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Eden Lake (2oo8)

Posted: 27 May 2008, 11:56
by A$H
James Watkins

PLOT - Nursery teacher Jenny and her boyfriend Steve, escape for a romantic weekend away. Steve, planning to propose, has found an idyllic setting: a remote lake enclosed by woodlands and seemingly deserted. The couple's peace is shattered when a gang of obnoxious kids encircles their campsite. Reveling in provoking the adults, the gang steals the couple's belongings and vandalizes their car leaving them completely stranded. When Steve confronts them, tempers flare and he suffers a shocking and violent attack. Fleeing for help, Jenny is subject to a brutal and relentless game of cat-and-mouse as she desperately tries to evade her young pursuers and find her way out of the woods. Exhausted and distraught, she finally arrives back to the safety of the town. And meets the parents...




Michael Fassbender ... Steve
Kelly Reilly ... Jenny
Thomas Turgoose ... Cooper
Bronson Webb ... Reece


Posted: 27 May 2008, 12:55
by Knatchbull
volim ovakve plotove(a gang of obnoxious kids)... 8)

Posted: 27 May 2008, 13:33
by Freddy
izgleda zanimljivo ova slika

Posted: 27 May 2008, 20:21
by gandalf
Freddy wrote:izgleda zanimljivo ova slika

Ja sam mislio da se radi o nekom zombie filmu po slici!

Već dosta puta prežvakana priča, ali vidjet ćemo što će ispasti od toga!

Posted: 28 May 2008, 22:08
by jigsaw
Ma bit će da je to neki bljuvež...

Posted: 28 May 2008, 22:31
by dr mladjo
ženska na slici me malčice podsjeća na paris hilton..

Posted: 30 Jun 2008, 12:18
by A$H

Posted: 30 Jun 2008, 12:32
by Charlie surfs again
Dobra joj ona mochuga sa ekserom, prava huliganka :D

Posted: 10 Aug 2008, 13:19
by A$H
When nursery teacher Jenny (Kelly Reilly) escapes to the country for a relaxing weekend away with her boyfriend, she is unaware of a romantic surprise he has in store. The location is perfect. A lake enclosed by woodlands, seemingly deserted. The scene is set for a picturesque proposal. But before the happy couple can enjoy the retreat, their peace is shattered by a gang of violent youths. What begins is a shocking and unrelenting game of cat-and-mouse, as Jenny is forced to fight back against her aggressors.


Eden Lake hits UK cinemas on September 12th

Posted: 12 Aug 2008, 10:42
by Dragonrage

Posted: 04 Dec 2008, 01:15
by filmofil
ovaj plot u prvom postu ima mali spoiler je ustvari otkriva radnju cijelog filma do samog kraja...

a što se filma tiče, odličan je...preporuka svima koji vole takve horore...

Posted: 05 Dec 2008, 15:55
by The Undertaker
Ne znam, ja sam ga sinoć pogledao, uopšte mi se ne sviđa, previše klišeja, odsustvo strašnijih scena. Mada priznajem da nikad nisam bio ljubitelj ovakvih filmova, možda mi zato nije "legao".
I da, zar ne bi trebalo da se ovaj film nalazi u delu "evropski filmovi"? :wink:

Posted: 07 Dec 2008, 21:33
by dr_gonzo
Jedan od najboljih filmova ove godine (pogledah ga prije 2 sata)...

Posted: 08 Dec 2008, 19:59
by nemesis
ja sam ga pogledao prije par dana. odličan kao i sve europsko što sam u zadnje vrijeme pogledao.
prava mala engleska gamad , ružni su ko Wayne Rooney

Posted: 08 Dec 2008, 20:06
by John_Ryder
nemesis wrote:ja sam ga pogledao prije par dana. odličan kao i sve europsko što sam u zadnje vrijeme pogledao.
prava mala engleska gamad , ružni su ko Wayne Rooney

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: točno to