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Open Water (2003)

Posted: 22 Jun 2015, 23:56
by Michel

A couple on a holiday in the Caribbean decide to spend the day on a scuba diving trip. But was it the wrong decision? When a mis-count happens on the boat, Susan and Daniel are left behind in the middle of the ocean, the boat long gone. With all their hopes set on the boat coming back to rescue them, they try to keep themselves safe, especially when sharks start to appear.





Posted: 22 Jun 2015, 23:57
by Michel
Open Water (2003) - a ne znam, solidan hororac. Fali mi nešto da bi bio dobar. Čak mi i ne smeta low budget, ali u niti jednom trenutku se nisam osjećao napeto kako se znam osjećati baš kod ovakvih filmova kao što je The Reef. I nekako mi se čini da su njih dvoje mogli nešto više napraviti. Kao da se nisu trudili previše. I bilo je par scena na otoku, jeeee :zubifale:

8=====-o/8==========o (5.5/10)

Re: Open Water (2003)

Posted: 23 Jun 2015, 08:16
by Asfodel
Volim ovaj film, fin primjer dobrog minimalizma..

Re: Open Water (2003)

Posted: 23 Jun 2015, 18:34
by brightest
...gledao prije par nedavno drugo gledanje malkice razočaran...

Re: Open Water (2003)

Posted: 25 Jun 2015, 00:11
by Truba
dobar film bio i ostao