasons like this. From my experience, the management will always push us to do shortcuts and unsafe acts for KPI and to save money, and if an accident like this happens, they will %100 blame it on us for being unsafe🤷🏻‍♂️
This is the best, clearest explanation I've ever watched for understanding the pressure changes that happen that deep under the water and how that affects the body.
Once you know this story, it never leaves you.
I've actually read the accident report on this incident. It had photos and everything of the deceased. Several of the photos looked like slabs of meat, and underneath the photo it would say stuff like "Part of the deceased's torso", and I'm looking at it like "How can you even tell?! And how can you tell this pile of meat from the pile of meat in that other photo?"
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Re: Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

Post by Inferno » 06 Mar 2024, 09:08

Socijalac nađi posao

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