Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by john_constantine » 19 May 2023, 07:58

Jedini koji se sramoti si ti, Michel. Ljudi lažu dok je svijeta. Čak si i sam pokazao kako je manipulirati podacima u svojoj temi Razotkrijmo Consa i ostale klonove.

Osim toga, ne znam zašto mislite da se bogati i moćnici bave pedofilijom? Jer si mogu priluštiti? Jbt, pa prosječno stanovništvo, srednji i siromašni sloj bolje siluje vlastitu djecu nego ti bogataši o čemu fantazirate.

Cijeli tekstovi su samo urbana fantazija kojima se hrane nepismeni, siromašni i neobrazovani sloj koji mora negdje izbacivati frustracije.
Michel puši karu.

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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Inferno » 19 May 2023, 14:33

Hoce biti u ovom upcoming Barbi filmu neke masonske simbolike?

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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by hitman_4 » 22 May 2023, 15:39

M može razotrivanje liver kinga. taj lik je najveća prevara ikad




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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by john_constantine » 22 May 2023, 20:14

hitman_4 wrote:
22 May 2023, 15:39
M može razotrivanje liver kinga. taj lik je najveća prevara ikad

To se kao ne vidi?
Michel puši karu.

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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Inferno » 27 May 2023, 14:06

Slabo nešto idu razotkrivanja? Još ću zatvor dobit

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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 13 Jun 2023, 06:34

hitman_4 wrote:
22 May 2023, 15:39
M može razotrivanje liver kinga. taj lik je najveća prevara ikad

Pratio sam tu trakavicu ali mi nije bilo zanimljivo ali sam gledao par videa gdje prije nego što se otkrilo da je na roidsima, on to negira a vidi se da je. I sad se svima ispričava i govori da više nikad neće uzimati roidse.

Al evo razotkrivanje koje pratim jako dugoooo i ovo je mjesečna kulminacija svega toga. Brendan Schaub - za one koji ne znaju tko je on... Bivši UFC borac koji je pobijedio Mirka, prijatelj od Rogana i stand up komičar. Ali osim toga lik je tipični bully iz američkih filmova ne previše pametan i patološki lažljivac. Fokusirat ćemo se na njegov stand up i kakav je komičar. Ukratko, najgori ikad što vidite i po ovome https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10171746/ i najgori stand up koji sam ja ikad pogledao https://www.imdb.com/title/tt19847670/? ... ims_tt_t_1 zbog tog stand upa svi oko njega čak i ljude koje zna, s kojima je dobar počeli su ga ismijavati. Neki bi rekli nepotrebno ali Bapa (takav mu je nadimak) je sam kriv za sve pa krenimo.

Prije tjedan dana izašao je ovaj video jedan od mnogih koji ga raskrinkavaju kako krade od drugih fore, kako ga svi polako ostavljaju, kako pokušava pojebati cure od svojih prijatelja, i nek njegove kolege su izašli sa prljavim tajnama što se događa iza kulisa njegovog podcast fighter and the kid.

The fact that anyone ever pays to go to see him at a standup is among the most baffling things I’ve ever heard.
Brendan is Steven Seagal of our generation
Brendan Schaub is Joe Rogan's greatest joke
You could just hear in his voice how proud he was for habitually peeing in a sink. Dude was dead-ass excited every time he found an opportunity to bring it up.
I love how he gets mad and shuts down anyone that brings up any MMA opinions that aren’t his. In his mind he’s the absolute authority on all things MMA
I feel bad for Joe Rogan he helped Schaub in so many ways because he was his friend but this guy just keeps making him look bad he even used Joe's name to threat Bobby lee.
The fact that Joe Rogan AND Theo Von stopped being around and supporting him speaks volumes to how bad things have gotten. Joe and Theo where always the nicest guys to him and always tried to push him to be better. Theo trying to get him into rehab was his last straw no doubt in my mind. His last desperate attempt to help his friend failed. I'm surprised Joe, Theo, and CO haven't tried to intervene with him, same with Bert.
Steve-O low-key making fun of Brendan Schaub's comedy abortion specials has brightened my day.
Drama između Bape i tigerbelly i bobby leea

You can tell Bobby wasn't really ok with it. I lost a lot of respect for her and her gaslighting bobby saying he picked the guy for her cause he really liked him. Its disgusting and I feel bad for Bobby.
I feel so bad for Bobby. He's totally and completely innocent in all of this and doesn't deserve any of this
Callen sucks, Khalyla sucks, Brendan is the worst. Bobby please get away from the entire LA podcast scene. It’s high school type drama that’s embarrassing.
I definitely feel like Schaub was 100 percent wrong in this situation, but simultaneously I feel like the Lee/Kuhn relationship is not healthy. Bobby goes into like little boy mode being scolded by his mother. It's not a normal relationship. And because he is so weak she can easily manipulate him.
I slažem se s ovim zelenim komentarem cijela te scena oko Rogana i njegovih prijatelja komičara kao neka srednja škola i najjače od svega je što si stvaraju neki kult stand up komičara, a to su vam tek treći rang kvalitete. Nisu A kategorija kao recimo Bill Burr ili Dave Chapelle.

Raskrinkavanje njegovog zadnjeg specijala koji je stvarno najgori koji sam ikad gledao.

I ovdje vam je ako želite pogledati bez seciranja kompletno cijeli. Toliko je loš, susramlje će vas hvatati ali morate pogledati da bi vjerovali.

"Gringo Papi was so bad it stole future laughs away from me."

That one line was better than the entire special.
Whoever gave him a special is the one with the sense of humour
My favorite part of this video is seeing that imdb tagged the special as “horror”
There are two different ways of being laughed at as a comedian. This is a perfect example of the one you don't want
This isn’t a comedy special, it’s special comedy
You know it’s a Brendan Schaub stand up special when the comments are funnier than the actual video
One of the most interesting things about this special is that he said it was 4 years in the making. Yet half of it involves the pandemic which is 2 years old now. So it took him 4 years to come up with 12 minutes of jokes about Mexican food being spicy.
As a Mexican, this shit was insultingly bad. I wouldn’t mind the stereotypes if the jokes were actually funny
Steve O ga prca :lol:

Čak ga i Logan i ovi iz njegovog podcasta odjebali na najgori mogući način

Schaub should have clowned them back. He's supposed to be a comedian. Imagine if they talked to Bill Burr that way what a roasting he would have given them.
Logan is notorious for liking someone when they are popular. But the minute that changes he will completely switch up from what I've seen. Not suprised.
I think this is the only time I’ve ever felt sorry for schaub lol
As big as Schaub is, it blows me away he doesn’t call them out for their disrespect. But that’s Bapa, and Bapa just goes
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 13 Jun 2023, 11:01

ovaj brendan schaub je osramotio cro cop-a za sva vremena


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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by hitman_4 » 13 Jun 2023, 12:22

šaub je prava slika americkog seronje.. njega je rogan lansirao u svijet podcasta i komedije. ono što petrak, hambi i naši lokalni mma influenseri rade sada, to su šaub i rogan započeli i radili prije 10 godina. zaradio brdo para, boli ga k.. uvijek će imati publiku zbog rogana i mma fanova


jebo je rondu rousey dok je bila u najjebozovnijoj fazi :D

poznato odgovoranje od mma karijere. čekam sam petraka kad će to iskopirati na pejiću i sl. :D



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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 14 Jun 2023, 00:49

Evo još malo raskrinkavanja njegovih laži :)

What’s crazy to me is the fact that almost everything he lies about can be easily disproven, yet he just keeps doing it lol.
The problem with the way he lies is he does it on the spot. He doesn't rehearse this stuff. He doesn't prepare for questions or some sort of punchline. He does this because he doesn't realize how transparent, how naked he is while everyone surrounding him does. Criticism does so much to him because it only comes from a place of harsh truth.
"I ruined my relationship with Dave Chappelle" he never had a relationship with Dave 😅😂
it's like listening to a child telling a story & at the end of it, we tap his head "good job, buddy"
This is sooooo painful to watch. How do his friends not role their eyes to the back of their head.
Brendan knows these people are too famous to watch his podcast to find out hes lying and interact with so many people they wouldnt remember if they said that or not
The Casey Affleck one has blown my mind honestly. Even by Brenda’s standards
So in Brenda's stories, there's just a bunch of super famous people recognizing and complementing him ??🤣😂
A ovo tek :zubifale:

The way Shane Gillis didn’t even acknowledge Brendan and kept talking and keeping eye contact with Bryan was awesome
One of my biggest flaws is that I am always speaking over people. Watching this makes me re-live every time I've done it, and my skin is currently on fire.
You weren't kidding, him interrupting is so damn annoying. Theo's reactions were priceless
Koliko je toga ukrao od drugih :jawbreaker:

Kako laže o svojoj karijeri u NFL koju nikad nije imao

Schaub went undrafted in the 2006 NFL Draft but would be signed with the Arena Football League's Utah Blaze, before being released in November 2006 without making the roster
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 14 Jun 2023, 03:01

Lažovčina židovska


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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Inferno » 15 Jun 2023, 17:23

Koji ti kurac shareaš, koga zaboli za to. Nađi si neki posao pliz.

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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 20 Jun 2023, 23:18

Evo još jedno mini razotkrivanje Bape morate ovo pogledati :lol:

classic. The dude is literally "too good" to fake ONE hamstring. He had to fake 2.
I’ve blown my hamstring in football and track both times I immediately fell on the ground and had to have help walking, Brendan faked the shit out of this
The hidden cringe is when he says “shut up!” Stealing from Delia…it’s so awkward. I will never understand why someone doesn’t say hey you’re stealing Delia’s bits..do you realize that?
I tore my hamstring. It bruised all down the leg like the picture you showed. It's horrible. I have a bunch of scar tissue and strains if I run 100 percent speed. Just another reason to hate Schlob. Terrible person.
Lol the thing is…he says it with such confidence like he’s an experienced runner of 20+ years 💀💀💀💀 this is a perfect example of all gas, no brakes. He doesn’t know how to stop himself for the life of his hamstrings 😂
This was one of the funniest lies! It was obviously just a cramp because he doesn’t hydrate! God he’s such a clown it’s unbelievable
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 21 Jun 2023, 00:04

Ja bi rađe da se šupčić zelenski razotkrije...


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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by hitman_4 » 23 Jun 2023, 17:12

Code: Select all

imbex otkriva, vrhunski gugl translejt članak

pa kad bolje razmislim bolje da mi leš pojedu ribe nego crvi



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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 25 Jun 2023, 02:13

Kakvo raskrinkavanje :lol:

"The fighter wants to be a comedian and the comedian wants to be a fighter" lmfao perfect description
"I bet you I've been in more fights than you!"

- Bryan "the kid" Callen, to a guy who fought in the UFC professionally.
Callen cracks me up, I remember that podcast where joe is saying you've been hanging around with people who let you speak like that for too long, brilliant and funny as
That streetfight argument was the most insecure thing ever. He's on the verge of tears lol. Man imagine beeing like this in your 50s. That whole podcast crew is stuck in highschool.
Brian callen is a trained street fighter. He’s had 30 years experience and knows all the button combinations
Bryan Callen reminds me of the guy who would try to self apply a nickname like "Mad Dog Bryan Callen" - but it never caught on and he's upset about it.
Callen: "I had a car, a white Acura". "I had an axe handle, it was a hickory axe handle". Straight out of the Amber Heard book, tells us the fine details that have no relevance so they will definitely believe its a real story.
Kakva nesigurna osoba :prayer: 56 godina ima :facepalm:

That sleep apnea joke made me laugh so hard I couldn't breathe lol
Brian somehow convinced the whole world hes a wannabe tough guy. Probably one of the best trolls in comedy, dude doesnt even try to hide his smile and still he gets em
You can see Sasso's skill in how flawlessly every "shh" was placed. Its literally like a kung fu master blocking every blow flawlessly.
God bless Will Sasso.
Imagine being a Bryan Callen fan.
Bryan Callen is the toughest guy ever in his own mind.
a below average comedian pretending he can fight and a below average fighter pretending to do comedy, add in all of the allegations and you've got a true recipe for detestability

If you watch this at 0.75 speed, it sounds like two old drunks telling fake fight stories. It is truly brilliant.
Sensei Callen, A true warrior poet
Bryan’s first words to his dad was “there is a real man in the house now”.
Damn Bryan he's such a scary guy 🤣🤣🤣
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