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OscarTorrents (Piratebay)

Posted: 14 Feb 2007, 00:25
by Aryx

Posted: 14 Feb 2007, 10:47
by HorrorHR

Code: Select all

You haven't beaten us, so why not join us? Think of a new business model that doesn't involve overpriced pieces of plastic and skanky cinemas hawking cheap carbohydrates while relying on $6/hr projectionists who can't keep a film in focus -- not to mention insulting your audiences by (to pick a few examples) surveilling us with nightvision glasses, searching bags, 30 minutes of commercials and bombarding us with ridiculous anti-piracy propaganda. Take a look at yourselves. Is it really any wonder we're winning?
:rock: :bicovanje:

Posted: 14 Feb 2007, 16:28
by HorrorHR ... rentPage=1

priča o Pirate Bayu, 6 stranica, zanimljivo štivo.