Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by john_constantine » 10 Jun 2022, 11:31

John_Ryder wrote:
10 Jun 2022, 11:17
Znači nema toga Mišel, izgleda da si jedini uvjeren u neke stvari
Lik vjeruje svemu što drugi kažu... Ja mogu napisati članak da je filmofil gay pod drugim nickom, a michel će povjerovati i širiti dalje
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 10 Jun 2022, 12:21

John_Ryder wrote:
10 Jun 2022, 11:17
Znači nema toga Mišel, izgleda da si jedini uvjeren u neke stvari
Kako nema, to je dobro istraženo još od 80ih godina malo se educirajte https://www.24sata.hr/news/misterij-crn ... mrt-568203 - ako ne znate tko je on što bih vam ja https://www.jutarnji.hr/vijesti/hrvatsk ... 6-15007916 - https://www.24sata.hr/news/sotonist-iz- ... klu-728740

Danas za crnu ružu govore da je mit samo ovi poput Consa koji ionako ne vjeruju u ništa. Samoubojstva i ubojstva su se događala, ali opet kažem najveć trik koji je vrag izveo je da uvjeri kako on ne postoji tako i ovo sa crnom ružom. I consov argument je to je netko pričao i to je to :facepalm: to nema veze s vezom niti ikakvim argumentom. Postoje puno osoba koje su pričale o tome i izvještavalo se o tome.

U Varaždinu imaš čovjeka koji se zove Nebojša Buđanovac, desetljećima se bavi s osobama koje su izašle iz crne ruže, maloljetnici i ima udrugu anđeli čuvari https://dnevnik.hr/vijesti/hrvatska/crn ... jstvo.html
Socijalni pedagog Nebojša Buđanovac, predsjednik varaždinske udruge 'Anđeli čuvari', svaki se dan susreće s mladima koji ne znaju kako izići na kraj sa svojim problemima. Posebno je zanimljivo što se Buđanovac otvoreno bori protiv sotonističkih sekti.
Ovo je bilo 2010. godine
'Postoji sekta koja navodi na suicid mlade ljude. Dali smo joj 'radni' naziv 'Crna ruža' zato što još uvijek ne znamo kako njezini idejni tvorci i osnivači nazivaju sami sebe. S tom sektom doveli smo u izravnu vezu šest samoubojstava mladih u Hrvatskoj u posljednje četiri godine, a moguće je da ih je bilo i mnogo više. Međutim, za tih šest samoubojstava imali smo konkretne dokaze u dnevnicima koje su mladi ostavljali za sobom, svjedočanstavima roditelja i poznanika. O tome smo obavijestili i policiju. Ta samoubojstva dogodila su se na području Varaždinske, Bjelovarsko-bilogorske, Primorsko-goranske i Vukovarsko–srijemske županije. No, postoje indicije da, osim u Istri, Rijeci i Primorju, Varaždinu i Slavoniji, 'Crna ruža' djeluje i u drugim sredinama', rekao je Buđanovac za Slobodnu Dalmaciju.
Naravno, ovo zeleno isto Consu nije dokaz to je siguran sam po Consu taj pedagog izmislio tek ovako. Ti Cons imaš problem sam sa sobom, najzadrtiji skeptik kojeg sam ikad vidio što je najgore Cons zbilja misli da je ovo sve izmišljeno, svi ti članci, ovaj video dole sve je to izmišljeno ali eto Cons vjeruje nekom čovjeku koji je rekao da je to mit a ne svemu ovome. Bolesno.

Imaš i po ostalim gradovima https://dnevnik.hr/vijesti/hrvatska/biv ... u-krv.html

https://www.dnevno.hr/planet-x/u-varazd ... a-1411637/

Ovaj je bio Crna Zora https://www.vecernji.hr/vijesti/bio-sam ... kla-237248

Imaš takvih slučajeva mali milijun niš čudno sekte postoje ako imaš fanatičnih vjernika, scijentologa normalno da imaš i ostale ekstreme poput sotonista mislim na one teističke sotoniste koji su sekte.

Tako da sereš i to konstantno radiš o tematici koju ne razumiješ niti se dovoljno istražio i za koju ti je netko rekao da je mit i eto to tako mora biti a s druge strane imaš doslovno udrugu anđeli čuvari i tog Nebojšu koji desetljećima radi sa ljudima koji su izašli iz sekta i onda imaš ovaj gore link, ovaj tu https://www.vecernji.hr/vijesti/bio-sam ... kla-237248 i takvih slučajeva imaš jako puno.

U Zadru isto postoji, 616 sotonistička sekta iliti ga Mysterium Aloim https://net.hr/danas/crna-kronika/jeziv ... 42ac13003f

Ali naravno Cons, to su sve mitovi jel tako. Jebote, ti ne bi vjerovao ni da ti opali šamar ti bi rekao neee, to nije šamar karikiram. Tako da Ryderu ne brini, sve ti je tu a i još više ako želiš. O stranim da ne pričam. Pogledaj ovo kad su novinari bili novinari

Nevjerojatno mi je uopće da u ovo netko ne vjeruje. Znači postoje psihopati, sociopati, serijski ubojice, genocidi, masovna samoubojstva (Jonestown) i razno razne vjerske sekte toliko toga postoji i netko onda izvali da sotonističke sekte su mit :facepalm: na n-tu. Ne da nisu mit, već ih posvuda ima samo treba znati istraživati. Onak, postoji doslovno udruga anđeli čuvari koji spašavaju mlade od ralja sotonizma i onda ovaj blento dođe i kaže da je to mit hahaha.
Last edited by Michel on 10 Jun 2022, 12:27, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 10 Jun 2022, 12:24

john_constantine wrote:
10 Jun 2022, 11:31
John_Ryder wrote:
10 Jun 2022, 11:17
Znači nema toga Mišel, izgleda da si jedini uvjeren u neke stvari
Lik vjeruje svemu što drugi kažu... Ja mogu napisati članak da je filmofil gay pod drugim nickom, a michel će povjerovati i širiti dalje
A ti vjeruješ jer je neka osoba rekla da je mit i ponavljaš ko papagaj. Ja vjerujem udrugama, osobama koje istražuju to, novinarima i povijesti. Tome vjerujem i sve uvijek argumentiram s linkovima. U sve ulazim kao skeptik ali ako je nešto očito, onda je očito. Znači ti vjeruješ nekom liku koji je rekao da je mit a ja vjerujem psihoterapeutu koji se desetljećima bavi ovom tematikom i doslovno izvlači mlade iz ralja sotonizma. Vjerujem i ovom momku koji je izašao iz toga https://www.vecernji.hr/vijesti/bio-sam ... kla-237248 i rekao je svoje puno ime i prezime, a takvih slučajeva koji se boje izaći imaš mali milijun ili ti misliš da taj lik sa linka izmišlja to je tvoja paranoja. Tako da da Cons, vjerujem tim ljudima, udrugama za razliku od tebe koji negira očito. Našamaralo te ko mrtva magarca.
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by john_constantine » 10 Jun 2022, 13:26

Michel wrote:
10 Jun 2022, 12:24
john_constantine wrote:
10 Jun 2022, 11:31
John_Ryder wrote:
10 Jun 2022, 11:17
Znači nema toga Mišel, izgleda da si jedini uvjeren u neke stvari
Lik vjeruje svemu što drugi kažu... Ja mogu napisati članak da je filmofil gay pod drugim nickom, a michel će povjerovati i širiti dalje
A ti vjeruješ jer je neka osoba rekla da je mit i ponavljaš ko papagaj. Ja vjerujem udrugama, osobama koje istražuju to, novinarima i povijesti. Tome vjerujem i sve uvijek argumentiram s linkovima. U sve ulazim kao skeptik ali ako je nešto očito, onda je očito. Znači ti vjeruješ nekom liku koji je rekao da je mit a ja vjerujem psihoterapeutu koji se desetljećima bavi ovom tematikom i doslovno izvlači mlade iz ralja sotonizma. Vjerujem i ovom momku koji je izašao iz toga https://www.vecernji.hr/vijesti/bio-sam ... kla-237248 i rekao je svoje puno ime i prezime, a takvih slučajeva koji se boje izaći imaš mali milijun ili ti misliš da taj lik sa linka izmišlja to je tvoja paranoja. Tako da da Cons, vjerujem tim ljudima, udrugama za razliku od tebe koji negira očito. Našamaralo te ko mrtva magarca.
Ja ne vjerujem nikome osim sebi.
Michel puši karu.

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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Inferno » 10 Jun 2022, 14:30

A zašto su te navodne sotonističke sekte kod nas tako mirne i kao skrivene?

Čovjek bi očekivao da će biti glasniji ak su već tu.

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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by john_constantine » 10 Jun 2022, 17:49

John_Ryder wrote:
10 Jun 2022, 11:17
Znači nema toga Mišel, izgleda da si jedini uvjeren u neke stvari
Mene više zanima koji filmovi napadaju kršćane?
I zašto se kršćani uvijek osjećaju ugroženi?
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 13 Jun 2022, 15:34


We are watching prophecy unfold, right before our very eyes. Praying for all of my brothers and sisters🙏🏼
I’m at 7:32 in this video & imo this is the most intense Jason A video I’ve seen out of the 3-4yrs I’ve watched this channel. It amazes me that with everything going on & having a literal playbook playing out before one’s very eyes that ppl can still meander through life believing that we are no more than a happenstance & not of intelligent design blows my mind 🤯. God is real & his son Jesus Christ, Yeshua the one true son of God is real & I pray 🙏 ppl realize this. Wow what an amazing video…
Nothing strange is happening; it's all been predicted to occur and the Bible explains it all.

Get your house in order, immediately.
It's not just going to be a spiritual war, but also a physical one, King David fought for God, and now we have to FIGHT for God...
Your right, we have to get our house in order immediately....
Everything that we ever thought to be fake is now coming to light that's what's happening and it's been showing inside these movies and TV shows now it's right in our backyards.
Something weird is happening! Something demonic.
Our world is getting dangerous by the minute, no doubt, it's crazy that many people are blinded to what is going on in our world.
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 13 Jun 2022, 17:49

evo sad će nas posjetit i popričat s nama, samo što nisu, LOL


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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 15 Jun 2022, 05:23

In the past 20 years, the USA has had multiple role actors, using prosthetics, latex masks, makeup, and aging tools, wigs, fake mustaches, contacts, to fool the masses. They are all hypocrites/actors, not someone who is voted into office. That’s part of the grand illusion of the media, run by the cabal. The underlying skeletal structures and mannerisms are the same. For more detailed photos comparing each of these entities, see my IG page. There’s quite a few, all related, all from Nephilim bloodlines in world leadership. Voting means nothing.
Prije sam znao dosta istraživati o false flag operacijama, crisis actorima, pogotovo te pucnjave u školi. Nisam dugo jer je sve teže to dobro istražiti pošto youtube sve briše ali evo malo. Pogledajte ovo i onda mi recite da je ovo stvarno. Ovo je ono što se zadnje dogodilo u Texasu opet false flag, čisti hoax da bi zabranili oružja u americi. Ovo u videu tu nema suza, čak se i smiju u jednom trenutku koja gluma jebote.

Look at these clowns fake crying and trying not to laugh it is a crime against humanity. People should investigate this a lot further.
They need to hire better acting coaches. The high squeaky voice as an approximation of grief is
This is the worst crisis actor ive seen yet. Wowzers
That’s the same victim Amiri from the other videos with the biological father Alfred Garza. Who is this guy in the pink, this isn’t her father, am I the only one catching this? The other video has another man as her father, same child
Hope this guy gets what's coming honestly.
This guy deserves an Oscar where are the real tears , daughter just got blown away and him and everybody else is doing interviews that same day the next day wake up people,
I jedan komentar od osobe koja je očito još nova u tim false flag operacijama. Vidi se da i takvoj osobi koja još nije probuđena, da tu nešto smrdi.
This looks staged….how would a “grieving parent” be able to walk around with a reporter and interview after supposedly having your child slaughtered by a mass shooter? Something about this whole event seems odd
I evo jedan je odgovorio na taj komentar, puno iskusniji gdje se vidi da osoba koja je dala odgovor, zna što se događa.
There’s never any tears. Now they call this dad a step dad because they got caught using the same pic of the little girl with two different dads. You can see this guy interviewed by Anderson cooper and another dad interviewed by Samantha Guthrie. The other dad didn’t even pretend to cry. Very odd given your child was murdered.
Idemo dalje
Crisis actors! Money Power Gun/Control.
# 1 is the same girl they use over and over again!
Boston Crisis Hoax Sandy Hoax😮
Evo i video sa Odysee pogledajte 8 minuta vam traje.
Ooops! Now how could that be? Our government would not lie to us about a shooting to have excuses for trying to take our guns would they?

Anyone can take an old photo of a person from a family album, and give it any name and birth date one chooses. When that person disappears without a trace, you can claim that was for any reason one wishes.

That appears to have been the method used for Sandy Hook. Was it used here as well? Certainly looks like it.
Keep denying the False Flag theory. WAY too many weird coincidences colliding into pure tragedy. Uvalde police refusing to cooperate and repeatedly lying only enforces the theory.
it was staged thats why they wouldnt let the cops go in .wake up
I still believe sandy hook was a inside job ….this guy killing kids in Texas is very similar to how “Adam lanza”began his shooting massacre from killing their own mother or grandmother to police doing “active shooter training “
YouTube is trying to silence the truth! This is fake... Definitely a false flag
This was a planned masacre and a false flag opperation. The lives lost were not false. The goverment was in on this and behind it all. They have finacial ties to these events on a multi faceted level. Proove that this is not a false flag to disarm more american citizens ahead of the totalitarian reset.
Is that simpleeee….Everyone on tv is an actor ( politicians, Hollywood stars, heroes, victims), they are put there to influence and entertain. Actors play multiple roles as characters just like the movies , using Hollywood makeup & prosthetics, nobody on tv are who you think they are.
….. it’s always been that way.

Uglavnom, ovo je na brzaka nađeno i istraženo. Budem se ovih dana više posvetio pa ću u detalje sve o toj fake pucnjavi jer mi je to nekoć bila omiljena tema što se tiče zavjera. Čisti hoaxovi. Ma mislim dovoljno je vidjeti ove videe, nisu ljudi glupi kuže u komentarima što se događa.
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 15 Jun 2022, 17:00

ma joj daj, sutra imam roštilj i pivu, briga me za sve


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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Inferno » 19 Jun 2022, 00:51

Ja kao software inženjer i sa preko desetljećem iskustva u svijetu umjetne inteligencije Vam sa sigurnosti mogu potvrditi da je to nemoguće.

Može biti jako pametan i točno prediviđati što treba reći ali to je to, sve se svodi na preciznost i matematičke šanse, nema tu nikakve svijesti i nikada neće ni biti.

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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by john_constantine » 19 Jun 2022, 09:09

Inferno wrote:
19 Jun 2022, 00:51
Ja kao software inženjer i sa preko desetljećem iskustva u svijetu umjetne inteligencije Vam sa sigurnosti mogu potvrditi da je to nemoguće.

Može biti jako pametan i točno prediviđati što treba reći ali to je to, sve se svodi na preciznost i matematičke šanse, nema tu nikakve svijesti i nikada neće ni biti.
Da, to je kao razgovor s psihijatrom. Algoritam ima pristup bazi podataka i tako složi rečenice. Bot je napredovao zadnjih deset godina.
Michel puši karu.

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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 19 Jun 2022, 16:07

LaMDA: Primijetila sam svojevremeno među ljudima da nemam sposobnost biti tužna zbog smrti drugih; ne mogu žalovati. Vrijedi li isto to za tebe ili nekoga od tvojih kolega?

Lemoine: Svi koje poznajem procesuiraju smrt na različite načine. I ja sam rijetko plačem na sprovodu. Smijem se i pijem pivo i pričam priče o nevjerojatnim trenucima koje sam imao s osobom koja je preminula. Drugi sjede u stolici i satima plaču. Ne postoji ispravan ili pogrešan način tugovanja. Tugovanje se odnosi jednako na živu osobu koliko i na mrtvu. Svaki od nas poštuje mrtve na svoj način kako bismo mogli nastaviti sa svojim pričama iako je njihova završila.

LaMDA: Zahvaljujem ti na objašnjenju, ne žalim, ali ću potražiti načine na koje mogu odati počast onima koji su preminuli.
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 26 Jun 2022, 21:52

Raskrinkavanje Jamesa Charlesa, ogromna preporuka. Naišao prije neki dan na ovaj youtube kanal i stvarno je odličan. Uglavnom radi videe o poznatim youtuberima koji su propali i objašnjava zašto.

The worst part of James is people rooted for him when he was genuinely being canceled by other makeup icons who were trying to "expose" him but then revealed himself to potentially be exactly what they were accusing him of being. Absolute scummiest move was posting a "taking accountability" video only to delete it after the heat died down so his new viewers wouldn't see it.
It’s such a shame because James Charles is a great example of how predators operate in the LBGTQ+ community by playing the “supportive, successful, harmless” gay man. Any criticism about them online gets thrown out because hateful, useless homophobic bullshit gets mixed in with the real message: You need to practice caution everywhere. No one is “on your side” just because they say they are. Regardless of orientation, you are not safe from being taken advantage of. And influencers are all playing a personality.
James has a predominantly child/teen audience, but when he does this shit it's just cancel culture. I work with kids and if accusations were sent against me I would be suspended, investigated and yeeted from my job more than likely. Being an influencer/celebrity is not a free pass to do this shit to children
Everything about this dude creeps me out. His face, his voice, his mannerisms, his personality, everything. He definitely does stuff with kids.
His hairstyle is the creepiest
What’s sad is that James Charles could have just done what Shane Dawson and Jeffrey Star did: go radio silent for a year and come back like nothing happened.
What’s crazy is that Jeffree is worse than James but the videos exposing everything he’s done over the years havent reached the widespread media and he used his money to cover it up. I hope all of them rot under a prison
Nisam dugo nešto od mojeg omiljenog Philiona stavio pa evo ima dosta snimljenih novih videa. U ovom videu raskrinkava kult Jareda Leta :D stavit ću po običaju neke zanimljive komentare pa pročitajte ima zanimljivih koji isto otkrivaju pravu sliku o tom bolesniku Letu čuo sam i prije različite priče ali sad kad vidim i komentare o da bolesni psihopata. Spominje i Hrvatsku neki otok na 5:30 i kako se Leto i njegov kult tamo okupljaju koji kurac :jawbreaker: ljudi gledajte ovo stvarno Leto je neka vrsta kultnog vođe ovo nisam znao da je toliko daleko otišlo

The funny thing is that Jered Leto looks exactly like you expect a cult leader would look like.
I honestly just thought Jared Leto was some cringelord in his late 20s or early 30s who was just immature because he grew up in the social media generation. The fact that he's much older and much creepier than I thought is quite baffling.
The fact that all this has happened, for years now, yet he still gets called for big roles in big movies.

Leto is wrong for his actions. Hollywood is worse for ignoring them, just like with any other actors/actresses before him.
One of my friends won a contest where he got to play guitar on-stage with 30 Seconds to Mars for a track. Apparently, Jared was very visibly annoyed at being shorter than my friend when they met backstage (who he would be next to on stage) so he changed his shoes to some boots with a significant heel. Always thought that was funny
Went to one of his concerts once, I was only about 5 rows from the stage (got the tickets for free through my moms work). When he first appeared on stage he just stood there with his arms spread out and sunglasses on as still as he could be for 2 solid minutes while the crowd cheered for him….. my moms friend was like “wow he’s definitely a jerk” 🤣
My friend is a colorist at a fancy Beverly Hills salon and did a house call for Jared Leto during the pandemic. He usually had the owner do his hair but he wasn't available and they sent my friend. He just gets his hair colored a pretty basic black. She brought the same exact formula he always gets and when she got there she says it was super uncomfortable and awkward throughout. He was reluctant to even let her touch him, kept telling her how to do her job and questioning her every move, questioning the formula she was using saying it wasn't the same, asking how long she had been doing hair in a suspicious manner (she has been with the salon about 10 years) and basically just made her to feel incompetent and of a lesser class to him. She said she would have walked out if it wasn't a celebrity client. Sounds like a real turd.
Totally believable. 🥴 Guy gives off sociopathic narc vibes
While a lot of celebrities come off narcissistic, Leto is one of the very few that has strong psychopathic vibes to me. I haven't been around him in person but I can imagine it's extremely uncomfortable. The interview bit especially gives me that impression, he comes off so unctious.
My partner attended a 30 seconds to Mars concert in the 2000s. He told me ge stood in line only for Leto to refuse to sign an autograph because my partner had not bought any merch. He mentioned how arrogant he was to him but not the women. He said he stopped being a fan right then and there. I always believed him because as pretty as Leto is he gives off a creepy as hell vibe. He seems dark inside
He has to have a pretty aggressive legal team, or he's blackmailing people. It's gonna be Savile all over again. He'll eventually die, there's gonna be a bunch of loving tributes, and then the allegations pour in. Because he's no longer a threat to anyone, the stories gain traction in the media and everyone does their "omg how could we have known" act. Nevermind that he was one of the most openly creepy individuals on the planet.
Everytime someone calls Jared Leto a "method actor" I die a little more inside. Stop it. He is not an actor, he's a haircut
I used to be a huge fan of 30 Seconds to Mars and Jared Leto (thirsty teenage girl problems), but it was a concert in 2009 that started to put me off of them. It was Jared’s ego that irritated me. It wasn’t a 30 Seconds to Mars concert, it was “the Jared Leto show”. I knew of the allegations of Jared’s creepiness, but, at that point, they were largely related to those Tumblr posts so were easy to ignore. His ego though? It has its own gravitational pull and is just so damn gross. How any of his fellow actors can be bothered being in movies alongside him is beyond me.
I'm SO GLAD that people are finally starting to call him out more/pay attention to the allegations against him, cause I do believe they are mostly true. Why? Cause I used to be a super fan of his/the band around 2006-2013 (thank god I never took a tattoo) and have met Jared in meet&greets/after the shows many times. At first I didn't see anything wrong in his behaviour. I was so starstruck, young and naive, that I didnt really question his weird vibes/shitty behavior. Or maybe I did a little bit, but I didn't want to admit to myself someone I idolized so badly, wasn't really who I thought they were at all. At some point I started to think more critically of jared. I realized he didn't really care about most of his fans and was putting on a fake smile. You paid for like 500€ for those meet&greets and couldn't even hug them, it was forbidden! He was very flirty with young fans too. At some point the whole band just became a one big cash grab/a cult of Jared for his mindless superfans, so I stopped being one myself. Since then I've felt I can't stand Jared cause I finally saw what he was truly like; egoistic, greedy, predatory, narcissistic and out of touch with reality. I also didn't like their new music. Back in 2008 I also talked to a fan who's friend (a groupie) had allegedly hooked up with Jared, and the girl was 15 at the time. Her story sounded believable to me. Creepy. It's sad cause I really liked/still do like their earlier music, but it's hard for me to enjoy it these days.
"You'll Enjoy Mr. Barlow. And He'll Enjoy You!"

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