Madman (1982)

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Madman (1982)

Post by dr_gonzo » 15 May 2010, 15:21


Director & Writer:
Joe Giannone (screenplay & story)

Release Date:
January 1982 (USA)

88 min

Foršpan filma
Mjuza iz filma

Gaylen Ross..................Betsy (as Alexis Dubin)
Tony Fish.....................T.P.
Harriet Bass..................Stacy
Seth Jones...................Dave
Jan Claire......................Ellie
Paul Ehlers....................Madman Marz


"- At a summer camp for youths, cockey pre-teen calls out the name of mass serial killer "Madman Marz". Suddenly, counselors are being maimed and slaughtered in various ways by the backwoodsman who has returned when his name was called."


- Top 10 Axe Murdering Maniacs!!
(From Dread Central. 20 April 2010)

- Madman Marz is a really creepy psycho and there is plenty of gore including a messy throat slashing,a nasty axe in the chest murder plus a couple of severed heads

- Madman is definitely underrated and doesn't deserve to be forgotten

- HorrorHR recenzija filma

- MADMAN is a pretty anemic horror film that copies everything from Friday THE 13th except for suspense and believability
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Re: Madman (1982)

Post by dr_gonzo » 15 May 2010, 16:55

Ovo upravo idem sada gledati :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
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Re: Madman (1982)

Post by remike2 » 15 May 2010, 17:43

Još jedan iz zlatne ere slashera kojeg nisam pogledao, a skinuo sam ga prije dosta vremena. Jednom ću se baš zaletiti da ga pogledam!
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Re: Madman (1982)

Post by filmofil » 15 May 2010, 17:51

ovog se jako slabo sjećam...samo mi je ostao početak u pamćenju, nekakve scary stories oko vatre u šumi, a madman ih gleda s drva nekog

moram ovo some time soon pogledat :mrgreen:
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Re: Madman (1982)

Post by HorrorHR » 19 May 2010, 23:15

prava 80s slasher atmosfera, kamp, šuma, vatrica, manijak i spooky madman martz mjuza ;)

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Re: Madman (1982)

Post by HorrorHR » 18 Aug 2010, 10:33

Code Red will be dropping the flick onto DVD along with a brand new anamorphic widescreen transfer on September 28th.
Special Features

Audio commentary with cast and crew
The Legend Lives: 30 Years of Madman documentary
Band fans of Madman featurette
Vintage image gallery
TV spots and theatrical trailers


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Re: Madman (1982)

Post by Damned_Thing » 18 Aug 2010, 19:19

HorrorHR wrote:prava 80s slasher atmosfera, kamp, šuma, vatrica, manijak i spooky madman martz mjuza ;)
Ok,sad sam zainteresovana.. :)

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Post by dr_gonzo » 19 Aug 2010, 23:03

Ovo kupujem odmah čim dođe... Madman je jedan od boljih slashera iz 80-tih :rock:
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Re: Madman (1982)

Post by sikeone » 26 Aug 2010, 21:20

par puta sam ga već počeo gledati ali nikako da ga dovršim pa mislim da bi bilo vrijeme
J...š film u kojem nema tuče

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Post by Michel » 25 Mar 2018, 06:24

Madman (1982) - ovo je prejeben slasher i svatko tko voli slashere, treba ovo pogledat. Radi se o grupici ljudi koji su u tom jednom ljetnom kampu i film započinje tako da jedan stariji čovjek priča priču o Madmanu, pomahnitalom ubojici. Kako se vraćaju u kapm, Madman se pojavljuje. Ne znam čemu toliko negativnih recenzija od kritičara, ali očito nisu ljubitelji slashera. Film je pravi mali gem. Atmosfera je odlična, ubojstva jako dobra i lijepo je vidjeti da se likov ekšuali i trude preživjeti a ne kao u drugim slasherima samo stoje da budu ubijeni. Ono ubojstvo sa užetom :supz: ubojica je dobar iako se može reći da ima sličnosti sa Jasonom i onim iz The Burninga. ALi lokacija je za prste polizati, čak i svi likovi su kolko tolko ok. Naravno, kao i većina slashera likovi imaju izuzetno glupe postupke kao da ih ubojica privlači pa tako nestaju jedan za drugim i idu u šumu jedan po jedan. Nije ovo za neku veliku ocjenu kao i većina slashera, ali u slasherima se uživa i u ovom sam uživao. Moglo bi se složiti argumente za top 10 slashera 80-ih.

8======-o/8==========o (6.5/10)
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Re: Madman (1982)

Post by Victor Crowley » 25 Mar 2018, 14:11

Nemoj zaboraviti pjesmu :D Ja sam film davno gledao ali ona melodija mi je i dalje u glavi. Predobar film.

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Re: Madman (1982)

Post by HorrorHR » 04 Apr 2018, 13:54

legendarni song Madman Marz

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Post by dr_gonzo » 12 Nov 2018, 14:39

Slasher koji je sve bolji i bolji što ga gledam, iako malo spor...
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