It (1990)

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Re: It (1990)

Post by john_constantine » 26 Dec 2014, 09:57

Znači, ubacili bi onaj završetak s djecom. A nakon što sam počeo čitati dark tower, tek sad shvaćam tko je zapravo taj klaun.
A i randall flag iz stand, crni čarobnjak iz dark towera. Bilo bi interesatno da izade i dark tower, pa sve povezu u tri različita filma.
Michel puši karu.

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Re: It (1990)

Post by Michel » 26 Dec 2014, 11:06

Kako to misliš za klauna? Misliš da je povezan sa dark towerom?

U dark toweru imaš Randalla Flaga koji nosi više naziva. Dark man/čovjek u crnom, the walking dude i tako dalje i onda imaš još jednog moćnog negativca, Crimson King

Ostali negativci nisu toliko važni kao njih dvoje u Dark Toweru.

A što se tiče klauna, on je jedan od drevnih ajmo reći bogova. Entitet iz mikoruniverzuma kao kornjača iz It-a ako se sjećaš knjige.

Sad, taj Crimson King posjeduje deadlights, jednu vrstu magije, a tu magiju posjeduje i Pennywise pa tu imaš neke poveznice. Tu su fanovi stvorili teoriju da su oni ista rasa, ali to je samo teorija. Crimson King ima čak i sina koji je u obliku pauka, a znaš da se klaun pretvori u pauka na kraju tako da tu ima svačega, ali to su sve teorije. Još ima onaj Dandello iz Dark Towera koji je sličan It-u.

Zato volim njegove knjige. Stvorio je nevjerojatno povezani svijet. Pogledaj samo ovo
Pogledaj koliko toga vodi prema Dark Toweru :D

Ili ovo ... .dj786No6e

Zato uživam u negovim knjigama nego bilo kojem drugom autoru zbog tih referenci na prijašnje knjige/likove i sva ta povezanost. Kao da je sve jedno pa dobiješ taj neki poseban osjećaj. Jedna velika sretna obitelj :zubifale:

Sad, što se tiče The Standa i It-a te novih ekranizacija. Imam visoka očekivanja ne samo zato zbog dobrih redatelja već i to što redatelj The Standa je fan Kinga i što je već proučavao čitavu knjigu mjesecima i složio cijelu priču i pokazao samom KIngu koji je bio oduševljen. Boone je rekao da The Stand zbog toliko likova i podpriča može ići kroz 15 filmova, ali da će biti četiri što je opet super. ... 201291709/

“They asked, would you do this as multiple films. I said f*ck yes. I think we’re going to do four movies. Do The Stand at the highest level you can do it at, with a cast that’s going to blow peoples’ minds. Production in the spring.” ... -stand.php

Koliko se sjećam one ekranizacije iz 90-ih, tamo je bio odličan Randall Flagg. Samo manje poznati glumac.
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Re: It (1990)

Post by john_constantine » 26 Dec 2014, 12:40

Pretpostavio sam da je klaun zapravo crimson king u obliku pauka. Jer mu je cilj uništenje univerzuma. A taj njegov sin je umro u dark tower serijalu.
Da, randall flag, martin, čovjek u crnom. Čitao sam i fantasy zmajevo oko, njegov cioj kao i u stand je unijeti nemir, raspad i na kraju uništenje, kao što je uništio gilead u dark toweru.
Znam da se crimson king pojavljuje i u Nesanici.
Michel puši karu.

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Re: It (1990)

Post by Michel » 26 Dec 2014, 12:56

Ja ipak ne podupirem tu teoriju da su oni jedno. Imaš ovdje dobra objašnjenja ... 14313.html

The true form of "It" is not actually a giant spider. That is merely the shape the human mind could come closest to. More to the point, "It" doesn't share the Crimson King's ambitions. "It" is already a God. It already perceives the cosmos on a level above and beyond. We get a direct look into the mind of it, without deception. It only wants to eat and sleep and eat again. The Crimson King is an ant compared to It.

Now, you could make the argument that the Crimson King, Dandelo, and in effect Mordred are spawn (Mordred once removed) of the death of "It," but they are very clearly not Pennywise. The issue is one of character motivation. The issue is one of levels of power. I might be convinced that Dandelo and the Crimson King (and many others like them) are spawn of It, little spiderlings that scurried off into the dark, avoiding destruction by Ben's boot heel. It is clear the lair of It (far beneath Derry) is a thinny, and the little spiderling could have ended up anywhere in Sai King's multiverse. This theory certainly fits Dandelo (at least so far with the availableevidene).

Dandelo simply appeared in Roland's world at some point, set up shop, exercised cunning to get itself a robot helper (which it named Stuttering Bill), and began to eat. It functioned very much like a vastly weaker "It." Dandelo could use glamours to disguise himself and the world around him. The fact that it appears briefly as a psychotic clown also lends itself to the theory that it is related to Robert "It" Gray. It is likely the monster's spawn retain some knowledge of the death of its parent. Moreover, it makes perfect sense that this spawn would be nothing but a weaker (while still dangerous) wisp of a shadow of its ancient sire.

In short (already too late for that), it is more likely that the destruction of It was exactly as advertised. She was the mother of monsters however and some (or many) of her brood live on to plague the multiverse. I think Dandelo is certainly one such entity. I think it more than likely that the Crimson King is one such being as well.

Ili ovo...

I dont think the Crimson King and It are one and the same. There are too many differences.

One of the big ones is that Pennywise doesn't know about Gan - It thinks the only two cosmic beings of any importance are Itself and the Turtle. Only near the end does It begin to think It was wrong in that assumption. The Crimson King, on the other hand, knows of all the important cosmics including Gan which Pennywise clearly didn't.

Another one is that the Crimson King knows of Pennywise when he visits Derry in Insomnia and references It as a seperate creature.

The Gunslingers know of Pennywise too as a seperate entity. They have a picture of Pennywise the clown in one of their rooms in Fall of Gilead.

The Deadlights Ralph sees in Insomnia come from Pennywise/It surrounding Derry ("Pennywise lives!" as Dreamcatcher tells us). The Crimson King goes through them to another level of the Tower...when he's gone they are still there, they will always be there because Derry is a part of It.

My feeling is that It is actually one of the Demon Elementals of a Beam. This would explain Its relationship with the Turtle (a Beam Guardian). The Demon Elementals discription in the Dark Tower series also describes Pennywise pretty well - they dont need names, they can turn into any sex they want but are best described as "its", etc. ... 11804.html

Da, CK se pojavljuje u Nesanici i to mi je najbolji dio knjige, to s avionom. A i nisu bili loši oni doktori kao negativci.

Kingovi negativci: Pennywise, Cujo, Randall Flagg, Crimson King, Annie, Jack Torrance, Kurt Barlow, Ace, Henry Bowers, Percy, Leland (jebeno podcijenjen iz potrebnih stvari), Tak.

Jebeno mi je to što ima niz odličnih zlikovaca. Iz filmova/mini serija, Barlow mi je najdraži :D

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Re: It (1990)

Post by john_constantine » 26 Dec 2014, 14:40

Ma kvragu, nakon svih tih teorija i onog grafikona, i meni dolazi da podržim crimson kinga u uništenju univerzuma.:D
Michel puši karu.

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