Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

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Re: Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

Post by hitman_4 » 05 Jul 2023, 21:42

evo video :D

M očituj se



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Re: Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

Post by Michel » 05 Jul 2023, 21:57

Pa da, masonski pozdrav zanimljivo kako svi ti igrači i općenito poznate osobe rade iste masonske znakove. To im kažu ovi što snimaju da malo ovo naprave, da malo one, ali zanimljivo mi je kako baci granatu :facepalm: a ide u arapski klub. To bi prije 15 godina bilo kontroverzno.
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Re: Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

Post by hitman_4 » 05 Jul 2023, 22:54

uvijek se sjetim ovog intervjua. šta ti je život



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Re: Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

Post by John_Ryder » 05 Jul 2023, 23:19

Što je posebno u ovom intervju, neda mi se slušat sve


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Re: Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

Post by hitman_4 » 05 Jul 2023, 23:46

John_Ryder wrote:
05 Jul 2023, 23:19
Što je posebno u ovom intervju, neda mi se slušat sve
nije ispao previše pametan, opcenito stav boli me k za sve. iz današnje perspektive lik je kralj, al kad sam to tad gledao pomislio sam nema šanse da ovaj lik uspije



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Re: Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

Post by John_Ryder » 05 Jul 2023, 23:58

hitman_4 wrote:
05 Jul 2023, 23:46
John_Ryder wrote:
05 Jul 2023, 23:19
Što je posebno u ovom intervju, neda mi se slušat sve
nije ispao previše pametan, opcenito stav boli me k za sve. iz današnje perspektive lik je kralj, al kad sam to tad gledao pomislio sam nema šanse da ovaj lik uspije
Eto šta dobra pluća znače


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Re: Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

Post by Michel » 06 Jul 2023, 18:32

Ovaj video je čista nostalgija a vjerujem i za vas koji ste igrali stare igrice. Ovo je youtube kanal od lika kojeg je otac snimao u ranim 90-ima kako igra igrice i danas je stvorio kanal od tih snimaka i priča o retro igricama. Ovo su njegove najteže igrice koje je igrao. Onaj Comics Zone izgleda brutalno zabavno.

Now that I’m an old man, I truly enjoy using the rewind function in the Switch online retro games catalog to finish games that would’ve been impossible back when I was younger.
Now that I am 50, these videos make me a teen all over again with all the good stories of video games I grew up with.. Thanks Tyler.
Having played most of these games growing up, I think it's why I like difficult games so much now as an adult. And when a modern game is too easy, or holds my hand too much (Like modern Pokemon games, or Kirby), I get bored really easily with them now. Meanwhile I'll get stuck on the same boss in a Dark Souls game for two days and absolutely love my time with it.
I know it's not on this list, but in college my roommate beat Battletoads on nes. I didn't realize until years later that Battletoads was an all-time difficult game. I didn't fully appreciate his victory at the time, but I now realize what a legend he was to beat it.
It’s so cool to finally hear someone bring up Comix Zone. I was born in 93 and was given hammydown video games from family friends, comix zone is one I played so frequently. I remember all the tricks I learned with the different items and routes to take in the levels but never would get past stage 3 😅 I heard they copywrited the use to have comic panel styled levels in video games so we’ll never get another one like it 🤷🏻‍♂️
Double Dragon 3 is so special to me.. me my brother & cousin spent years playing it on NES. First played it when I was 4 in 1994.. all the way up until 1999 we could never beat the final stage/boss. Great game
contra hard corps feels like slightly faster paced than other titles b4 it in the series. That along with the limited continues really spikes the difficulty
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Re: Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

Post by Michel » 05 Aug 2023, 03:38

Kakvi darovi :supz: :prayer:

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Re: Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

Post by Michel » 05 Aug 2023, 18:38

Jebote, Pat je faca :rock: kako je dobro obrazložio Roganu da treba napraviti intervju sa Trumpom i mislim da će Rogan to napraviti. Pa ovo će biti ludnica, internet će propast ludilo jedino ako mu spotify ne dopusti.

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Re: Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

Post by Michel » 29 Aug 2023, 20:25

Izvrstan intervju Tuckera sa pravim predsjednikom Trumpom. Mnogi ljevičari nisu htjeli vidjeti ovaj intervju

Every person that voted for Biden owes the world an apology
Former democrat and I am seriously so excited to see Trump in office again.
He is America’s Papa…we need this man back. We love him because he tells us how it is. No BS. Also I have trust in our future through him.
38 years old, 20 years voting able and I've never voted once. I will be voting for Trump this year.
What a comeback arch for Tucker. I used to view him as a corporate shill for Fox, but boy was I wrong. This past year has proven he’s a free thinker who won’t allow his morals and journalism to be corrupted by donors and lobbyists.

Bravo to Tucker for bringing the people unadulterated content like this. Hard to find in our country. 🇺🇸 go trump!
Totally agree with him regarding voting. Election Day should be a 24 hour period - all time zones open and close at the same time. No electronic voting - all paper ballots. Absentee ballots only for armed service - emergency service personnel.
I am not an American. If Donald Trump was in the office. The world would have been peaceful. Hope him to win and God protect him.
I feel like this is the REAL Donald Trump we don’t see behind closed doors to an extent. He’s still hilarious and telling jokes - but calm and serious as well and can change it up in a second. On tv, he’s having to scream over everyone. I like this Trump.
The world felt like a much safer place when he was in charge, not any more. I would vote for him if I could, but I live in Australia. I don't know how this planet is going to get out of the mess it's in, but unless the corruption is stopped, especially in the US, I don't think there's much hope for any of us.
Why would anyone not want this great man for our president? He clearly cares deeply about America. He only suffers because of trying so hard to save our great nation and our freedom. Think of what they have put him and his family through and yet he presses on and continues to fight for all of us. He will always be my president and I can’t help wonder why anyone who cares about our nation at all wouldn’t feel the same. God bless you President Trump. I pray for your continued strength and safety. Please make America great again as only you can do! ❤🇺🇸
24:30 “And now we have a President that can’t put two sentences together. Can’t speak. Can’t walk. Can’t talk.” 😂 savage . Speaks our minds literally .
Remarkable interview, they alway are! Trump is very sophisticated & insightful. Not to mention very humorous. I hope you defeat all odds & become president again this country needs you & this coming a black man in urban America
Weather people like to you, or not, doesn’t matter. The world respected you, and they respected the United States when you were the president. You may be our only hope for continuing the freedoms that we have left. Under our current administration, even people who didn’t like you can see our freedoms being taken a little at a time. Thank you for all that you did for this country and for its people.
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Re: Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

Post by Inferno » 29 Aug 2023, 21:37

Bloger Tucker je navni debil, zato su ga i najurili. U usporedbi s njim Trump je genijalac.

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Re: Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

Post by Michel » 24 Oct 2023, 21:49

Davnih dana jedna tematika koja me i dan danas fascinira viewtopic.php?p=341045#p341045 - viewtopic.php?f=11&t=7354&p=352743&hilit=411#p352743

Istražujem to kao što vidite 8, 9 godina sve do detalja i duboko sam uvjeren da dogmani/vukodlaci postoje. E sad, ima teorija da postoje dvije vrste dogmana. Jedni su interdimenzionalni i demonski i jedni su napravljen od strane američke vlade. Ljudi vjerujte mi, oni su stvarni. Neću biti dugačak, ali da podijelim neke videe o svjedočanstvima. Doslovno imate po redditu posvećene teme samo njima mali milijun njih, a imate i mali milijun svjedoka i što su doživjeli kako i kanala o njima.

Recimo ovaj video i kada čitate ispod komentare od ljudi koji žive u tim područjima doslovno nitko nema sumnje da je Dogman to više nije ni tajna zna se tko radi takve stvari, ali vlada zataškuje.

I’m from Kentucky and most of the state looks like this. We even have our own version of the dogman which locals call “Bearilla,” assumed to be the same creature as the Beast of the LBL. But basically just a certain type of dogman. There have been multiple reports of sightings of this thing in the past few decades. It’s extremely sad what his family had to go through and I’m definitely keeping them in my prayers. Stay safe everyone.
Just by looking at that area of location you can definitely tell it's prime dogman territory
A shame people won’t open their minds to “real” reality. Dogman
There's things in the Ky woods that will terrify you.
The locals know what I'm talking about.
Regardless of what did this, may the family heal.
They know exactly what it was.
Yes this boy was Brutally killed by one of these disgusting dogmen Please everyone be safe don’t forget to carry your hollow points and fully automatic
That kid probably died of a heart attack seeing that demon dogman. It's sad because dogman and werewolves are real its nothing to do about it.i hate it for the telling what was going through his mind
Kao što vidite gore u komentarima mislim možete i sami pogledati vidi se da ljudi znaju. Sve te stare priče o vukodlacima, wendigu su stvarne ali onda se snimaju filmovi zbog kojih je ljudima teško povjerovati u to, a zatim mediji i vlada zataškavaju. No, ako zagrebete ispod površine naći ćete mnoštvo dokaza.

Priče od ljudi koji su u šumi i koji kažu da odjednom sve utihne u šumi ima toliko puno da je to nevjerojatno i svi onda dobiju isti osjećaj straha kao da neka intuicija im govori da se samo maknu. To je kao pravilo među svima njima čim šiuma utihne, miči se čim prije.

Neki dan pogledao najstrašniji intervju ikada o bilo čemu što je netko doživio. Ogromna preporuka i stvarno bih volio da pogledate je da traje blizu dva sata, ali ako pogledate i ako mi kažete da čovjek laže onda stvarno nešto nije u redu s vama. Teško je povjerovati da se ovako može lagati pa jebote čuje se u njegovom glasu strah i sve je opisao kao što je opisao i na drugim kanalima. Ako ste mogli toliko puta odvojiti 2 sata za neki horor film koji nas na kraju nije prestrašio, onda možete i za ovaj video a ovaj će vas naježiti. Čovjek i dobro opisuje sve jako detaljno i onda kada si još vizualizirate strašno. I kada ćete gledati, samo pratite čovjeka. To je čovjek koji ne laže već se vidi da je nešto doživio kao i mnogi drugi.

Izvolite, izašao prije tri dana. Stvarno bih volio da pogledate i da sve što ste imali uvjerenja da takva bića ne postoje na trenutak zaboravite. Znam da ne istražujete ove stvari kao ja, ali eto vjerujte mi oko ovoga.

I ono što je dobro i što uvijek gledam su komentari ispod videa jer mnogo ljudi hajka i planinari i svatko ima svoja iskustva.
Around 2001, a friend of mine saw one of these things following our group on a hike about 30 miles east of Youngstown. He was the last person in line and the only one that saw anything. We didn't believe him and I've regretted it ever since. He was shaking and terrified. The adults scoffed but looked worried and wouldn't permit us to discuss it. Be careful in places that rarely see people, like off trail areas, culverts and city waterways that connect wooded areas, tunnels, etc. Even if a gun doesn't stop the monsters, it's a great noise maker that tends to summon attention and nothing likes to be shot.
Matt recalled this story with honest detail & emotion. One of my favourite stories was on 'These Woods are Haunted, the Roanoke Werewolf' told by a couple David & Lisa. The husband's emotion/ body language was similar to Matt's telling of his experience. When the creature/dogman stands up always seems to leave a lasting impression on those who have these encounters, & not in a positive way! Well told!!
I experienced something very close to what this gentleman did in 1980 when I was 16 years old...I'm getting ready to do a video about it. Terrifying with 4 people and they are all still alive to back this up. I also do not care what anyone else 59 I will finally tell my story to the public. Thank you for sharing your story ❤️ I believe beyond a shadow of doubt this is truth.
Honestly at one point I thought Josh was going to break down and cry. Matt was so brave to discuss this with us. It's so hard to believe this happened, but I really do believe him.
've heard him on 3 channels now and his story is spot on identical each time I've heard it, if your lying usually you don't tell the details the same every time. His recall is impeccable, no doubt this one is 100% true and terrifying.
The sincerity in the way Matt is telling this story would win every accolade in Hollywood if it were fabricated. The best actors in the world couldn't pull this off. Truth is always stranger than fiction. Thank you Matt for the bravery it took to tell this story!
The amount of detail he has in this story is unreal. It’s like the whole experience was burned into his mind and he can just close his eyes and go back whenever he thinks about it.
Matt, I heard you tell this story on Dogman Encounters Radio. Your encounter is horrifying, I just can't imagine living through something like this. Thank you for sharing your horrific story. I believe talking about it is somewhat therapeutic. Thank you What Lurks Beneath.
You can tell that the story is genuine because this is ny third time hearing him tell it on three separate shows with time in between. He doesn't ever change any details and he sticks to the details he can verify as his own experience. I listened to it first on Sasquatch Theory while going to sleep and i had a nightmare about being in a mill with strange creatures coming from every direction. You literally cannot make this up. Well done. This is my favorite cryptid story that ive ever heard. So much detail. I can say that im never going to Youngstown Ohio
For 1 hour and 49 minutes my heart was beating out of my chest. Matt's encounter is absolutely real. I could see every detail so vividly in my mind as he was telling his account of what happened. I'm shook for sure.
Chilling, and I believe him. You can tell Matt has turned this over in his head for years, essentially re-living this traumatic experience which presents as PTSD. The level of specificity is extraordinary and I laud Matt's courage. More should tell their story. Thank you both for this. Stay safe.
You need to read the book, Beast between the Rivers. This is an actual account of a former police officer and his friend that had a documented encounter with some of these things. I had actually heard of this long before I read the book.
As for publicly documented dogman killings, you would have to read between the lines of what the news media actually puts out to the sheep
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Re: Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

Post by Inferno » 25 Oct 2023, 05:48

Ajde u picku materinu i ti i vukodlaci, pa to valjda ni mala djeca ne vjeruju

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Re: Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

Post by Inferno » 25 Oct 2023, 05:50

Pazi ti njega, on 9 godina istražuje vukodlake, blažena socijala u pičku lepe matere

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Re: Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

Post by Michel » 26 Oct 2023, 21:54

Znam da volite misterije pa imam za vas danas jednu poslasticu. Neće danas biti dogmana/vukodlaka, ali će biti isto nestajanje po nacionalnim parkovima o čemu sam pričao. Ovo je toliko bizaran slučaj da je to nevjerojatno.

Dogodilo se 2010. Mjesto ovog incidenta bilo je blizu Mount Shasta, CA. Dob djeteta koje je nestalo bilo je tada staro 3 godine; On je sa svojom obitelji kampirao na obali velikog potoka. Otprilike u 18:00 dijete je nestalo. Roditelji su nekoliko sati tražili svog sina prije nego što su kontaktirali lokalnog šerifa i Službu za šume Sjedinjenih Država. Otprilike 5 sati nakon što je klinac nestao pronađen je kako leži u grmlju neposredno uz trag kojim su tragači išli. U većini ovih slučajeva ljudi koji nestanu nikada nisu pronađeni ili su pronađeni mrtvi, tako da nisu bili u poziciji nikome reći što im se dogodilo. Oko tri tjedna nakon incidenta, baka tog klinca kaže da joj je unuk rekao da "nije volio svoju drugu baku Kappy". (Kappy je dječakovo ime za baku Kathy). Kad ga je zamolila da dodatno objasni, rekao je:
"Zar se ne sjećaš kad sam se izgubio u šumi? Druga me baka Kappy zgrabila i odvela na jezivo mjesto, ona je stvarno robot. Bila je to špilja s paucima, a tu su bile i torbice i puške. Bio sam previše uplašen, pa nisam ništa dirao. Ali, kada se popela na ljestve, svjetlo je učinilo da izgleda kao robot. Bilo je i drugih robota, ali nisu se pomaknuli. Natjerala me da legnem da pogledam svoj trbuščić, zatim me pokušala natjerati da kakim na ljepljivi papir, ali nisam mogao. Rekla mi je da sam iz svemira i stavili su me u mamin trbuh. Zatim me odvela natrag do rijeke i rekla da pričekam pod grmom dok me netko ne nađe."
Također navodi da je njezin unuk rekao: "imala je istu kosu, tvoja stopala, pa čak i tvoje lice". To ju je duboko uplašilo, pomisao na nekakvu dvojnicu koja preuzima njezin vlastiti imidž kako bi joj otela unuka. Kaže da je stekla dojam da je njezin unuk možda govorio o 'hologramu' zbog načina na koji je opisao svjetlost koja je svjetlucala na neobičnoj ženi.

Njegova baka je užasnuta nazvala sina (dječakovog oca) koji joj je rekao da je i on čuo istu priču od dječaka prije nekoliko dana. Priznala je da bi priču svog unuka vjerojatno otpisala prebujastoj dječjoj mašti da nije bilo čudnog iskustva koje joj se dogodilo prije godinu dana kada je kampirala na istom području u blizini Fowlerovog kampa u McCloudu u Kaliforniji. Tvrdi da se jedno jutro probudila licem prema dolje u zemlji, nakon što su je izvadili iz šatora i vreće za spavanje. I imala je ubodnu ranu na potiljku. Rekla je da se tog jutra osjećala strašno bolesnom i da se osjećala neobično bez emocija, pa je mislila da ju je ugrizao otrovni pauk. Rekla je da je bila s prijateljem koji je spavao u svom zasebnom kamperu, a on se također probudio s 'ugrizom' na stražnjoj strani vrata, a također mu je bilo loše. Jedina stvar koje se mogla prisjetiti bila je čudna noć prije kako je vidjela 'crvene oči' kako svjetlucaju kroz drveće za koje su mislili da su jeleni.

Ovo je video koji se bavi sa tim slučajem, ima mnogo videa ali ovo je najbolji inače i odličan kanal. Svaka čast čovjeku koji prvo prepričava slučaj, onda pušta intervju sa bakom i klincem koji su izašli javno govorili o tom slučaju i onda na kraju otiđe na točnu lokaciju nestanka u taj nacionalni park :prayer: ako volite bizarne i jezive slučajeve, ovo je za vas.

The concept of some entity masquerading as your relative and taking you away from your family is beyond terrifying.
The "robot grandma" story has been living rent free in my head for years.. weird and creepy. Thank You 💜
As someone who shares the experience of going through something abnormal and then going on television to try and tell the story, I'm glad to see that the directors and producers allowed them to tell their story without any extra mush attached. Trying to be genuine with a director who just wants suspense is hell. Keep up the good work!
I had a similar experience in the backwoods of Pennsylvania. I was out hunting by myself as my friend I was going with got sick. When I got to my spot my friend was there. He never said a word but motioned for me to follow. I kept trying to ask him what is wrong. He would not talk. He seemed to get angry and just walked away. To say I was freaked out is an understatement. Once I got in cell phone range I called my friend to make sure he was ok and not having a stroke or something. He said he just woke up and never left his room. He was freaked out too because when I said I seen you and you had a orange hat on. He told me the night before he was getting his gear and was planning on wearing an orange hat. That’s the last time I hunted in that spot.
Ohh boy. Mount Shasta. Been there a number of times in the 90s. One of the freakiest places I've ever been. The mountain itself terrified me the first time I was there. It resonates with a very intense, weird energy. Stories of missing people and UFOs/UAPs did abound, even back then.
Still hands down the most honest, thorough, and understated investigatory channel on youtube. Keep it up, man. Your content is truly gold.
Your channel is the perfect balance of skeptic and believer. I admire how you are willing to consider both sides of a topic without dismissing either one. So unusual in this genre believe me.
I knew a guy that went camping around the exact same area, and when I told him about your video, he freaked out because he had an experience where his dead grandfather walked out of the woods and beckoned him towards a cave.

He had never heard of robot grandma before, but when I told him, he went pale white, like he had seen Satan
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