Dokumentarci svih vrsta i rasa...

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Charlie surfs again
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Dokumentarci svih vrsta i rasa...

Post by Charlie surfs again » 17 Aug 2007, 00:16

Nadam se da nisam jedini koji obozava dokumentarce, uglavnom u Srbiji nema puno pravih poshtovalaca a za ovde cemo da vidimo. Evo za pocetak par najjachih stvari koje sam pogledo poslednjih nedelja :

Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills (1996)


Joe Berlinger
Bruce Sinofsky

Od rezisera "Book of shadows: Blair Witch 2". 3 tinejdzera metalca optuzeni su 1993.godine da su u maniru "satanistickog rituala" pod uticajem Alistera Kroulija silovali, muchili, kastrirali i na kraju na brutalan nacin ubili tri 8-ogodisnja decaka. U filmu smo svedoci pronalazenja tela ubijenih, ispovesti roditelja ubijene dece, i roditelja tinejdzera optuzenih za ubistva,i naravno samih optuzenih. Najpotresnija su upravo svedochenja roditelja svo 6-oro dece jer su u ovom sluchaju svi do jednog zrtve. Zatim posmatramo citav tok sudjenje koje otkriva mnoge shokantne detalje i dovodi do neochekivanih obrta poput najboljeg trilera. Sve to prati muzichka podloga Metalikine kultne pesmom "Sanitarum" koja se savrseno uklapa u sumornu i potresnu atmosferu ove tuzne price a i omiljena je pesma jednog od optuzenih decaka. Daleko jezivije od bilo kog serial killer dokumentarca, jako tezak film zbog svih tih emocija ali definitivno na MUST SEE listi !!!
Na IMDb-u rejting je 8.3/10 a ja mu dajem chistu 10-ku bez mnogo razmisljanja. Film ima i nastavak snimljen nekoliko godina kasnije pod imenom "Paradise Lost 2:Revelations" gde se pojavljuju novi dokazu vezani za ubistva. (150 minuta)
Berlinger and Sinofsky's documentary of a gruesome triple murder in West Memphis, Arkansas and the subsequent trials of three suspects, takes a hard look at both the occult and the American justice system in 'small-town' America. Three teenagers are accused of this horrific crime of killing three children, supposedly as a result of involvement in Satanism. As in their previous documentary, things turn out to be more complex than initial appearances and this film presents the real-life courtroom drama to the viewer, as it unfolds.

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Charlie surfs again
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Post by Charlie surfs again » 17 Aug 2007, 00:24

Odma i drugi deo, da ako neko bude trazio da nadje i ovo :

Paradise Lost 2: Revelations (2000)


Joe Berlinger
Bruce Sinofsky

6 godina posle ubistava, 3 godine posle prvog emitovanja "Paradise lost"-a na HBO-u, dokumentarca koji je '96 digao puno prashine i uzbunio javnost chitave Amerike, i podelio je na one koji su ubedjeni da su tri tinejdzera nevina i da je pravi ubica i dalje na slobodi i na one druge koji su apsolutno uvereni u njihovu krivicu, autor snima nastavak sa novim dokazima i nekom vrstom epiloga na celu ovu zaista potresnu prichu. Demijan je i dalje na Death Row-u gde cheka na izvrshenje smrtne kazne injekcijom a druga dva momka su na dozivotnim robijama bez prava na pomilovanje. I dalje u pozadini ide Metallica sa melodijama "Sanitarium", "Unforgiven" i "Nothing else matters" na koje chovek ne moze a da se ne najezi cak i da nikad nije cuo nijednu od ove tri kultne pesme. U filmu se sasvim jasno vidi, shto je i najuzasnije od svega, ko je zapravo pravi PSIHO u celoj prichi ali kao shto to uvek biva pravda je zaista slepa, al bukvalno, i drzava kada jednom nekog osudi ona ne pristaje da prizna greshku jer bi to naravno otvorilo 1000 novih slichnih sluchajeva, policija i dalje bezobzirno gura svoju prichu i shititi svoje, inspektor koji je radio na sluchaju i pored svih propusta i dalje tvrdi da Dzesijevo klimavo priznanje (klinac sa IQ-om 73 ?!?!) nije dato pod prisilom i pretnjama, a sudija i pored svih novih momenata potencira da nigde nije pogreshio, da je porota glasala i da su pravi krivci 100% u zatvoru. Sa svih strana Amerike okupila se grupa ljudi koja je uverena u nevinost ova tri mladica i skupila se ispred suda na dan kada zaseda zalbeno vece u vezi odluke o zalbi na Demijanovu smrtnu presudu. Njihova pricha, razgovor sa porodicama osudjenih posle ove vremenske distance, svedochenje nezavisnog forenzichara koji je ponovo detaljno pregledao sve chinjenice i dokaze ovog kontraverznog sluchaja, i potresne scene iz zatvora gde ova tri momka govore o svojim unistenim zivotima daje ovom filmu posebnu tezinu koja se retko vidja u dokumentarnim filmovima (barem ne kod nas u Srbiji). Najgori osecaj u svemu ovome je vrlo velika shansa da je pravi ubica, monstrum i dalje na slobodi i da nevini ispashtaju samo zato shto su nosili crne majice i pantalone, shto su slushali metallicu, i shto su smatrani za "weirdous" u svojoj shkoli i okolini. To je verovatno njihov jedini zlochin za koji ce jedan od momaka platiti i svojim zivotom. Kad razmishljam o tome ne znam kome je gore, dal ovoj dvojici koji ce ostatak zivota provesti u zatvoru odvojeni od ostatka sveta ili Demijanu koji ce umreti. Po meni smrtna kazna injekcijom je prava milost i spasenje u odnosu na dozivotnu robiju, al to je samo moje mishljenje jer ja realno ne mogu da pojmim shta je u njihovim glavama. Pogledajte obavezno ako budete u prilici oba ova dokumentarca jer odgovorno tvrdim da ovako neshto zasigurno niste imali priliku da vidite u Srbiji.


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Post by Charlie surfs again » 17 Aug 2007, 00:33

Specijalan dodatak vezan za "Paradise Lost" :

Ona tri momka su verovali ili ne i dan danas u zatvoru i pored ociglednih dokaza da nisu pochinili delo koje im se stavlja na teret, kao shto je npr. ljudski ugriz na jednoj od zrtava po kome se jasno pokazalo analizom da ne pripada ni jednom od ova tri momka i zato ako zelite da saznate nesto vise o slucaju koji se izgleda polako ali sigurno priblizava kraju posle citavih 14 godina (izgleda ce DNK-a analiza da obavi najbitniji deo posla) evo njihovog support sajta (Free Memphis Three) :

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Post by Charlie surfs again » 17 Aug 2007, 00:46

Jesus Camp (2006)


Josh jedan surovi dokumentarac o bolestima americhkog drushtva. U ovom slucaju radi se o kampu za decu u kojem im se ispira mozak najekstremnijim oblicima hrishcanstva. Zaista potresno.
Jesus Camp follows several young children as they prepare to attend a summer camp where the kids will get their daily dose of evangelical Christianity. Becky Fischer works at the camp, which is named Kids on Fire. Through interviews with Fischer, the children, and others, Jesus Camp illustrates the unswerving belief of the faithful. A housewife and homeschooling mother tells her son that creationism has all the answers. Footage from inside the camp shows young children weeping and wailing as they promise to stop their sinning. Child after child is driven to tears. Juxtapose these scenes with clips from a more moderate Christian radio host (who is appalled by such tactics), and Jesus Camp seems to pose a clear question: are these children being brainwashed?

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Post by Charlie surfs again » 17 Aug 2007, 01:27

Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple (2006)


Directed by
Stanley Nelson

Najnoviji dokumentarac o masakru u Jonestownu u Gvajani '78 kada je stradalo preko 900 mushkaraca, zena i dece pod komandom Jim Jonesa. Shokantna svedochanstva prezivelih chlanova "Hrama Naroda" i jezivi audio i video materijal sniman poslednjih nekoliko sati uochi masakra. Nisam uopshte imao pojma da postoje svi ovi snimci jer sam gledao vec neke dokumentarce na ovu temu i chitao knjigu tako da sam ostao zatechen.
Nashao sam na NETu i audio snimak poslednjeg govora Jim Jonesa svojim sledbenicima i konverzacije sa pojedincima koji su se pobunili i hteli da napuste Jonestown, pre nego shto im je podelio cijanid a snimljen je i deo kada ljudi umiru a on i dalje pricha. Ko ima snage za ovo ZLO moze ga naci na sledecoj adresi (ako trazish djavola nacicesh ga ) :
Featuring never-before-seen footage, this documentary delivers a startling new look at the Peoples Temple, headed by preacher Jim Jones who, in 1978, led more than 900 members to Guyana, where he orchestrated a mass suicide via tainted punch.

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Post by Charlie surfs again » 17 Aug 2007, 01:31

The Bridge (2006)


Eric Steel

Evo jedan surov dokumentarac, onako bash da razdrma emocije, iskreno najbolji koji sam gledao u poslednje vreme. Ocu i ja majko na taj most... :(
People suffer largely unnoticed while the rest of the world goes about its business. This is a documentary exploration of the mythic beauty of the Golden Gate Bridge, the most popular suicide destination in the world, and those drawn by its call. Steel and his crew filmed the bridge during daylight hours from two separate locations for all of 2004, recording most of the two dozen deaths in that year (and preventing several others). They also taped interviews with friends, families and witnesses, who recount in sorrowful detail stories of struggles with depression, substance abuse and mental illness. Raises questions about suicide, mental illness and civic responsibility as well as the filmmaker's relationship to his fraught and complicated material.

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Post by Charlie surfs again » 17 Aug 2007, 01:38

American Hardcore (2006)


Paul Rachman

SSD, Minor Threat, Black Flag, Circle Jerks (najjachi naziv za bend ikada), Bad Brains, Negative FX, 7 Seconds, Corosion of conformity, Cro-Mags (ili kako su neki svojevremeno kod nas izvalili "hrvatski magovi" :lol: ) etc. iz vremena kad je HCpunk bio zaista punk !!!
Najjacha pricha u svemu je ta o chuvenom rivalitetu izmedju scena D.C-a, N.Y.C-a i Bostona i te masovne tuche na gostovanjima, lud'lo jednom rechju !!! :mrgreen:
Inspired by Steven Blush's book "American Hardcore: A tribal history" Paul Rachman's feature documentary debut is a chronicle of the underground hardcore punk years from 1979 to 1986. Interviews and rare live footage from artists such as Black Flag, Bad Brains, Minor Threat, SS Decontrol and the Dead Kennedys.
You would go out at night with a friend or two, look for some no name building where you would see a couple of punks hanging outside, go inside, pay your $6.00 and walk through a door or a small hallway, go down the stairs and feel the heat & smell the sweat, and then the assault of noise would fill the "club". In L.A. it could be the Cathy De Grand with D.R.I. or the Circle Jerks at the Sunset Ballroom with Youth Brigade, or, well it didn't matter who you went to see, you just had to get there and be a part of it. It was 90 MPH music coming at you with every possible watt there was. It was Loud,Fast, and Relentelss. That is Hardcore punk rock. When the bands were done, you gathered yourself, took a deep breath, looked yourself over to make sure you were all there, and you walked outside to get some fresh air. You survived another show. As the cars drove past, you laughed at yourself thinking, No one know's what just went on inside here. Well, This movie lets you inside. It's the real deal. When I watched some of the videos of the bands playing, I could not help myself from belting out some of the words from these great songs. This is American Hardcore the way I remember it. Great job on telling this story.

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Post by Charlie surfs again » 17 Aug 2007, 12:22

Na ovo sam naleteo gledajuci skoro na Discovery-u jedan dokumentarac na ovu temu koji me nije bash u potpunosti zadovoljio. Malo sam potrazio po NETu i naleteo na josh dva odlicha filma i mogu da kazem da tek posle odgledana sva tri komada moze da se ima neki uvid shta se zaista dogodilo u Wacou '93. Onaj na Discovery-u mi se nije svideo jer izgleda ko da ga je pravila americhka vlada da bi opravdala ovaj zlochin i vishe se bavi likom i delom Davida Koresha optuzujuci ga za sve i svja a ne govori o chinjenicama vezanim za sam incident.

Waco: A New Revelation (1999)


Directed by
Jason Van Vleet

Ovaj prvi govori o tome na koji nachin americhka vlada reshava lokalne probleme sa svojim drzavljanima. U ovom sluchaju se radilo o jednoj vrsti pobune kada su '93 vladine snage napale imanje "Loze Davidijanaca" koji su se "odmetnuli" i pokushali da kazu ne drzavi. Tvrdeci da je na njih pucano iz zgrade specijalni odred ATF-a su napali kontraverznog Dejvida Koresha i njegove sledbenike i tako posle 51 dana opsade na kraju bukvalno spalili zgradu do temelja gde je poginulo preko 70 ljudi od toga 20-ak male dece. U opsadi su korishteni chak i tenkovi i helikopteri. Kada su specijalci posle zavrshene operacije na sudjenju tvrdili kako je na njih pucano iz zgrade i da su samo zato morali da odgovore vatrom, od njih su zatrazeni snimci tog momenta ali iako su sve snimale chak tri kamere snimci su volshebno nestali. Tachno 2 godine posle pochetka opsade u Waco-u (drzava Teksas) u znak odmzde Timoti Mekvej je digao u vazduh federalnu zgradu u Oklahomi i ubio ogroman broj ljudi.
In the spring of 1998, under the Freedom of Information Act, investigators from MGA Studio's film division became the first private citizens to gain access to the Waco investigation evidence lockers. What they found was shocking. Upon examination, the evidence gathered under the supervision of federal officials appeared to contradict the FBI's congressional testimony, raising serious and disturbing questions about events surrounding the siege at Mt. Carmel and the deaths of the Davidians.

Since 1993, former members of the FBI, former Special Forces and CIA operatives have come forward with new evidence to suggest that the FBI's claim is inaccurate.


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Post by Charlie surfs again » 17 Aug 2007, 12:24

Waco: The Rules of Engagement (1997)


William Gazecki

Ovaj drugi je mozda i najbolji jer prenosi svedochenja sa saslushanja u kongresu gde su eksperti dokazali snimcima i masom drugih dokaza shta se zaista dogodilo, da je pozar zapravo izazvala pucnjava federalnih agenata pri napadu tenkovima a ne kako drzava tvrdi da su Davidijanci sami podmetnuli pozar da bi izvrshili masovno samoubistvo.

This controversial documentary about the stand-off between an unorthodox Christian group - the Branch Davidians, under the leadership of the young, charismatic David Koresh - and the FBI and ATF in Waco, Texas, from February to April 1993 presents a different spin on the events from that of the United States government, which held that the Branch Davidians set the fire that destroyed their compound, and killed the vast majority of them, on April 19, 1993. Using footage from the 51 day siege, from the congressional hearings afterwards, from people involved in all aspects of the siege, and from experts technical, psychological, and religious, the movie suggests that the Branch Davidians were not a cult, but a valid religious group practicing under First Amendment freedoms who fell victim to first the ineptitude of an ATF raid designed to garner the agency positive attention and later the cruel, methodical work of the FBI, who over-saw the murder of the Davidians and then quickly covered it up.

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Post by Charlie surfs again » 18 Aug 2007, 13:06

A sad evo neshto samo za prave poshtovaoce, one koji mogu da skapiraju lik i delo Charlesa Mansona pa i za one koji to josh nisu a samo iz razloga jer nisu gledali ove dokumentarce :D

Charles Manson Superstar (1989)


Definitivno najbolji dokumentarac o Mansonu. Pogledao sam veliku vecinu filmova na tu temu tako da mogu opushteno da sudim. Tek posle ovog dokumentarca sam shvatio zashto na sudjenju nisu dozvolili Mansonu da svedochi pred porotom. Ko bude pogledao moci ce da se uveri kako izgleda pravi manipulator na delu. (90 min)
For forty years, Charles Manson has survived most of his life in what he calls 'the hallways of the all ways,' the reform schools, jails and prisons that have been his home and tomb. His thought was born in the hole of solitary confinement, apart from time and beyond the grasp of society. In his cell, he created his own world and speaks his own language: he has concluded that there is only the mind. This DVD will relinquish to you the extreme story of the killer of all killers: Charles Manson. From convincing his followers to move into the desert to train for the apocalypse, to leading a murderous crew through a string of devilish murders, you will see and hear from Manson himself of how he created a preconceived terror based on his philosophy of life. Manson claims that the so-called 'straight' world outside of prison is but an inverted reflection of the underworld in which he has lived. To him, the reality that presidents and law-abiding citizens accept begins in the hermetic alternate universe of criminals, cons and outlaws. Much as simplistic historians have dismissed Hitler's 3rd Reich as the overcompensation of a failed artist, Manson's vision of a holy war has been generally categorized as nothing more than the jealous rage of a spurned musician.

Manson (1973)

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Directed by
Robert Hendrickson
Laurence Merrick

Ovaj dokumentarac je pravljen bez neophodne vremenske distance tako da ga treba prvenstveno gledati kao svedochanstvo tog perioda neposredno posle ubistava i chitave te medijske frke koja je potresla chitave Sjedinjene Drzave pa i ceo svet. Za mene lichno je interesantan zato shto izmedju ostalih sadrzi i intervjue sa preostalim chlanovima Familije tj. devojkama koje su ostale na slobodi i uporno prkosile rezimu. Naravno prednjachila je fanatichna Lynette 'Squeaky' Fromme koja je kasnije izvrshila i chuveni pokushaj atentata na predsednika Sjedinjenih Drzava Forda. Film je nominovan za Oskara.
Documentary on Charles Manson and his family. Has a number of insightful interviews with many family members most notably Squeaky and Sandy (Blue and Red). There is also a history of Manson from his birth to the family formation to the Tate/La Bianca murders. Plenty of footage of the family playing at Spahn Ranch.

P.S.Najavljeno je da ce se u toku ove godine pojaviti i nova verzija pod imenom "Manson 2" sa svim snimcima koji se iz raznih razloga (uglavnom zbog cenzure) nisu pojavili u prvom delu.
On August 9, 1969, in the middle of night four assassins, clothed in black, besieged the home of international film star Sharon Tate, unleashed their swords and left a trail of blood and warnings to be felt from Los Angeles to the far corners of the world.

Four months later, led by their master Charles Manson, the killers appeared again, this time to invade the newspapers, television and radio. While police investigators and newsmen were scrambling for information on the "Hippie Cult Leader and His Family," producer Robert Hendrickson had already made contact with and was filming the now notorious "Manson Family". Perhaps as bizarre as the "Family's" far out lifestyle, was the fact that Hendrickson would be given full and complete access to the "Family's" experiences throughout the next two and a half years. Armed with a 16mm camera, he rode with the Family to their hideaway in Devil's Canyon, their compound in Death Valley and stayed with them at the now infamous Spahn movie ranch.

As fate would have it, only a small portion of the footage taken was used to create the original 1972 MANSON documentary and the rest was put in a vault, not to be seen for over 30 years. MANSON II is actually the beginning and much closer to the real Manson Family story. In fact, this time, you will be an actual witness to the unfolding of the most bizarre crime story in modern times. As long held secrets are finally revealed, you will begin to understand what it was all about. This time, NOTHING will be censored. You will experience it all, just as Hendrickson did so many years ago.
Odlichan trejler :

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Post by Charlie surfs again » 18 Aug 2007, 13:11

Albert Fish (2007)


Directed by
John Borowski

E ovaj matori je bogme bio bash zeshce zajeban...geranto-fobija haha :mrgreen:
Albert Fish, the horrific true story of elderly cannibal, sadomasochist, and serial killer, who lured children to their deaths in Depression-era New York City. Distorting biblical tales, Albert Fish takes the themes of pain, torture, atonement and suffering literally as he preys on victims to torture and sacrifice. From John Borowski, award-winning director of H.H. Holmes: America's First Serial Killer, comes the first ever docudrama to definitively recount the life and times of elderly cannibal Albert Fish. Adding insight to the account are interviews with artist and Odditorium owner, Joe Coleman, and renowned true-crime author, Katherine Ramsland, Ph.D.

Decoding The Past (2005)
Cults: Dangerous Devotion


Ultimativni dokumentarac o najdestruktivnijim kultovima shirom sveta. Od Jim Jonesa i Hrama Naroda, Mansona i Familije, preko Davida Koresha i Loze Davidijanaca pa sve do Shoko Asahare i napada smrtonosnim gasom na Tokijski metro. Konachno svi na jednom mestu. 120 minuta.
From the bizarre prophecies of Charles Manson to the desperate paranoia of Jim Jones, cult leaders draw us into worlds of power, paranoia, and death. Through interviews with world-renowned scholars and the survivors of cultic tragedy, we will unmask the mystery of cults. From Jim Jones' pursuit of a socialist paradise to Warren Jeffs' Yearning for Zion ranch, cult leaders have twisted the quest for purity into an obsession with madness and murder.

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Post by Charlie surfs again » 18 Aug 2007, 14:40

E da sam juce umro ne bi znao za ovaj serijal koji su ocigledno pravili neki metalci u sopstvenoj produkciji. Shockumentary Movie, brutalne scene nasilja shirom sveta od kojih sam neke doduse i video u "Execution" dokumentarcu, ali ovo je mnogo zajebanije. Sve prati zlokoban naratorski glas (verovatno isto nekog metalca). Jedino sto su mogli da izbace te nesrece na moto-trkama jer to smara a sve ostalo je bas na nivou, posebno most-brutalne scene borbi sa A.C.A.B-ima na demostraciijama koje sam ikada video, a vala video sam ih bas mnogo. Nije pisalo o kojoj je zemlji rec al razume se da je neka Azija u pitanju, i smesta bi se preselio tamo jer Srbija vise realno nema tih potencijala nazalost (murija se konacno organizovala a mi se propichkastili). Al ubedljivo najzajebanija scena je snimak ultra deformisanog deteta (neko crnche je u pitanju) i prvih pola minuta tripujes da takvo nesto sigurno mora biti mrtvo jer u tom obliku nikako ne moze da opstane, al onda beba pocinje da mrda rucicama i nozicama i nastaje totalni uzas... :frown:
Naravno sve prati prikladan soundtrack death metal bendova sto bas lepo ide uz ovaj "materijal"...

Uostalom evo liste pesama i izvodjaca koga zanima :
"Providence" by DREADFUL SHADOWS, "Bastard Saints" by SINISTER, "Hass" by UMBRA ET IMAGO, "The Dream Messiah" by MONSTROSITY, "Future Breed Machine" by MESHUGGAH, "Ghetto" by SATANIC INDUSTRIES LIMITED, "Freedom" by GOREFEST, "Nothing Remains" by SLAPDASH, "Destroyed by Society" by BRUTALITY, "Machine" by CORE, "Where Dead Angels Lie" by DISSECTION, "Seasons of Black" by END OF GREEN, "Copycat" by LACRIMOSA,
"Hail" by N 17, "Grand Slam" by 187 CREW, "Wicked Wonderland" by SANCTIONS, "Killing Art" by HYPOCRISY, "To Mega Therion" by THERION, "In Death's Sleep" by DISMEMBER, "Evil" by SATANIC INDUSTRIES LIMITED, "On My Own” by SLAPDASH, "Life of Filth" by HYPOCRISY, "Infinity" by END OF GREEN, "Buried Again" by DREADFUL SHADOWS, "Version 1.2" by N 17

Traces of Death IV: Resurrected (1996)

The fourth entry in the "Traces of Death" series stays on the same track as the previous films by showing scenes of real life violent deaths and gory accidents caught on film. This volume shows scenes of birth defects, tumors, leprosy, different piercings of the male and female genitalia and even midget wrestling, and like the previous entries this ones definitely not for the squeamish.

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Post by maddjuro » 18 Aug 2007, 15:10

kao što napisah u drugom topicu nabavite si ona 2 dvd-a koja su izašla pred par mjeseci na kioske, pod nazivom zločini 20. stoljeća.
& sati sadržaja o svim dosad navedenim ubojicama, a ima i o poznatim mafijašima, psihopatima i nerješena ubojstva.
I may be an idiot, but i am no fool.

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Post by Charlie surfs again » 18 Aug 2007, 16:43

Jebes poso, toga kod nas u BGDu nema... :(

al zato tu je keva svih majki DC++ :mrgreen: :wink:

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Location: Obala Ljudovache, Beograd

Post by Charlie surfs again » 19 Aug 2007, 04:21

Hated (1994)


Todd Phillips

Mislili ste da ste sve videli ?
Tesko, jer ovo je neopisivo. A ucili su me da je Satan Panonski bio zajeban lik. :lol:
Ko je mislio da je PUNK kada napravis fanzin, bend, i budes "aktivan" na sceni mora da overi ovaj dokumentarac da vidi sta znaci biti zaista TRUE TILL DEATH. Spomenucu samo da je nastup legende Dzi-Dzija tolko umetnichki nastrojen (necu da spojlujem) da publika bukvalno pobegne iz kluba a ostanu samo oni PRAVI (3 choveka ukljucujuci 2 kamermana)...samo takav RESPECT za legendu...
Rusenje svih tabua i to bez kurtona, ultimativna sloboda !!! :twisted:
Documentary about the life and death of the notorious underground punk icon GG Allin, the foul mouthed, heroin shooting lead singer of the Murder Junkies, who would throw excrement at the crowd, start fights with the biggest guys in the audience, and threatened to kill himself onstage. He was considered the lowest common denominator of our society by some, an avant-garde artist by others. He died of an overdose in the early 90's.

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