Sibir. Monamur (2011)

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Sibir. Monamur (2011)

Post by Michel » 19 Jun 2015, 21:25

Siberia. Late autumn. In taiga, in the deserted village there lives an old man Ivan & his seven-year-old grandson Leshia. A pack of feral dogs devours everything alive in the neighborhood. One of these dogs is Leshia's best friend. Sometimes their relative uncle Yuri brings food to them. Once on his way back from Ivan's village uncle Yuri is attacked by dogs & perishes. Ivan & Leshia stay without supply. Once Leshia witnesses Ivan shooting at 'his' dog & runs away. The old Man finds him in a dry well, but he fails to get him out on his own. Ivan sets out through taiga in search of help. Now the dogs are hunting him... And the boy is waiting for his father...


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Post by Michel » 19 Jun 2015, 21:25

Sibir. Monamur (2011) - e ovo je jako lijep film. Pratimo paralelno dvije priče. Jednog malog klinca i djeda kojeg napadnu divlji psi, a oni moraju bježati od njih, ali djed se ne da i druga priča pratimo oca od tog sina koji je vojnik i zajedno je još sa jednim vojnikom u šumi o doživljajau svoju pustolovinu koja je brutalna na sasvim drugi način od ovoga što trenutno doživljavaju djed i unuk. Prekrasno snimljen, smješten u Taige. Ona šuma, sve starinsko, jako lijepo.

8========o/8==========o (8/10)
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