He Knows You're Alone (1980)

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He Knows You're Alone (1980)

Post by remike2 » 21 May 2010, 11:18

O filmu:
He Knows You’re Alone is a 1980 horror film directed by Armand Mastroianni, written by Scott Parker and edited by George Norris. It was one of the first horror films to be influenced by the success of 1978's Halloween and shares a number of similarities with that previous hit. The film was shot in Staten Island New York, the entire production from script to final edit taking only six months. The original music score was composed by Alexander and Mark Peskanov. The movie marked the first movie appearance of actor Tom Hanks who played a relatively small part. In fact it was said that Hanks' character was originally written to be killed off in the film, but because the filmmakers liked him so much they cut the death from the film. It is marketed with the tagline "Every girl is frightened the night before her wedding, but this time... there's good reason!".

Glumačka postava:
Don Scardino
Caitlin O'Heaney
Elizabeth Kemp
Tom Rolfing
Lewis Arlt

A young bride is murdered on her wedding day by the man she rejected for her current fiancè Len, a police detective. Several years later the killer starts a crime spree, murdering brides to be. Len believes the killer of his fiancèe has returned and tracks the crimes. The killer stalks bride to be Amy, and her friends from college, Nancy and Joyce. Amy is having second thoughts about her planned marriage. Her ex-boyfriend Marvin returns and tries to rekindle their relationship.


But, you know, I knew something must be rotten in Denmark. There was no way you could like me that much. Man, I can't tell you how relieved I was when you took off your dress, you... you didn't have a dick.

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Re: He Knows You're Alone (1980.)

Post by remike2 » 21 May 2010, 11:18

Meni osobno jedan od najlošijih slashera koje sam ikad gledao, jako slab i nikakav film.
But, you know, I knew something must be rotten in Denmark. There was no way you could like me that much. Man, I can't tell you how relieved I was when you took off your dress, you... you didn't have a dick.

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Re: He Knows You're Alone (1980.)

Post by HorrorHR » 27 Jan 2014, 21:52

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Re: He Knows You're Alone (1980)

Post by popayy » 28 Jan 2014, 18:43

Iskreno nikad čuo za ovo. Vjerojatno ću pogledati u neko dogledno vrijeme.

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Re: He Knows You're Alone (1980)

Post by Truba » 19 Aug 2017, 23:47

upravo gledam

početak nije los
www.lasetta.net :axe:

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Re: He Knows You're Alone (1980)

Post by The Great Duck » 05 Dec 2018, 13:04

Pa meni je baš onaj fejk početak s filmom u filmu stvorio dojam da je u pitanju baš neka žnj produkcija...E sad, kako se, srećom, ispostavilo da to nije pravi film, ubrzo potom mi je postao bolji.
E sad, to što je bolji od neke z-grade kategorije i ne znači puno...Previše praznog hoda bez akcije, nezanimljiv i ne baš strašan ubojica (čovjek najprije pomisli kako je možda zanimljivo odmaknuti se klišeja s ubojicom koji je zamaskiran ili unakažen, ali onda se pokaže da je nekad i klišej bolje rješenje), uglavnom dosadni i nemaštoviti killovi...Mada ima i par ok trenutaka, tipa ubojstvo u kinu, scena kad je lik na prozoru, ona glava u akvariju i dio s autom poslije, te donekle i kraj...
Također valja spomenuti i mnoge reference na Halloween, od scene gdje lik ubija ženu dok se četka pred ogledalom, preko onoga kad ga ženska gleda kroz prozor i onda on za moment nestane, te, naravno, muzika koja je nešto usporenija piano verzija Halloween teme. :D

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Re: He Knows You're Alone (1980)

Post by dr_gonzo » 23 Dec 2018, 22:33

Meni bija dosadan, ali je ima 2-3 dobra momenta i kratku pojavau Toma Hanksa...
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