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Bairokêshon (Bilocation) 2013

Posted: 25 Jun 2015, 23:36
by Asfodel

"Bilocation" is a supernatural phenomenon in which an individual appears in two different places at the same time, which has been reported historically worldwide. What if your alter ego exceeds your experience and ability? And what if he/she tries to prevent you from standing in the way of him/her? Can you accept it, or will you kill the other "you"? Bilocation depicts the nightmare of an alter ego that endangers not only your identity but also your very existence.

Director: Mari Asato
Writers: Haruka Hôjô (based on the novel by), Mari Asato (screenplay)
Stars: Asami Mizukawa, Yôsuke Asari, Chûkichi Kubo




Re: Bairokêshon (Bilocation) 2013

Posted: 25 Jun 2015, 23:39
by Asfodel
Možda nije za neko otvaranje topica i masne preporuke (jer je samo korektan), ali ja sam više htjela proslaviti što konačno mogu otvarati topice uopće :mrgreen: (i gledati preview posta)

Uglavnom, u redu je filmić. Nije naročito hororast, no posluži za jedno gledanje.

Re: Bairokêshon (Bilocation) 2013

Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 00:53
by HorrorHR
khm proradilo znači? pa super onda :)

a za topic, dakako nek bude, evo ja prvi ću bacit' oko ;)