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Viy (2009) Remake

Posted: 17 Dec 2007, 14:19
by dodo
Russian remake of the classic horror film from 1967 based on the novel by Nickolai Gogol.
A young priest is ordered to preside over the wake of witch in a small old wooden church of a remote village.
This means spending three nights alone with the corpse with only his faith to protect him.

Quick question: has the big budget remake of Russian horror picture Viy been getting progressively larger and more complicated as interest rises throughout the production or is it just that the producers have bitten off way more than they can chew? We first wrote about this film all the way back in November of 2005 - at which point a 2006 release was planned - and here we are in late 2007 with no release in sight. In fact the good folks over at 24fps have spotted a Russian news report saying that the film is now targeting a February 2009 release citing complicated animal and effects shots still to be filmed.

Here is the synopsis, all be it a bit confusing one.
Time went by. The Cossack chief – the young lady’s father – lost his mind: to prevent the evil spirits from entering his estate, he ordered a deep moat dug and a tall wall constructed around the hamlet and the adjacent lands.
Now one could only enter the hamlet via a retractable bridge, which was guarded day and night by men, loyal to the Cossack chief.
Few were allowed inside. All kinds of riffraff hung around the bridge by the dozen: God’s fools, the homeless and the cripples. Those allowed to cross the bridge were thoroughly searched. The rumors had it the Cossack chief was afraid of Viy’s return. One day a scientist arrived at the hamlet. From then on mysterious murders started occurring at the estate. Inhabitants, known until then as decent people, suddenly became aggressive and cruel.
The scientist begins an investigation. Soon he learns that Viy indeed exists. Seminarian Brut’s death and all the developments in the recent days are not coincidental.
Gradually he comes to unraveling the Viy mystery.
It’s not Viy himself who is dangerous, but his gaze.
Viy is rather harmless. However, when any mortal looks into Viy’s eyes, the demons of all the sins, fears, passions and horrors, laying dormant in the dark soul of the beholder, attack from within.
But a person, whose nature is pure, can look into Viy’s eyes without fear. The truth is inside you."

Trailer mi izgleda odlično :klapklap:

Posted: 21 Dec 2007, 10:20
by The Undertaker
Pošto mi je "Sveto mesto" jedan od omiljenih filmova a inspirisan je ovom pričom, jedva čekam ovaj remake. :supz: A i trailer je :klapklap: :pasmater:

Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 12:47
by The Undertaker
Damn, ko će dočekati 12.03.2009.? :gorigori:

Posted: 13 Sep 2008, 01:18
by Sharan
The Undertaker wrote:Pošto mi je "Sveto mesto" jedan od omiljenih filmova a inspirisan je ovom pričom, jedva čekam ovaj remake. :supz: A i trailer je :klapklap: :pasmater:
Jao, neku noć sam ga opet sam kući gledao. Strašan film. Nevjerovatno. Ovo je vrijedno pažnje.

Posted: 13 Sep 2008, 01:20
by Decadentor
Jbg nisam gledo ni jedno ni drugo :oops:

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 21:39
by slum goddess
The Undertaker wrote:Damn, ko će dočekati 12.03.2009.? :gorigori:
Nece to prije 2010. A ja sam jako napalila na ovo, izgleda fantasticno... :oops:
Ali, neka, kad ga vec sminkaju, neka ga usminkaju do kraja.

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 23:17
by teurastaja
pise na netu kako zele izdati film tokom 2009 jer je 200-ta obljetnica rođenja autora knjige, po kojoj je rađen film (Gogolj).
Uglavnom, film izgleda odlicno, kretnje ove vjestice-demona su totalno freaky... brrrrr...

Posted: 10 Apr 2009, 09:42
by Studeni

Posted: 10 Apr 2009, 10:26
by ZeroX
zanimljiva tema. trailer je predobar.

Posted: 10 Apr 2009, 11:45
by slum goddess
teurastaja wrote:pise na netu kako zele izdati film tokom 2009 jer je 200-ta obljetnica rođenja autora knjige, po kojoj je rađen film (Gogolj).
Procitala sam negdje na netu, ne mogu se sjetiti gdje, da je film trebao izaci jos prije par godina (cca 2007), ali nisu bili zadovoljni snimljenim, pa su doradili scenariji, specijalne efekte...nesto na tu foru.

Svidja mi se ovo s Gogoljem, on je faca! :)

Posted: 10 Apr 2009, 14:01
by elrania
ajme, dodo je pootvarao toliko topica u svoje vrijeme da mi je uopce postalo naporno pratiti ista vise i propustih ovo...
i wow, moram rec da se skroz veselim remakeu nakon sto sam sad pogledala trailer.
neke stvari mozda malo ispadaju previse forsiramo, ali vecina je dosta dobra... jedino sto cisto sumnjam da ce bit pogoden duh originala...

Posted: 10 Apr 2009, 14:48
by The Undertaker
slum goddess wrote:
The Undertaker wrote:Damn, ko će dočekati 12.03.2009.? :gorigori:
Nece to prije 2010. A ja sam jako napalila na ovo, izgleda fantasticno... :oops:
Ali, neka, kad ga vec sminkaju, neka ga usminkaju do kraja.
Ako je verovati IMDB-u premijera će biti tek 29.10. ove godine...

Posted: 11 Apr 2009, 10:49
by just me
Ovdje: je službeni sajt filma. Premjera u Rusiji se očekuje 1.10.2009

Posted: 11 Apr 2009, 11:02
by teurastaja
just me wrote:Ovdje: je službeni sajt filma. Premjera u Rusiji se očekuje 1.10.2009
U Rusiji ? ODLICNO, znaci r5 dvd rip dolazi cirka 3.10.2009, mark my words :D

Posted: 13 Apr 2009, 02:18
by Wendigo
uuuuu, jedva čekam. original mi je bio špica, a vidim po traileru da će i ovo biti mucho dobro.. 8)