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The Three Sisters (2014)

Posted: 23 Apr 2014, 00:48
by Djuro
The Three Sisters is an upcoming giallo film set in Dublin, Ireland. Written and directed by Dáire McNab, the film stars Elliot Moriarty, Gillian Walsh and Neill Fleming, with special guest star Giovanni Lombardo Radice (aka John Morghen), star of cult classics 'Cannibal Ferox', 'The House on the Edge of the Park' and 'City of the Living Dead'. The film will feature music by Repeated Viewing, and will be released in 2014.

hmmmm.....tri seke,automatski pomislih na Argenta....neznam što misliti o ovome filmu jer moderan giallo mi jednostavno nije giallo ali ajde...živi bili pa vidjeli
