The Beast (1996)

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The Beast (1996)

Post by Michel » 15 Feb 2018, 20:46



Stars: William Petersen, Karen Sillas, Charles Martin Smith
Fishing and jobs are becoming scarce in a small seaport community when tragedy strikes a young couple disappear into the sea and nothing is left but a large claw stuck in their raft. A marine expert identifies it as belonging to an extremely rare giant squid and the hunt is on.

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Re: The Beast (1996)

Post by Michel » 15 Feb 2018, 20:46

Skoro tri sata traje. Gledao netko? Čini mi se kao guilty pleasure.
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Post by dr_gonzo » 17 Feb 2018, 14:48

To je neka mini serija....Ralje radnja sa džinovskom lignjom...ukratko. Jedva gledljivo unatoč glumcima.
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Re: The Beast (1996)

Post by HorrorHR » 04 Apr 2018, 13:51

bilo na VHS-icama kod nas (2 komada ako me pamcenje dobro sjeca). bas zato i nisam nikada pogledao, bio sam baždiran na 80-minute filmove

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Re: The Beast (1996)

Post by Asfodel » 23 Apr 2018, 22:29

Znala sam da mi je poznato, search opcija ftw

I mean, a few little tiny murders and everyone just freaks out

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