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Home Movie (2008)

Posted: 27 Oct 2008, 10:12
by negativni
Šta kaže
Home Movie is the video document of one family’s descent into darkness by their own hand. It uses a compilation of found home-made footage, a lot of it around holidays, a time meant for family togetherness. In the remote woods, the Poe Family lives a idyllic American family life. But an unsettling evil is growing and it isn’t in the woods. Something is very wrong with ten-year old twins, Jack and Emily Poe. Evil is has a synergy David and Clare Poe make many startling discoveries about this growing evil nature in their children. No one could ever imagine or accept the evil growing inside the Poe household. It is an unbelievable nightmare pitting parents against their own children. ...

I know there is a temptation when shooting a film to use sound and music to create mood. Shooting this documentary style Denham willfully limits a lot of opportunities to use music and sound as part of the evocation of emotion. If he chose to shoot this story as a narration rather than a documentation it may have made it even harder for Denham to resist the urge to use sound. Khudos to him for that. But the absence of sound was intended to be just as effective if we watched a film with a lot of strings and sounds effects. A lot of the stunts and thrills that Denham uses in the film are intended to be really scary and they are well executed.

But his film just didn’t have me. Home Movie’s success depends on how quickly you can accept the Poe’s world and attach yourselves to them and their plight. It didn’t grab me. It didn’t even tap me on the shoulder and say boo.

meni ovo ne zvuči loše, ako ništa barem zvuči originalno, bio na Toronto After Dark 2008 tako da bi uskoro trebo izać i skriner! :D