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Model Hunger (2015)

Posted: 12 Jan 2015, 11:00
by HorrorHR
Former pin-up model and actress Ginny had been cast aside by the heartless and exploitative modeling industry when she was a young woman due to her body type. Ginny didnt take rejection well and over the years developed into a revenge seeking, blood thirsty, broken woman.
Director: Debbie Rochon
Writer: James Morgart
Stars: Mary Bogle, Babette Bombshell, Robert Bozek

Behind the scenes video:

Re: Model Hunger (2015)

Posted: 12 Jan 2015, 11:00
by HorrorHR
Nema previše informacija. Ovaj gore behind the scenes je 99.9% iz filma, makar je objavljen 2012.

Inače prva recenzija: ... nger-2015/