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Babettes gæstebud (1987)

Posted: 13 Mar 2016, 23:09
by Asfodel
aka Babette's Feast


In a remote 19th Danish century village two sisters lead a rigid life centered around their father, the local minister, and their church. Both had opportunities to leave the village. Many years later - their father is now deceased - they take in French refugee, Babette Hersant, who agrees to work as their servant.

Director: Gabriel Axel
Writers: Karen Blixen (novel), Gabriel Axel (screenplay)
Stars: Stéphane Audran, Bodil Kjer, Birgitte Federspiel



Re: Babettes gæstebud (1987)

Posted: 13 Mar 2016, 23:13
by Asfodel
Tu cijenjenu knjigu nisam čitala, ali ovo kao film mi je slabije od Afrike. Ima lijepu pouku na kraju i to mi se sviđa, sve ostalo generalno miriši na 'ženski film', ali morala sam odgledati kad je klasik. Ne vidim nikakvih mana filmu, sve je dobro, nije dosadno, samo što mi nije fantastično.