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Tropic Thunder (2008)

Posted: 11 Mar 2008, 19:01
by A$H
Ben Stiller

PLOT - Through a series of freak occurrences, a group of actors shooting a big-budget war movie are forced to become the soldiers they are portraying.


Ben Stiller ... Speedman
Trieu Tran ... Tru
Robert Downey Jr. ... Kirk Lazarus
Jack Black ... Jeff 'Fats' Portnoy
Brandon T. Jackson ... Alpa Chino

I oni koji ce vjerovatno samo pojavit u nekim scenama..

Nick Nolte
Tom Cruise
Matthew McConaughey
Tobey Maguire
Justin Theroux



I na kraju zanimljivost, ako niste prepoznali glumca u sredini :D :D :D

Actor Robert Downey Jr has in the past been applauded for his edgy roles.

But his latest may be a step too far - as the actor dons make-up to play a rather convincing looking black man in a new Hollywood film starring comic actor Ben Stiller.

In a still from film Tropic Thunder, Downey Jnr is sandwiched between Ben Stiller, and a blonde Jack Black.

With his afro hair and brown skin, he is virtually unrecognisable as the 42-year-old star of stage and screen.

Downey Jr plays a worthy Oscar-winning actor taking on a role originally written for a black actor, and rather than re-write the part, he goes method.

Clearing anticipating a backlash, Downey Jr told a US magazine: "If it's done right, it could be the type of role you called Peter Sellers to do 35 years ago. If you don't do it right, we're going to hell."

But the backlash has clearly begun as one comment on a showbiz blog Just Jared said: "I'm not black and I find it offensive; are there not any talented enough black actors out in the world that they feel the need to hire a white guy to do a black guy?"

"They are infering that there are no good enough black actors to play a black person.

"What is the significance of hiring a white guy to play a black part? what are they trying to prove? I bet its to get more publicity."

But in support of Downey's satirical role another comment on the blog said: "I'm black too, and if they were satirising black people yes it would be offensive. but they're not.

"It's FUNNY because they're NOT legitimising negative racial stereotypes, anyone with a brain in his/her head can see how painfully clear that is."

The film centres on a group of pompous actors making the most expensive Vietnam war movie ever made.

Fed up with their self-involved cast, the film's makers drop them into the jungle to take care of themselves, where they get caught up in a conflict they don't realise is real.

The cast also includes Steve Coogan, Nick Nolte and cameos from Tom Cruise and Tobey Maguire.

Stiller said he was "trying to push it as far as you can within reality," with the intent of satirising over-the-top actors, not African-Americans.

"I had no idea how people would respond to it," Stiller told the magazine. But at a recent screening, black viewers liked the film", he said.

The film, Stiller's first as director since Zoolander, also sees his character adopt an Asian baby but worries "that all the good ones have gone".

Posted: 11 Mar 2008, 19:04
by Aryx
bit ce dobro :lol: :lol:

Posted: 11 Mar 2008, 19:06
by john_constantine
ben stiller u ratnom filmu? :roll:

Posted: 11 Mar 2008, 19:16
by A$H
john_constantine wrote:ben stiller u ratnom filmu? :roll:
komedija je naravno pa pogledaj samo glumce... :roll: :lol:

Posted: 11 Mar 2008, 19:21
by john_constantine
A$H wrote:
john_constantine wrote:ben stiller u ratnom filmu? :roll:
komedija je naravno pa pogledaj samo glumce... :roll: :lol:
ma da, vidio sam onog s lijeve strane. :lol:

Posted: 12 Mar 2008, 11:51
by Dragonrage
john_constantine wrote:
A$H wrote:
john_constantine wrote:ben stiller u ratnom filmu? :roll:
komedija je naravno pa pogledaj samo glumce... :roll: :lol:
ma da, vidio sam onog s lijeve strane. :lol:
I pogledaj samo trailer...LOL :lol: :lol:

Posted: 12 Mar 2008, 12:11
by Knatchbull
john_constantine wrote:ben stiller u ratnom filmu? :roll:
to sam i ja odmah pomislio :lol: :lol:

Posted: 12 Mar 2008, 18:54
by A$H
Dragonrage wrote:
I pogledaj samo trailer...LOL :lol: :lol:

hehe ono sa bajunetom :lol: :lol:

Posted: 12 Mar 2008, 19:49
by Freddy
ali pazite prvu sliku.....ben stiller kao neki opak igrač ovaj u sredini afro stil i ovaj zadnji je najgori :lol: :lol:

Posted: 12 Mar 2008, 20:05
by metallicat
ben stiller, ratni momak :rotflmao: ma on meni nije za nikakvu glumu/film, kamoli ovo :lol:

Posted: 13 Mar 2008, 10:20
by Dragonrage
Pa ljudi...nije to pravi ratni je zajebancija, sprdačina...parodija... :wink: :D :D :D

Posted: 13 Mar 2008, 14:05
by Asfodel
Ali dobro su Downeyja napravili, nikad ne bih skužila :lol:

Posted: 13 Mar 2008, 16:54
by metallicat
Dragonrage wrote:Pa ljudi...nije to pravi ratni je zajebancija, sprdačina...parodija... :wink: :D :D :D
da da, znam ali opet sama pojava njega u tome.. :lol:

Posted: 13 Mar 2008, 17:11
by Dragonrage
metallicat wrote:
Dragonrage wrote:Pa ljudi...nije to pravi ratni je zajebancija, sprdačina...parodija... :wink: :D :D :D
da da, znam ali opet sama pojava njega u tome.. :lol:
U tom i je glavna fora... :lol: :lol:

Posted: 13 Mar 2008, 19:08
by A$H
ne vjerujem kaj citam :lol: :lol: :lol: