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Intruder (1989)

Posted: 15 May 2010, 16:12
by dr_gonzo

Scott Spiegel

Writing credits:
Lawrence Bender story
Scott Spiegel screenplay
Scott Spiegel story

Elizabeth Cox................Jennifer Ross
Renée Estevez..............Linda
Dan Hicks.....................Bill Roberts
David Byrnes.................Craig Peterson
Sam Raimi....................Randy
Ted Raimi.....................Produce Joe
Bruce Campbell.............Officer Howard

Foršpan filma...


"- The ex-boyfriend of a check-out girl at a supermarket returns at closing time to make trouble. They quarrel and the boyfriend is ejected from the store. After they lock the building up to take inventory, the employees start dying off, and the survivors must eventually find a way to escape with their lives."


- HorrorHR recenzija filma

- Intruder is one of the last decent old school slashers, coming from a time when the genre had pretty much exhausted itself and blowing most competition out of the water. Though the plot is as simple as they come and the location appears unpromising, Intruder is in most respects an ace slasher and in my opinion one of the very finest. The direction from Scott Spiegel is a large part of the quality, for he employs a variety of camera angles and some cool coloured lighting to give the film a stylish feel uncommon in these sort of film

- INTRUDER is without a doubt one of the last great slashers from the genre's peak decade.

- Right at the end of the 80's, a horror decade ruled by violent slashers, comes one of the coolest independent productions ever unleashed upon us, gorehounds: Scott Spiegel's "Intruder". It looks like the most basic and primitive slasher ever made (the story can be summarized in one phrase, namely, a group of supermarket employees are all brutally murdered by an unidentified maniac) but if you observe "Intruder" more closely, you'll find plenty of peculiar aspects that proves that this film definitely outshines the majority of late 80's horror films

- Oh my god such a boring movie. The only fun in it is all the gore (which isn´t that much when I think about it). Don´t waste you time on this movie, unless you are really bored. That is my advise to you, but if you like watching B-horror flicks from the 80´s be my guest

Re: Intruder (1989)

Posted: 15 May 2010, 16:53
by dr_gonzo
Iznenađuje me kako knjige o slasher žanru ovaj film slabo ili nikako ne spominju... :cry: :cry: :cry:

A po meni je jedand od najbolje ikad snimljenih...

p.s. - popizdim kad ovako dobar film ima ovako ukurcu trailer koji otkriva tko je ubojica :x
p.s. 2 - također duplo popizdim kad se na coveru kao glavni glumci filma nađu B. Cambell (koji se pojavi u filmu možda čak i 2 minute i to na kraju u maloj cameo ulozi) i Sam Raimi (koji je u filmu sporedna uloga i sigurno nije vodeća)

Re: Intruder (1989)

Posted: 15 May 2010, 17:20
by remike2
Izgleda predobro, ko što je već rečeno on slovi kao jedan od zadnjih pravih slashera iz 80-tih koji je zaokružio to zlatno razdoblje za slasher žanr i da je općenito jedan od najboljih iz tog vremena, morat ću ga skinuti i pogledati!

Re: Intruder (1989)

Posted: 19 May 2010, 23:16
by HorrorHR
dr_gonzo wrote:Iznenađuje me kako knjige o slasher žanru ovaj film slabo ili nikako ne spominju... :cry: :cry: :cry:

A po meni je jedand od najbolje ikad snimljenih...

p.s. - popizdim kad ovako dobar film ima ovako ukurcu trailer koji otkriva tko je ubojica :x
p.s. 2 - također duplo popizdim kad se na coveru kao glavni glumci filma nađu B. Cambell (koji se pojavi u filmu možda čak i 2 minute i to na kraju u maloj cameo ulozi) i Sam Raimi (koji je u filmu sporedna uloga i sigurno nije vodeća)
Kao što se može vidjeti i iz mog pogleda na film koji si linkao, u potpunosti se slažem :rock:

Re: Intruder (1989)

Posted: 20 May 2010, 10:41
by remike2
Sinoć pogledao film i moram reći da me nije baš nešto dirnuo i impresionirao. Ubojstva su sva redom sjajna i posebna, ubojica također, atmosfera je sasvim dobra te i napetost, no gluma mi je loša, dijalog, likovi, kraj naročito koji mi je dosta blesav i nikakav. 6/10.

Re: Intruder (1989)

Posted: 20 May 2010, 11:29
by A$H
a jbg..mora se DVD nekako prodat..a to su poznata imena.. :wink:

inace gledah ga prije par god. super film..

Re: Intruder (1989)

Posted: 28 Aug 2015, 17:32
by zagors
Kraj kvari film. Sve do tad je bilo jako dobro.


Posted: 15 Feb 2017, 22:10
by Michel
Intruder (1989) - oslovljen kao jedan od zadnjih velikih slashera. Je li velik slasher? Nije jer za mene je svega par velikih slashera za devetku ili desetku. Je li dobar? Apsolutno. Ne samo da je ovo dobar slasher već je nevjerojatno zabavan i jako lijepo snimljen sa mislim dotad neviđenim kadrovima u slasheru osim ako nisi Hitchcock. Lokacija je dobra, ubojica prilično bezveze, ali to se sve zaboravlja kad su ubojstva odlična sa puno gorea. Ima i humora koji nije na silu već je skroz ok napravljen. Bruce na kraju :D

8=======o/8==========o (7/10)