U 24 sata ulovljen i bigfoot i "vukodlak"

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Post by elrania » 16 Aug 2008, 15:32

dr_gonzo wrote:A koji je pauk načinija ovo? (Sheloba iz Lotr?)
sva sreca da je to u texasu :lol:
This web was first found by park staff on August 6, 2007, after an approximate two week absence of walking the trail.
This web and two other smaller versions are on the park's large northeastern peninsula jutting out into the lake.
a ove lignje su mi fascinantne... obozavam te morske beshtije s krakovima 8)

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Post by metallicat » 16 Aug 2008, 15:55

dr_gonzo wrote:Image
:pasmater: :pasmater: :pasmater: :jawbreaker:

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Post by GreenHornet » 16 Aug 2008, 15:58

Texasu?Auch sad će Bush optužiti Iran da je ovo napravio u svrhu terorizma i eto ti problema opet.
Zaljubljen sam u Fräulein Unbekann!!!!!

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Post by Boby » 16 Aug 2008, 16:11

Ma baš me se uspjelo šokirati. Evo, čak sam pročitao kompletna znanstvena izvješća o ovm fenomenu. Riječ je o društvenoj akciji paukova; okupi ih se gomila u terminu između ponoći i 6 ujutro te kolektivno rade ove gigantske mreže. Ne googleu ima gomila slika takvih mreža, i to ne samo u Texsasu već po svude u svijetu pa i u susjednoj nam Italiji. To su obični mali paukovi koji samo demonstriraju "kad se male ruke slože sve se može"

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Post by metallicat » 16 Aug 2008, 16:12

evo, već me sve češe

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Post by dr_gonzo » 16 Aug 2008, 16:13

Trebalo bi uhvatiti jednu ovakvu lignju...uf koliko je to dobrih zalogaja :lol: :lol:
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Post by Boby » 16 Aug 2008, 16:42

Da, vrlo je vjerojatno da su istinite i priče o lignjama koje su potapale jedrenjake. Današnji se brodovi teoretski ne bi mogli samo tako potopiti iako se sjećam slučaja da je jedan, ak se ne varam ratni, brod potopila divovska lignja. Svjedoci su navodili kako su se iz daljine vidjeli kraci koji su obgrlili brod. Bilo je to negdje u prvoj polovici prošlog stoljeća.
Uglavnom, kraken nije mitsko biće. On postoji i skriva se u čovjeku nedostupnim dubinama; možda su samo neke od legendi malo pretjerane

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Post by dr_gonzo » 16 Aug 2008, 20:20

Prije dvije ili tri godine negdje sam čitao, a bilo je i na vijestima da je lignja potopila jedrilicu i prelomila je na dva dijela (sad se ne sjećam jel bila regata ili nešto drugo)...posada se jedva spasila...
Da mi ej nać tu reportažu...
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Post by A$H » 16 Aug 2008, 20:31

dr_gonzo wrote:Prije dvije ili tri godine negdje sam čitao, a bilo je i na vijestima da je lignja potopila jedrilicu i prelomila je na dva dijela (sad se ne sjećam jel bila regata ili nešto drugo)...posada se jedva spasila...
Da mi ej nać tu reportažu...

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Post by dr_gonzo » 16 Aug 2008, 20:35

Sjećam se da je baš bilo govora o jedrilici i lignji...ali ovaj podatak je pohranjen u moj folder - Misteriozne životinje svijeta....
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Post by Decadentor » 17 Aug 2008, 00:41

Ja sam prije dosta vremena vidio snimku na kompu, neki 2 japanca (mislim) navecer se zajebavaju u sumi i snimaju, vide nesto zivo, i kad se okrene izgleda ko golum is LOTR

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Post by Boby » 17 Aug 2008, 01:05

Decadentor wrote:Ja sam prije dosta vremena vidio snimku na kompu, neki 2 japanca (mislim) navecer se zajebavaju u sumi i snimaju, vide nesto zivo, i kad se okrene izgleda ko golum is LOTR
Da, na tu sam snimku baš jučer naletio. Riječ je kak ti o chupacabri. Ne znam koliko je snimka vjerodostojna ali efektivna jest. Ta-da:


Nego, da se vratim na lignje, jel zna tko onu priču o brodolomcima na splavi?

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Post by A$H » 17 Aug 2008, 01:10

taj vidio ima tonu naziva od alien do vampira...a ustvari je neki lik koji sere u grmlju :lol: .. taj video je vec bio na forumu nekoliko puta...
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Post by dr_gonzo » 17 Aug 2008, 03:39

Decadentor wrote: Nego, da se vratim na lignje, jel zna tko onu priču o brodolomcima na splavi?

Misliš na onaj najslavniji slučaj što ga je prvi Clarke spomenuo? Slučaj Grimani Cox :
There are no authenticated reports of any fatal attacks on people committed by squid. In the 1991 movie "Mission of the Shark," about the 1945 sinking of the U.S.S. Indianapolis, the film's creators made the wholly unsupported claim that Navy crewmen were attacked by squid. There was also a documentary about sea monsters, hosted by Arthur C. Clarke, in which the late Dr. Frederick Alldrich made the (again) wholly unsupported claim that survivors of a transport sunk off the coast of Newfoundland had been attacked by giant squid. Peter Benchley told a similar tale in his squid novel "Beast," but, again, there's no proof that anything of the sort ever happened.

Dosidicus gigas, the "jumbo squid," is a very aggressive animal, and several of them grabbed an underwater cameraman some years ago during a night dive off Baja. (Joel, I think it was Alex Kerstitch...not sure about the spelling of his last name) Mexican fishermen who ply those waters are justly worried about falling into the water with them, but there haven't been any authenticated maulings or fatalities. Put simply: if it ain't on film or in the science journals, it's purely anecdotal.

There is a famous tale of a giant squid, Architeuthis dux, that "attacked" a small boat off Newfoundland in 1873/74. The occupants had approached the (presumably) unhealthy animal while it floated on the surface, poked it, and were surprised to find it still alive, whereupon it grabbed the vessel and struck the gunwhale with its beak. One of the occupants chopped off a tentacle, which served as proof of the encounter. For a full account of the incident and its various retellings, you and your friend might check out "The Search for the Giant Squid," by Richard Ellis (available in paperback from Penguin books).

It's possible that a big squid could kill a human. A few species are big and aggressive enough to pull it off, but they would not have many occasions on which to do so. The current and unusual presence of large numbers of aggressive jumbo squid off the western coast of the U.S. does make me wonder if a surfer might not get nipped in the near future, but that's just my own bloody-minded fantasy.
Kad god čitam o tome sjetim se Mister Noa i njegovog susreta sa lignjom...brrrr
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Post by Boby » 17 Aug 2008, 03:52

Bili su to brodolomci na splavi, danima se odupirali meduzama, žeđi i morski psima. Svane dana kada morski psi nastadu a iz mora izroni golemi krak i povuče za sobom jednog nesretnika. Nisu se pravo ni snašli a već je drugi krak zahvatio idućeg brodolomca. Kolege su ga uspjele spasiti od sigurne smrti. Kada su se vratili kući svoju priču mogli su potkrijepiti ranama koje su prijanjalke ostavile. Kasnije se ustvrdilo kako ih je napala divovska lignja

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