#002 - Ghostbusters (1984)

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#002 - Ghostbusters (1984)

Post by HorrorHR » 02 Oct 2011, 00:20

Termini za gledanje i komentiranje: Nedjelja 02.10 - Nedjelja 23.10.
Ghost Busters (1984)
Three unemployed parapsychology professors set up shop as a unique ghost removal service.

Director: Ivan Reitman
Writers: Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis
Stars: Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and Sigourney Weaver

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Re: #002 - Ghostbusters (1984)

Post by HorrorHR » 02 Oct 2011, 00:22

Još jedan klasik iz mog djetinjstva, nisam ga gledao sto godina, vrijeme je da otresem prašinu sa Ghostbusters DVD seta ;)

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Re: #002 - Ghostbusters (1984)

Post by HorrorHR » 02 Oct 2011, 00:27

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If there's something strange
in your neighborhood
Who ya gonna call?

If there's something weird
and it don't look good
Who ya gonna call?

I ain't afraid of no ghosts
I ain't afraid of no ghosts

If you're seeing things
running through your head
Who can ya call?

An invisible man
sleeping in your bed
Who ya gonna call?

I ain't afraid of no ghosts
I ain't afraid of no ghosts

Who ya gonna call?

If ya all alone
pick up the phone
and call

I ain't afraid of no ghosts
I here it likes the girls
I ain't afraid of no ghost
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah

Who ya gonna call?

If you've had a dose of a
freaky ghost baby
Ya better call

Lemme tell ya something
Bustin' makes me feel good!

I ain't afraid of no ghosts
I ain't afraid of no ghosts

Don't get caught alone no no


When it comes through your door
Unless you just want some more
I think you better call

Who ya gonna call?

Who ya gonna call?

I think you better call

Who ya gonna call?

I can't hear you
Who ya gonna call?


Who ya gonna call?

Who can ya call?

Who ya gonna call?

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Re: #002 - Ghostbusters (1984)

Post by Ašow » 02 Oct 2011, 03:51

hahaha, ovo je klasik iz mog djetinjstva također :)
Onog michelin lika hejtam i dan danas kak je gadan i debel :D


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Re: #002 - Ghostbusters (1984)

Post by john_constantine » 02 Oct 2011, 10:43

Ghostbusters je pretvoren u nekoliko videoigara, a ja sam kao mulac najviše igrao na Nintendu. U ono vrijeme napredna i taktička igra, u kojoj si mogao nadograđivati vozilo i ekipu, hvatati duhove sve do finalnog bossa.

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Kasnije je izašla nova igra Ghostbusters: The Video Game koji nije najbolje prošao među gamerskom publikom. Sadržavala je čak i borbu protiv kultnog bossa iz originala + dijelove iz filma, ali bilo je i novih ideja. No, igra je vrlo brzo postala repetitivna i ponavljala se.

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Zadnja igra koja je dosada izašla je Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime, koja je još lošije prošla sudeći po kritikama radi repetitivnog gameplaya, lošeg AL - a i reciklaže... Inače je to riječ o običnoj arkadnoj igri koja se prodavala preko steama i konzolaških storea...

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Re: #002 - Ghostbusters (1984)

Post by Decadentor » 02 Oct 2011, 11:27

Zombieland Relation to Ghostbusters

Along with Bill Murray doing a decent length cameo, there are tons of Ghostbuster references.
Bill Murray wears a sweeper like a proton pack, and Woody Harrelson wears what looks to be a prop of a proton pack (along with a jumpsuit) in a scene where they are jokingly playing ghostbusters, also Emma Stone seems to be trying to sound like Janine Melnitz in the same scene.
Jesse Eisenberg, and Abigail Breslin are watching Ghostbusters (First Movie) in Bill Murray's theater as the character Little Rock has never seen the movie, let alone know who Bill Murray is.
Woody Harrelson (as Tallahassee) all throughout the movie wants really bad a Twinkie which is also a main food product used by Egon Spengler in explaining the level of ectoplasmic of New York in the first Ghostbusters movie. That very scene also appears in the film.

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Post by dr_gonzo » 04 Oct 2011, 20:08

Sjećam se da je to film koji se najviše spominjao kod mojih od horor komedija. Čak mislim da je to bila moja prva horor komedija koju sam gledao...u kinu.

Naj Scena:
"I tried to think of the most harmless thing...something that could never, ever possibly destroy us....Mr. Stay Puft!"

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Post by john_constantine » 04 Oct 2011, 20:13

dr_gonzo wrote:Sjećam se da je to film koji se najviše spominjao kod mojih od horor komedija. Čak mislim da je to bila moja prva horor komedija koju sam gledao...u kinu.

Naj Scena:
"I tried to think of the most harmless thing...something that could never, ever possibly destroy us....Mr. Stay Puft!"

Još više naj scena:

Bonus zajebancija:
dickless, prejaka scena :mrgreen:

Baš se smislim kako sam to gledao kao klinac i kako mi je to bio jedan od strašnijih filmova. Pa čak i taj divovski sljezov kolačić....
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Re: #002 - Ghostbusters (1984)

Post by Info » 04 Oct 2011, 22:34

Kada bi slagao moje najdraže filmove, istjerivači bi uz back to the future bili definitivno pri vrhu. Obožavao sam ga kao klinac, obožavam ga i sad. Murraya smatram najtalentiranijim i najboljim komičarem. On diže ovaj film na drugu razinu. Ma super zabavan film kojeg uvijek mogu pogledati. I onaj kolačić, uh :shock: noćne more mi je zadavao kao klincu, isto kao i onaj pas
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Re: #002 - Ghostbusters (1984)

Post by maddjuro » 05 Oct 2011, 00:24

odličan film koji svatko mora pogledati, bez obzira voli li horrorce ili ne, a što se tiće one NES igre, ista verzija te igre je bila daleko bolja na segi, a čak postoji i verzija te iste igre za atari 2600
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Re: #002 - Ghostbusters (1984)

Post by jeba » 06 Oct 2011, 09:28

prva liga film - znam da sam to prvi puta gledao s frendovima početkom 90-ih na VHS-u za vrijeme ljetnog ferija. Murray i Aykroyd su jebeni likovi :supz:

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Re: #002 - Ghostbusters (1984)

Post by HorrorHR » 06 Oct 2011, 10:40

maddjuro wrote:odličan film koji svatko mora pogledati, bez obzira voli li horrorce ili ne, a što se tiće one NES igre, ista verzija te igre je bila daleko bolja na segi, a čak postoji i verzija te iste igre za atari 2600
ja se sada ne sjećam, ali mislim da je i na spectrumu bila ta igra? ili sam je igrao na NESu - ovo što je john_constantine spomenuo da se mogu apgrejdati auti se sjećam, a bio je i neki modul igrice gdje si vozio auto po cesti i izbjegavao nešto...

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Re: #002 - Ghostbusters (1984)

Post by john_constantine » 06 Oct 2011, 11:07

moguće je da je bio i na spectrumu. Ta igrica je bila na puno igraćih konzola i kompjutora u ono vrijeme.
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Re: #002 - Ghostbusters (1984)

Post by HorrorHR » 06 Oct 2011, 11:13

Je pogledao sam na netu, bilo ga je i za ZX spectrum. Još par screenshota, baš se sjećam ovih skrinova:



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Re: #002 - Ghostbusters (1984)

Post by john_constantine » 06 Oct 2011, 12:16

ma klasik. :supz: Kažu da je to jedna od najboljih igara u to vrijeme radi kompleksnosti. Samo je brat uspio doći do vrha na onim iritatnim stepenicama, gdje si trebao izbjegavati duhove i susresti se s bossom.
Michel puši karu.
