The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)

Stara škola i provjereni klasici. Od Cecile B. De Millea pa sve do Hitchcocka u punom zanosu.
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The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)

Post by remike2 » 26 Sep 2010, 11:29

O filmu:
The Bridge on the River Kwai is a 1957 British World War II film by David Lean based on the novel The Bridge over the River Kwai by French writer Pierre Boulle. The film is a work of fiction but borrows the construction of the Burma Railway in 1942–43 for its historical setting. It stars William Holden, Alec Guinness, Jack Hawkins, and Sessue Hayakawa. In 1997, this film was deemed "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant" and selected for preservation in the United States Library of Congress National Film Registry.

Glumačka postava:
William Holden
Alec Guinness
Jack Hawkins
Sessue Hayakawa
James Donald

The film deals with the situation of British prisoners of war during World War II who are ordered to build a bridge to accommodate the Burma-Siam railway. Their instinct is to sabotage the bridge but, under the leadership of Colonel Nicholson, they are persuaded that the bridge should be constructed as a symbol of British morale, spirit and dignity in adverse circumstances. At first, the prisoners admire Nicholson when he bravely endures torture rather than compromise his principles for the benefit of the Japanese commandant Saito. He is an honorable but arrogant man, who is slowly revealed to be a deluded obsessive. He convinces himself that the bridge is a monument to British character, but actually is a monument to himself, and his insistence on its construction becomes a subtle form of collaboration with the enemy. Unknown to him, the Allies have sent a mission into the jungle, led by Warden and an American, Shears, to blow up the bridge.


But, you know, I knew something must be rotten in Denmark. There was no way you could like me that much. Man, I can't tell you how relieved I was when you took off your dress, you... you didn't have a dick.

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Re: The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)

Post by Ašow » 26 Sep 2010, 13:09

Film je stvarno predivan. Od pocetka do kraja.
Ironija je sto covjek koji je zapravo osmislio gradnju cijelog mosta ga digne u zrak, ali svejedno, they needed to build a propper bridge :zubifale:

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Re: The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)

Post by remike2 » 26 Sep 2010, 13:11

Slažem se, prekrasan film, jedno od najboljih filmskih ostvarenja svih vremena.
But, you know, I knew something must be rotten in Denmark. There was no way you could like me that much. Man, I can't tell you how relieved I was when you took off your dress, you... you didn't have a dick.

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Re: The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)

Post by Asfodel » 26 Sep 2010, 15:29

Voljela sam ga kao klinka, sad se pola toga zaboravilo.
I mean, a few little tiny murders and everyone just freaks out

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Re: The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)

Post by boyko » 26 Sep 2010, 15:43

legendaran film!
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Re: The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)

Post by Jane Doe » 15 Oct 2010, 17:13

gledala ga nedavno ponovno, odličan film :supz:

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Re: The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)

Post by kraykulla » 22 Oct 2011, 11:08

genijalan film sa genijalnom postavom i pričom i jednom od najpamtljivijih filmskih melodija svih vremena :rock:

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Re: The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)

Post by DrugsBunny » 01 Dec 2011, 00:39

Sam ću ukratko spomenuti, iako film ne smatram nekim uber najboljim remek djelom ikada, je ovo još jedan od dokaza zašto je 1957 možda bila najjača godina za film općenito.
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Re: The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)

Post by HorrorHR » 03 Dec 2011, 18:08

melodija za zviždanje :supz: :supz: :supz: :supz: :supz:

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Post by Michel » 08 Feb 2015, 01:12

The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) - zasluženo epski klasik. Alec Guinness jedna od uloga karijere. Kako mu je lik samo rastao kroz film, toliko rastao i toliko se uživio u gradnju mosta da više nije znao što se događa na kraju, a kraj je prava bomba :zubifale: odlično režirano i odglumljeno. Prva polovica potpuno drugačija od druge. U drugoj više pratimo Williama Holdena.

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