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Nurse 3D ( 2013 )

Posted: 10 Feb 2014, 19:07
by popayy

By day Abby Russell is a dedicated nurse, someone you wouldn't hesitate to trust your life with. But by night, her real work begins...using her smoldering sexuality she lures cheating men to their brutal deaths and exposes them for who they really are.


Re: Nurse 3D ( 2013 )

Posted: 10 Feb 2014, 19:22
by popayy
Mmm kinki :obrve: , humorni hororac, s dozom trasha, par scena za dečke ( pogledati trailer ) i pokojim ubojstvom tipičnim za slasher podžanr.
I da, 3DE ofkors.
Spomenuo bih i čudo od glavne glumice, Paz de la Huerta, koju nisam zapazio nigdje do sada, i zbilja je čudo. Takvu glumu iskreno dugo ne vidjeh. Jednostavno neznam što reći osim toga, cijelo vrijeme sam imao osjećaj kako namjerno zaje*ava publiku. Neka još netko pogleda pa baci svoj komentar.
A sam film, pa ako vam se svidio trailer, svidjet će vam se i završni proizvod, ne očekujte ništa više. Meni je OK :facepalm: .

Re: Nurse 3D ( 2013 )

Posted: 10 Feb 2014, 21:27
by Wheel Smith
ženska verzija fatal attraction :rock:

Re: Nurse 3D ( 2013 )

Posted: 10 Feb 2014, 23:32
by HorrorHR
zapravo me najviše vizualno intrigirala ova negativka, u traileru sam mislio na trenutke da ima neku masku preko lica, ali maske nigdje...

Re: Nurse 3D ( 2013 )

Posted: 20 Jul 2015, 19:36
by HorrorHR
Douglas Aarniokoski is a very bad director. We know this because of Animals, The Day and Lionsgate’s Nurse 3D.

Actress/model Paz de la Huerta did not learn of this truth until the release of the pulp slasher that was dumped straight to home video.

No matter, she blames the filmmakers for destroying her career, and is suing for $55M, according to a report by TMZ.

In Nurse 3D, de la Huerta played a nurse hell-bent on murdering cheating, scummy men.

Sure, the movie was terrible, but that’s only part of the reason as to why she’s suing. This one is a doozy…

Paz claims she was shooting a scene where an ambulance was supposed to speed by, but it ended up clipping her, explains TMZ. Paz says she suffered a spinal fracture and told movie execs she was going to file a worker’s comp claim.

According to Paz, Aarniokoski decided she was a pain in the ass so he had a lousy actress dub her voice in the ambulance scene and other scenes as well.

The site adds that, while the movie tanked, critics panned the flick, pointing to Paz’s monotone performance. So she says her career is cooked, and since she was making around $2 million a year, she believes that would total $55 million, plus punitive damages.

This is the best part, though…

She wants the judge to order the director to re-dub the voice in the movie with hers! ... suing-55m/

:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: