The Body Snatcher (1945)

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The Body Snatcher (1945)

Post by john_constantine » 16 Mar 2013, 11:08



Redatelj: Robert Wise
Scenarij: Robert Louis Stevenson, Philip MacDonald
Žanr: horor triler
Država: USA
Glumi: Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi, Henry Daniell, Edith Atwater, Russell Wade...
In Edinburgh, renowned surgeon and now teacher of anatomy Dr. MacFarlane, has been paying John Gray, a cabman, to clandestinely bring him exhumed bodies of the recently deceased for classroom demonstration purposes. With cemeteries being increasingly guarded, Gray turns to murder to provide MacFarlane with fresh bodies. Realizing that he will never be rid of Gray, who constantly taunts him with his knowledge of MacFarland's past indiscretions, MacFarlane engages the malevolent Gray in a hand-to-hand fight to the death, the ultimate results of which provide the victor with an episode of unprecedented psychological horror.
Michel puši karu.

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Re: The Body Snatcher (1945)

Post by john_constantine » 16 Mar 2013, 11:08

Ekranizacija kratke i jezovite priče o profesorima patologije koji su krali mrtvace. Inače nema nikakve veze s tom kratkom pričom osim ideje, pa se radnja ipak bavi samo tematikom opsesije, ucjenjivanja, zločina i nekakvih sitnih obrata koje me baš nisu pretjerano oduševile. Završetak je bio predvidljiv. Ali Boris Karloff je bio preizvrstan kao Gray, ubojica koji krade leševe. Fenomalan glumac s jezovitim izrazom lica i karizmatičnom ulogom u nekoliko upečatljivih scena. I odlično to što se u filmu spominje istiniti slučaj Burkea i Harea. Inače, čisto solidan film. 3/5
Michel puši karu.

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Re: The Body Snatcher (1945)

Post by popayy » 16 Mar 2013, 19:44

Jako, ali baš jako dobar film. Karloff predobar, naročito dok pod***ava doktora. Ma strava.

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Re: The Body Snatcher (1945)

Post by Salvador » 17 Mar 2013, 11:50

Nisam ga još gledao, ali imam ga na hardu već neko vrijeme, ali nikako da se natjeram da ga pogledam.

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Re: The Body Snatcher (1945)

Post by Sammy » 11 Jul 2013, 21:23

The Body Snatcher (1945) - Jedan vrlo dobar stariji horror, atmosfera je mračna, a Karloff je preodličan u svojoj ulozi. - 8/10
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Re: The Body Snatcher (1945)

Post by dr_gonzo » 21 Jan 2019, 19:26

Meni bija odlican kad san ga pogleda na HTV3
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- Charles Bukowski -

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