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The Entity (1981.)

Posted: 25 May 2010, 22:07
by remike2
O filmu:
The Entity is a horror film starring Barbara Hershey as Carla Moran, a California woman who was tormented by an unseen entity. Despite being filmed and planned for a release in 1981, the movie was not released in worldwide theaters until September 1982 followed by the United States in February 1983. The film is allegedly based on the life of Doris Bither (Doris Bither's son interview), who claims to continue being assaulted by an invisible being, though with lesser frequency and intensity (more recently it is claimed she no longer suffers from physical attacks, but still experiences the phenomena). There is also a novel of the same name written by Frank DeFelitta (first published in 1978), which provides a more detailed account of Carla (or Carlotta) Moran's (other possible names Doris Bither or Byther) supposed experiences. The supposed haunting took place in Culver City, California, USA.

Glumačka postava:
Barbara Hershey
Ron Silver
David Labiosa
Margaret Blye

Carla Moran awakens one night to find herself being beaten and raped by an unseen presence. Terrified of what's happening to her, and shunned by friends and family who think she's lost her mind, she seeks help from parapsychologists. The researchers soon discover that evil spiritual force has been drawn to Carla and is responsible for the violent attacks. The question now, however, is how do they stop it?



Re: The Entity (1981.)

Posted: 25 May 2010, 22:38
by dark_driving
odlican mi je ovo film, gledao sam ga davno davno a sjetio ga se nakon paranormal activity pa sam ga pogledao opet, i dalje mi je odlican

Re: The Entity (1981.)

Posted: 25 May 2010, 23:22
by Ghrall
Vrlo dobar uradak. Možda ga opet pogledam kroz neko vrijeme.

Re: The Entity (1981.)

Posted: 27 May 2010, 17:49
by nemesis
ja sam nedugo pogledao ponovno.dobar.

Re: The Entity (1981.)

Posted: 30 Jul 2010, 14:11
by kraykulla
dobar ali meni bio malo prerazvučen i na momente dosadan.

Re: The Entity (1981.)

Posted: 30 Jul 2010, 18:07
by remike2
Meni je ovo odličan horror. :supz:

Re: The Entity (1981.)

Posted: 31 Jul 2010, 02:26
by cleonhr
Ovo je prvi horror koji sam ikad gledao kao klinac u kinu, i usro sam se u gaće, i dugo godina ga nisam mogao nabaviti sve do pojave torrenta, nedugo sam ga skinuo i ponovo pogledao i opet se usro u gaće.... Super mi je film, a neznam dal ste primjetili da je film snjimljen prema istinitom događaju?

A žestok.....

Re: The Entity (1981.)

Posted: 11 Jun 2011, 17:54
by elrania
ne mogu baš reć da mi je film dobro sjeo.
priča mu je zaista jako dobra i odlično mi je bilo i ispreplitanje dvije grane znanosti u rješavanju stvari, no malo mi je bio prekrut na momente, a na momente preSFovski pa sam se vozala između laganog podsmjehivanja i normalnog praćenja radnje.
nije loš, daleko od toga, no nije mi baš pri vrhu dosad viđenih filmova slične tematike.

Re: The Entity (1981.)

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 08:09
by Jack Crow

Re: The Entity (1981.)

Posted: 12 May 2012, 14:22
by Michel
Danas se gleda nakon duuuugo godina. Pola toga se ne sjećam. Tada mi je bio strašan, nadam se da je i dalje. Jedva čekam noć i ghost horor :supz:

Re: The Entity (1981.)

Posted: 13 May 2012, 21:12
by DakotaSkye
kraykulla wrote:dobar ali meni bio malo prerazvučen i na momente dosadan.
yep, također