Santa Sangre (1989)

Zlatna era horor filmova
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Santa Sangre (1989)

Post by elrania » 23 Apr 2010, 20:27




Plot: A young man is confined in a mental hospital. Through a flashback we see that he was traumatized as a child, when he and his family were circus performers: he saw his father cut off the arms of his mother, a religious fanatic and leader of the heretical church of Santa Sangre ("Holy Blood"), and then commit suicide. Back in the present, he escapes and rejoins his surviving and armless mother. Against his will, he "becomes her arms" and the two undertake a grisly campaign of murder and revenge.

Director: Alejandro Jodorowsky





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Re: Santa Sangre (1989)

Post by Decadentor » 23 Apr 2010, 20:29

ova sa kokosima je preeeeeeeeee :prayer:

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Re: Santa Sangre (1989)

Post by elrania » 23 Apr 2010, 20:32

nisam baš 100% sigurna da bi ovaj film trebao biti pod horror dijelom foruma, no ajde, poslušat ću imdb pa nek mu bude.
osobno sam ga doživjela ko kombinaciju iuzuzetne groteske i bizarne enegerije koji su učinili pravo remek-djelo. vjerujem da ga se zbilja isplati pogledati, jer teško da će predanog gledatelja ostaviti nezadovoljnog.

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Re: Santa Sangre (1989)

Post by Inferno » 04 May 2019, 10:20

Dosta elemenata se posudjuje iz drugih filmova(npr. Psiho, Freaks, Tenant). Ali ovaj film definitivno ima svoju originalnost u atmosferi i nacinu na koji radnja tece koji je pomalo jedinstven ali ne i jako dobar. Ocjenu dajem 6 / 10 jer je glavni lik dobro okarakteriziran, te u zadnjoj sceni sve kockice padaju na mjesto. Ima krvi i gorea, ali nista impresivno, ocekivao sam vise.

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