2024. godina - Biden vs Trump (izbori i sve ostalo)

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Re: 2024. godina - Biden vs Trump (izbori i sve ostalo)

Post by Michel » 23 Mar 2024, 16:10

Navečer ću analizirati ovo što se dogodilo u Rusiji. Stas tuned.
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Re: 2024. godina - Biden vs Trump (izbori i sve ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 23 Mar 2024, 16:17

Michel wrote:
23 Mar 2024, 16:10
Navečer ću analizirati ovo što se dogodilo u Rusiji. Stas tuned.


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Re: 2024. godina - Biden vs Trump (izbori i sve ostalo)

Post by hitman_4 » 23 Mar 2024, 17:27

analizirat će tako što če krasti sa tuđih stranica tkz copy paste analiza by michel :D



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Re: 2024. godina - Biden vs Trump (izbori i sve ostalo)

Post by Michel » 23 Mar 2024, 17:57

Bit će i raskrinkavanje lopatara pedera lemonzooa i njegovog pederizma te promoviranje istog. Nevjerojatno je sve što se saznalo. Stay tuned. Ovo je na razini živac maradona.
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Re: 2024. godina - Biden vs Trump (izbori i sve ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 23 Mar 2024, 18:27

Michel wrote:
23 Mar 2024, 17:57
Bit će i raskrinkavanje lopatara pedera lemonzooa i njegovog pederizma te promoviranje istog. Nevjerojatno je sve što se saznalo. Stay tuned. Ovo je na razini živac maradona.
uuuuuu ovo me zanima


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Re: 2024. godina - Biden vs Trump (izbori i sve ostalo)

Post by hitman_4 » 23 Mar 2024, 20:01

legenda titlova i forum hr je protjerao michela sa foruma hr i sad tu cvili. prvo popišan od consa pa od ikone titlova lemonza :D



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Re: 2024. godina - Biden vs Trump (izbori i sve ostalo)

Post by Michel » 24 Mar 2024, 01:32

Ok ljudi tu smo gdje jesmo. Ovo što se dogodilo u Rusiji je užasno. Ne želim ni gledati snimke, kad god pogledam tako nešto, uvijek se pitam kad će kod nas. Počivali u miru svi koji su nažalost nastradali i neka im je laka zemlja.

E sad, ajmo malo na komentare prvo
Ne podupirem Ruse u napadu na Ukrajinu. Kršćanin ne bi trebao ubijati Kršćanina. Katolik ili Pravoslavac, križ nam je zajednički. Što se tiče ovih muslimana, ono što mislim o njima ne smijem ovdje napisati
Educirajte se, pitajte one koji znaju, ne nasjedajte na naslove u medijima, koji nemaju veze sa stvarnošću... Kako su izmislili koronu, tako će i sve ostalo, sve je dogovoreno, AGENDA 30 u punom je tijeku, koliko god nekima ludo zvučalo... živimo u bolesnom društvu , kojiim ne vladaju naše vlade, nego vlada iz sjene, ništa novo...Njima ovo sve paše! Prestrašno, a ljudi sve vjeruju.... Ne reagiraju..! Mislite barem na svoju djecu i unučad..., borite se za njih...🥲
ISIL se samo bori protiv Brisela i globalista i banaka i reptila i zato ih toliko napadaju svi. MSM propaganda protiv ISIL-a se nastavlja.
Sada nema kao nakon napada Hamasa na Izrael, "rokaj po Gazi, po Palestincima" ?! Hoćete još ovome i zapljeskati ? Kakve veze rat u Ukrajini ima s islamskim terorizmom koji je opasnost svugdje, od SAD-a, Europe, pa do Rusije.
ISIL je u sluzbi agencije CIA, jer da nije bi pomogli Palestini u borbi protiv agresora. ovako pomazu SADu da ostvari ciljeve koje ne bi mogla kao SAD, a SAD je u vlasnistvu Izraela i tako u krug
Nisu Rusi https://www.24sata.hr/news/ruska-polici ... usi-972705

A sad idemo na komentare pomoću slika gdje ću i raskrinkati pedera Lemonzooa i njegovog dečka Bubimira.

Ovdje je početak svega gdje je peder Lemonzoo branio LGTB zajednicu.

Inače, većina ljudi su protiv pedera Lemonzooa i Bubimira što ćete i vidjeti. Ovdje se spominje Bubimir pa malo o njemu da vidite tko je on. On je dio LGTB zajednice i zajedno sa svojim dečkom Lemonzoom je moderator na alternativi, ali ne samo to već je Bubimir koji je zadojeni podržavatelj terorizma i zapada, on je i moderator na religiji. Zamislite vi to. LGTB moderator na religiji. Toliko je taj forum haer nisko pao kada si to dopuštaju.

Da upoznate malo bubimira

Peder lemonzoo koristi riječ whatabutizm, to je njegova nova omiljena riječ za koju ni ne zna što znači ali zvuči dobro pa je koristi.

Sad ćete vidjeti kako se ljudi okreću protiv pedera Lemonzooa i njegovog dečka bubimira

Tu peder lemonzoo opet brani LGTB zajednicu. Zamislite, peder lemonzoo dobiva u dupe od bubimira dok brani istu zajednicu koja čini sva ta zla djela.

I ovaj forumaš se čudi kako je peder lemonzoo uvukao LGTB zajednicu.

Forumaš saugaro školuje i educira bubimira, dečka od pedera lemonzooa

Ovdje se vidi površnost pedera lemonzooa

I ovdje je legendarni forumaš felga skužio kakva je zla osoba peder lemonzoo

A sad jedan zanimljiv video o Francuskoj vojsci u Ukrajini jer debil pedofil/peder Macron šalje vojsku u Ukrajinu. I to će biti loše.

That's such arrogant stupidity on Macaroon's part. God save us all from that rotten politic.
I am French and I do not want my country to go to war against Russia, Macron is not supported by the French people in this madness... Thank you for your interesting work.
getting world war 3 before gta 6 is crazy
The French people need to rise up against Macron trying to start WW3. He knows he'll be forgotten in less than a year UNLESS he does something disastrous like this...

Tiny Napoleon
Macron wants to play Napoleon. He should remember how it ended.
Macron watched napoleon movie and now wants to be napoleon
Kao što vidite i po komentarima, nitko nije sretan što Macron šalje svoju vojsku u Ukrajinu. To je dio agende 2030 da sve ovo ubrza i završti će katastrofalno.

Sad da se vratim na ovaj teroristički događaj u Rusiji. Evo jedne činjenice.

1. Sjedinjene Države su 7. ožujka upozorile svoje građane koji žive u Moskvi da se klone velikih okupljanja, uključujući koncerte. 15 dana nakon upozorenja, skupina terorista sponzoriranih iz inozemstva ubila je najmanje 143 osobe u koncertnoj dvorani. Ništa tu nije sumnjivo.

Sve su znali.

I evo jedan stvarno open eye komentar. Dobra pitanja je postavio.
Why ISIS moves always favor USA- israel ? why they have never attacked israel - USA - the countries that unite with them?
So they randomly decided to show up and blow up citizens in RUISSA ??

Why i have never seen a attack on israel? Even though israel have been blowing up other muslims for 6 months ? In islam if a non muslim country kill innocent muslims other muslims who are able to help them MUST protect them. Isnt ISIS a * muslim * organisation ?

Why i have never seen an attack on Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries ? Those countries unite with israel and they kept israel as thier ally. They also kept providing USA with oil even when they know that most of it goes to israel. Why ISIS the islamic organisation have never done anything about that ?

Why i have never seen any attack on USA?

Why russia, Why they only attack the countries aganist israel but they never seem to attack israel itself or anyone that unite with it ?
Ovo je za pedera lemonzooa koji brani Izrael i koji optužuje konstantno druge ljude da su antisemiti
Israel funds Nusra front, a terrorist organization that is linked to Al qa3da and IS1S.

Here’s proof: https://www.wsj.com/articles/israel-giv ... 1497813430

Video is Nusra getting metrical care in Israel: https://youtu.be/fwbHKpbiNAc?si=dYWDPfH0AO36IFbr

‘In December 2012, US Department of State designated it as a "foreign terrorist organization".[38] In April 2013, Al-Nusra Front was publicly confirmed as the official Syrian affiliate of al-Qaeda,[39]’

Google it 🍉
There are probably at least 400,000 Muslims in Moscow, but some estimates put it as high as 2.5 million. They're only allowed 4 mosques. They have motive.

If reports of what the terrorists were paid are accurate- they were each bought for around 5000 USD. 11 people were arrested, only 4 gunmen, so this is an operation that could have cost less than 100k USD if you had the right networks and legitimacy.

If we believe that ISIS regularly does this, and would do it in a heartbeat if it was cheap enough, is there a reason to believe it wasn't them?

This might be my naïve impression, but isn't ISIS always in the market for terrorism? Hasn't Europe faced a lot of terrorists attacks that we don't generally attribute any weird motive to other than terrorism? Wouldn't an attack like this be kind of expected eventually?

Wouldn't it be weird if every country in Europe with Muslim populations lower than Russia had terrorists attacks happen to them, but Russia never did?
Jeste li za još činjenica? Ajmo onda.

2. 2022. dogodila se “predstava” terorističkog napada u Crocus Concert dvorani, gdje su ukrajinski vojnici napadali i ubijali ljude. Ovo je aktivno prikazano u ruskim medijima kao mogući scenarij za izazivače straha. Igrom slučaja, jučerašnji napad dogodio se u istoj koncertnoj dvorani.

Ne vjerujem u slučajnosti, pogotovo ovakve. Sve je odavno isplanirano.

Naišao sam na jedan zanimljiv komentar, a znate kako elita voli okultno, žrtvovanje i te brojeve.
I feel it's pertinent to mention that this event occurred during the season of sacrifice(an occult season). Historically many tragedies and mass death events have occurred in this 1 month span. Which is why the us warned Russia weeks ago but they had to wait until the season began to produce their offering. Also interesting that the date chosen surrounds 3/22. 322. Where have we seen that number before?
Pogledajte datum. 3/22... Skull and Bones tajno društvo.
The Ides of March
Exactly. It goes way back. There's alot to unpack but once you start seeing it fully. It becomes clear and undeniable. Not a recommended valley for those that question the resilience of their mind and soul
Predictive programming at its finest.
Happy Skull and Bones Day!
don’t have info on this, but apparently Ukraine a month ago hired someone who specializes in terrorist warfare. I believe the US and UK advocated for his position. This makes me feel like the west may actually try to make the war hot with Russia. Call it election season, call it greed, whatever you want to say; France wants boots on the ground, Sweden started a draft, Germany is about to start a draft, the UK is sending signs of wanting direct intervention, and the US senate minority leader threatened that if the Ukraine war bill isn’t passed we will put boots on the ground. Imo, it is clear that they want another major war.

Oh, and did I fail to mention that the US drafted a bill that states people who are in the country illegally can serve in the military to gain citizenship?

My conspiracy theory is that China is paying all these western politicians to get into a war with China while simultaneously destroying their own countries with mass migration so they can take Taiwan and become the number one superpower after all the dust of a major war settles. Let’s be real, politicians know that they won’t go to war, and they will be the first ones into the bunkers.

Sorry for my long rant. I hope I am completely wrong.
It's a psyop, today is a kill date so they sacrificed some people
Well...the one country that uses it also just happens to be the one country that made skull and bones a thing, and also has global power and influence, and also just so happens to have most of the most powerful people either within it or under its thumb.
A zašto se sve ovo događalo. Glavne vijesti zadnjih tjedana su bile gdje je Kate, pa ovo u Rusiji na 3/22, dan Skull and Bones tajnog društva. Odmah znamo da nešto skrivaju, nešto čega nema po mainstream medijima. I što bi to bilo. Pa... Izvolite gospodo što se sakriva
"The Kyodo news agency cited unspecified North Korean media reports about a “malignant infectious disease” in Japan, thought to be a reference to a potentially deadly form of group A streptococcal disease, streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS).

Experts in Japan have said cases of STSS will continue to spread, while officials are struggling to identify the cause. The number of cases in 2024 is expected to exceed last year’s record number after the presence of highly virulent and infectious strains were confirmed in Japan."

Just litually read this and just wanna say they kept this quiet I not seen anything on the news about it
Novi virus koji se širi. https://www.independent.co.uk/asia/japa ... 16974.html


Evo ga, to je to zasad.
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Re: 2024. godina - Biden vs Trump (izbori i sve ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 24 Mar 2024, 01:56

Hetero Katolici nažalost postaju ugrožena vrsta....tužno, bilo je lijepo dok je trajalo


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Re: 2024. godina - Biden vs Trump (izbori i sve ostalo)

Post by hitman_4 » 24 Mar 2024, 08:41

ryderice nisu ti lezbe i pederi krivi što si incel i junfer :D



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Re: 2024. godina - Biden vs Trump (izbori i sve ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 24 Mar 2024, 10:57

hitman_4 wrote:
24 Mar 2024, 08:41
ryderice nisu ti lezbe i pederi krivi što si incel i junfer :D
Kad će ti HZZO vratit terapiju?


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Re: 2024. godina - Biden vs Trump (izbori i sve ostalo)

Post by Michel » 24 May 2024, 12:22

:lol: pogledajte ovu ludost. Uništavanje woke glupače koja je sutkinja nemoš vjerovat.

The "judge" is not a Judge. She is an activist and belongs at a protest not on the bench.
This is DISGUSTING! This judge should be locked up with this "woman".
There need to be consequences for activist judges. The fact this activist "judge" let a male violent sex offender in prison with biological women tells u all u need to know that she is an activist first. The criminal is not a she, he's a male
There is no way this country will survive the stupidity of folks like this judge nominee.
30 years ago I would have never imagined that liberal women with college degrees could be so sick.
This woman should not be in the Justice Department
"I looked at all of the facts" - except the FACT that it was a MAN that you put in a WOMAN'S prison!
Transgender Executive Committee? This lunacy has to stop.
The smirk she did when at 8:32 once they started to shout at him, she probably thought she did a great job convincing them of her story. She's GUILTY. Pure evil.
A “Transgender Executive Council ?”
WTF ???
Malo zapostavio ovu temu, ali budem je malo više oživio. Ima dosta zanimljivosti.
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Re: 2024. godina - Biden vs Trump (izbori i sve ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 30 May 2024, 23:24



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Re: 2024. godina - Biden vs Trump (izbori i sve ostalo)

Post by Michel » 31 May 2024, 00:13

Katastrofa! Kako mu namještaju jer znaju da će pobijediti. Lopator Lemonzoo zasad sigurno trlja zadovoljno ruke, ali vjerujte mi ovo nije gotovo. Bit će dobro Trump.
Druga opcija je bila da ga ubiju. Ovo bi sad moglo požuriti nuklearni rat s Rusima.
Nema sto demokrati nece napraviti da ostanu na vlasti I dalje potpaljuju ratove I pljackaju… sad im je trenutno 3. svjetski u mislima, misle ga ograniciti na istocnu EU koja ionako nikome ne treba osim kao Tampon zona prema RU… nadam se da ste toga svjesni…
Urušava se demokracija, kad se na ovakav način rješavaju konkurencije.. Amerika postala tiranija
Uh, sav sam se prelomio dok sam procitao ovu prijelomnu vijest. Ne mogu vjerovati! Evo da pogodim sto ce to promijeniti u vidu kandidature za predsjednika: Nista :)
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Re: 2024. godina - Biden vs Trump (izbori i sve ostalo)

Post by Michel » 11 Jun 2024, 19:56

Lindsey Graham has just confirmed that they are not sacrificing the Ukrainian people for "freedom" and "democracy," but for Ukraine's minerals, which are worth trillions of dollars, and the West wants them.

This is unbelievabl
https://x.com/GabeZZOZZ/status/1799887947363393859 totalno sick. https://x.com/stjohns1024/status/179996 ... 25/photo/1 u normalnom svijetu bi ovo odavno dobilo svaku osudu i ovaj bi završio u zatvoru.

Inače, kako onog lopatara lemonzooa šamaraju na forumu haer ajme meni koji gušt za čitat da se ismijava tog lopova Lemonzooa :kokicarenje:

https://www.jutarnji.hr/vijesti/crna-kr ... u-15470303 poslao je poruku, to je sigurno.
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