Cooper, Icke, Peterson, Mišak, Malnar i ostali fun club

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Re: Cooper, Icke, Jones, Mišak i ostali fun club

Post by John_Ryder » 13 Oct 2017, 10:34

ček michel, ti stvarno vjeruješ u reptile? vidio si uživo jednog tokom transformacije ili?


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Re: Cooper, Icke, Jones, Mišak i ostali fun club

Post by john_constantine » 13 Oct 2017, 11:32

+385 1) 3780 666
Psihijatrijska bolnica Vrapče. Preporučam da nazoveš za rehabilitaciju.
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Re: Cooper, Icke, Jones, Mišak i ostali fun club

Post by Michel » 13 Oct 2017, 20:15

HorrorHR wrote:
13 Oct 2017, 09:46
btw michel, kako si postao ovakav afficionado teorija zavjera?
Pa kao i svakog malog dječaka privlačili su me fantastične stvari i misterije. Tad kao klinac nisam znao da dosta tih stvari spadaju u zavjere. I onda su mne polako privlačile te neke fantastične zavjere da bi baš zagrizao kad sam vidio koliko je zavjera ustvari dokazano
Vidio sam da većina zavjera su politički orijentirane. Ja imam teoriju da bi svaka osoba trebala biti teoretičar zavjera jer ako zavjere postoje, nema se što nevjerovat da one postoje. Zavjere postoje tu od davnina. Imamo teorije koje još službeno nisu dokazane, a imamo i zavjere koje su dokazane. Mi smo odličan primjer i sve one afere. Ljudi zaboravljaju (i znam razlog) da su i to zavjere. Razlog zašto zaboravljaju su one fantastične zavjere o Nibiru, vanzemaljcima i ostalome pa imam dojam da ti skeptici misle kako su samo to zavjere, a najčešće zavjere su one političke koje je i najlakše dokazati.

I ja sam skeptik, ima teorija zavjera u koje ne vjerujem kao što su Nibiru ili flat earth teorija, ali isto tako nisam ograničeni skeptik koji će negirati svaki dokaz koji je dosad isporučen, pogotovo kod politički zavjera. To mi je nejasno, a pričamo o službeno priznatim zavjeravama. Jebote, CIA je 80-ih surađivala sa narkokartelima, zarađivala na drogi i tek uz pritisak javnosti i pokojeg dobrog agenta se to otkrilo. Dakle, to je samo po sebi zataškavanje = zavjera.

Da ne duljim, zanimljive su mi sve teme čak i ove koje ne vjerujem.
John_Ryder wrote:
13 Oct 2017, 10:34
ček michel, ti stvarno vjeruješ u reptile? vidio si uživo jednog tokom transformacije ili?
Netko vjeruje u boga a nije ga vidio. To je bit vjerovanja. Nisam napisao ZNAM da postoje već da vjerujem. Zašto vjerujem u njih? Stvarno mi se ne da sad objašnjavati jer bi bio dugačak post i morao bi tražiti na kompu brdo linkova, ali ukratko za teoriju o reptilima znam već preko 10 godina i vrlo važno je spomenuti kako većinu tih godina nisam vjerovao u njih, ali kako godine prolaze, tako i ja sve dublje i dublje istražujem. Tako da od starih civilizacija i njihovih spisa o reptiliodnim stvorenjima do nekih ljudi koje sam slušao uključujući Ickea i najvažbnijeg od svih Credo Mutwa do totalno neočekivanih članaka do kojih uopće nisam došao nikakvim istraživanjem već sasvim slučajno pa sve oko Dulce baze koje je vrlo provjereno i ufo disclosure.

O reptilima ima toliko različith strana od koje se može početi istraživati. Onda sam imao jedan period kad sam vidio koliko politički moćnih ljudi pričaju o njima kao Hugo Chavez

Pa se zapitaš zašto bi jedan Hugo Chavez govorio o ljudima koji su shapeshifteri. I ovo nije jedini put govorio, jednom je rekao za englesku kraljicu da je shapeshifter. Mislim, zašto bi to rekao? Jel to dokaz? Nije fizički u svakom slučaju, ali po meni je uvijek bilo bitnije od koga dolazi to, a ovo priča Chavez.

Inače, reptili su dinosauri. Neki znanstvenici su i složni da bi evolucijom dinosauri evoluirali u reptiliodne humanoide. Zato i ima dosta izvještaja o susretima sa reptilima u kojima oni govore da je ovo njihov dom i da su oni tu prije nas.
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Re: Cooper, Icke, Jones, Mišak i ostali fun club

Post by hitman_4 » 13 Oct 2017, 23:34

Chavez :heart:



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Re: Cooper, Icke, Jones, Mišak i ostali fun club

Post by Michel » 14 Oct 2017, 03:13

Rekao sam da ću se pozabavit s ovime i nakon malo istraživanja evo što sam otkrio. Općenito svaka ta pucnjava ili je false flag ili je hoax. Sandy hook pucnjava je još dan danas najbolji primjer kao i boston maraton. Tu su spojili hoax i false flag te stavili stage glumce.

Pazi ovo sad. Kymberley Suchomel, žena koja je bila u las vegasu postavila je na svoj facebook javno sve što se događalo. Sve što je stavljala nema veze sa službenom pričom. Dan kasnije žena umire nekom prirodnom smrću.

A ovo je njezin najbitniji status zbog kojeg je vrlo vjerojatno i ubijena.
From about 50 feet in front of us, and a little to the right, fire crackers were set off. Let me repeat that… FIRE CRACKERS WERE SET OFF. I verbally stated “some asshole just shot of fire crackers in close proximity to so many people”. I was literally pissed off. You could see Jason Aldean look to his left kind of startled by it, but he was also clearly irritated. I would say about 15 seconds later, the first volley of gunfire was released. It was a shorter volley than any of the others, and the gunfire was not as close together either. EVERYONE looked up, down, around. We thought it was more fire crackers at first, but then Ricky reached over, told us all to put our boots on, quickly. And the volley ended. Then people started to panic. The gentlemen behind me looked at me as I was putting on my boots, half laying down, and said “calm down crazy, its just fireworks, jeez”. That is when the 2nd volley went off, Ricky yelled at us all to get down, flat, & we immediately knew there was someone shooting at us. I remember getting down, but I didn’t lay flat for some reason, thinking- oh my gosh, I need to get flatter than I am now, but my body just wouldn’t let me. That was the 2nd volley. At the end of that volley ( I am still struggling to get my boots on), we turned and tried to run, but the people behind us still weren’t moving. I yelled at the lady “RUN! ITS GUNFIRE! RUUUUUUUUUNNNNN!!!” The look on her face was pure terror, but she finally dropped her stuff and turned to begin running…. But then the 3rd volley hit… and it was close. Very, very close to us. I could physically see the impact of the bullets on the astro-turf, I could feel the warmth & the passing of bullets. Once that 3rd volley was over, Casie linked her arm into mine, and we decided at that moment we weren’t stopping- we were getting the Hell out of there. And I do mean Hell. We were in literal Hell. The gentlemen that mocked me stating it was just fireworks fell to the ground, and he never got back up. The lady behind me (who was now in front of me) who was terrified as I told her to run, never got back up. I actually had to physically step over her body to run (something I am still struggling with, so please don’t attack me. I was absolutely in flight-or-fight mode). There was another person to my right who also wasn’t moving. We ran. I don’t know what direction we ran, I don’t know towards which landmark we ran. We just ran. It was at this time our group got split up. Casie & I were together. Ricky, Cassie & Mendy were together. We were rounding some sort of corner maybe- and I looked to the right and I saw this large cowboy sitting down with his legs spread, holding a blood-soaked woman. I thought to myself “we NEED to hide”, but as I looked quickly for somewhere to go, the gunfire once again got closer and closer. We couldn’t hide because they (and I do mean THEY) were chasing us. That exact moment is when I started to really panic. That is the exact moment in which I thought this was it, I was going to die, I was never going to see my family again. So, as we are running, we approach this fence where men are throwing women over, and we ran up to it as they had knocked It down, so we were able to get out. As we crossed the threshold of the venue, my mind went straight to other mass shootings and hearing the victim’s families in my head talk about how they never got to say goodbye. I did not want this for my husband (who was at work) & my grandma (who had my daughter, Scarlett). So, at 10:07pm I called my husband franticly leaving him a voicemail- telling him that I loved him and was in the middle of a shooting & I wasn’t sure if I would make it out alive. Next, while still running, I called my grandma to tell her the exact same thing. But the gunfire wasn’t stopping this whole time. It wasn’t ceasing. It wasn’t slowing down. And It was directly behind us, following us. Bullets were coming from every direction. Behind us, in front of us, to the side of us. But I know, I just know, that there was someone chasing us. The entire time I felt this way. The farther we got from the venue, the closer the gunfire got. I kept looking back expecting to see the gunmen- and I say MEN because there was more than one person. There was more than one gun firing. 100% more than one. As we were running, we kept changing direction, because it felt like no matter what direction we took, we were being followed. So we ended up running in a weird triangular path. The first place I remember getting to was a parking lot, and I told Casie (who was slightly in front of me) we needed to get under one of the trucks. She turned to me and started her way back to me, and that is when the gunfire got even CLOSER than ever before. It was RIGHT THERE. It was within the parking lot. Everyone around us was panicking once again. So we ditched the idea of getting underneath a vehicle, and we continued the run for our lives. If you know me, you know I am a big girl, who is out of shape, and who definitely does not run for any reason. But I can tell you I ran like I have never run before.
A young woman only 28... not physically injured in the melee seven days earlier and with that amount of time to rest and recuperate from the frightful experience, suddenly dies in her sleep 4 days after posting her eyewitness account in which she stated she heard firing nearby and at ground level getting continuously closer as if she and those around her were being hunted down by shooters she and her friend were convinced were in the crowd.

So she and all the others that have all claimed the same thing, they all just have to wrong about that because... because what? Because the media isn't willing to hear or publicly report any of their accounts? The fact that she's dead after relating that isn't particularly encouraging, either, now is it?

And where the fuck do all these armchair critics around here that somehow know better have the nerve to say she wasn't or couldn't be right about that?

If she was in courtroom and testified to it along with any number others who corroborated and backed that up, the only way it could be disproved would be by more eyewitnesses at the same scene with and among them willing to testify that that wasn't actually what happened or what they experienced.
I trenutno najoblji video na ovu temu. Preporuka.

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Re: Cooper, Icke, Jones, Mišak i ostali fun club

Post by Michel » 14 Oct 2017, 03:40

I tako, još malo novosti što sam saznao.

The Dark Web’s Largest Pedophile Site Was Secretly Run by Police for a Year :D

Jedan od najvažnijih videa. Imam dojam da su u 80-ima puno više javno govorili o ovome nego danas. Govorim za tv kuće. Danas sve kontrolirano i zataškano.

Stvarno teško za gledanje, ali drago mi je da postoji ovako nešto dokumentirano.

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Re: Cooper, Icke, Jones, Mišak i ostali fun club

Post by hitman_4 » 14 Oct 2017, 11:01

nemoguće ju je pronaći na fejsu ali ima sačuvano

kad je izvršen atentat na Kennedya u idućih 10-tak godina su manje-više svi svjedoci umrli "prirodnom" smrću :P



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Re: Cooper, Icke, Jones, Mišak i ostali fun club

Post by hitman_4 » 16 Oct 2017, 23:32




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Re: Cooper, Icke, Jones, Mišak i ostali fun club

Post by Michel » 16 Oct 2017, 23:42

Ne hvala :D ali drago mi je da su počeli malo istraživati i objavljivati takve stvari. Jedini komentar na indexu neki lik ostavio link do jednog video. To sam već gledao, ali ne škodi opet.

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Re: Cooper, Icke, Jones, Mišak i ostali fun club

Post by hitman_4 » 17 Oct 2017, 19:05

koja paranoja :lol:



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Re: Cooper, Icke, Jones, Mišak i ostali fun club

Post by HorrorHR » 18 Oct 2017, 15:04


Jesus Campos, The Mandalay Bay Security Guard Shot By Stephen Paddock, Is Nowhere To Be Found ... disappear/

... Not :)

Security Guard Wounded in Las Vegas Shooting Appears on Ellen After Reports He Vanished ... -on-ellen/

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Re: Cooper, Icke, Jones, Mišak i ostali fun club

Post by Michel » 18 Oct 2017, 19:44

Fali ti riječ TEORIJA ispred zavjera jer zavjera je nešto dokazano, a teorija nije.

I ovo samo potvrđuje ono što se govorilo. Od ove stranice krenuti čitati iako svih 71 stranica se isplati sa puno dokaza i linkova.
So that pretty much confirms to me that the illegal immigrant theory is 100% correct. He's going on a highly controlled light entertainment talk show, avoiding even the whiff of a real journalist, to answer pre-prepared fluff questions about how brave he is and how he faced down the evil killer with the big scary guns. Ellen is a well connected shill for the Democratic Party and is a vehement pro gun grabber.
A gostovanje kod lezbijke Ellen samo potvrđuje dodatne sumnje. Svi znaju tko i što je Ellen (ne mislim da lezba dio) i koliko je to moćna osoba.
The crisis actors in this Vegas event are horrible, some of the worst I've seen yet. One young girl laid in a hospital bed with her lower leg bandaged up claiming that the bullet went straight through. Cough bullshite cough. If she took a bullet from any of those guns to her her lower leg she would have been picking up her severed foot off the ground and applying a tourniquet to her severely bleeding limb.

A couple other girls chanting "go faith", actually made me want to barf, the smirks on their face could use a slap but I don't hit women regardless of how much they scream equal rights.
Na Las Vegasu čestitam eliti jer je vrlo dobar staged, ali ne i odličan. Opet rade greške makar to misli mda namjerno jer znaju da su većina ljudi ovce i ne zanima ih takve stvari, a mi koji dijelimo dokaze i linkove nećemo biti u medijima.

I jedna bitna rečenica napisana
These staged events are also used to distract the public and make them forget about things like "Pizzagate", because if people keep researching pizzagate then they would eventually come to the realization that pizzagate is connected to DUMB's, or Deep Underground Military Bases, not only Satanic rituals and your "average" pedophilia.
It's all conected. Doslovno sve je povezano.

Idemo dalje
Jesus Campos appearing on the Ellen show? Why would he be going on that particular Ophra clone, which caters to bored housewives? Well mystery solved

Here is Ellen advertising her own slot machines running at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. I'm betting she doesn't declare that conflict of interest. It seems like Campos is being controlled by MGM, another confirmation that he's an illegal.
Idemo dalje

I tako :D

I na kraju krakto za njega, ali tako dobro sažeto. Icke je ići ću tako daleko i reći najbolji govornik u zadnjih 25-30 godina. Sve lik objasni, razumljivo, nema znojenja, nema pritiska, lik je vrh.

Izgleda da je dovoljno da se netko pojavi i onda svi dokazi padaju u vodu, ali tako se ne istražuje. Mora se i dalje istraživati jer previše toga smrdi. Zato samo dublje i dublje.

Natrah na Weinsteina ... g-filmasa/

Vidite taj video. Koliko sam puta o tome govorio. O tome da iako je to rekla 2005. godine, iako nema fizičkih dokaza. No, bitna je sumnja i od koga dolazi. Zamislite da se ovo oko Weinsteina nije saznalo i da Courtney to kaže danas. Svi mi koji istražujemo došli bi do jednostavnog zaključka iz njezine rečenice da misli na zlostavljanje. No, pošto nema dokaza to razno raznim smiješnim skepticima ne bi bilo dovoljno jer bolje vjerovati u vladu, usrani hollywood. I što se događa, nakon jebenih 12 godina DOKAZUJE se da je lik zlostavljač i ono što se isto zna, pedofil (to se još čleka da netko izađe).

O tome se cijelo vrijeme radi. Nekad NE TREBAJU dokazi da bi netko u nešto vjerovao. Sve ovisi od koga ta izjava dolazi. Jednsotavno se moraš zapitat zašto bi tako javna osoba tako nešto rekla. Nema fizičkih dokaza, ali opet zašto. I to je cijela poanta teorija zavjera. Bravo Love iako te ne volim previše :D
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Re: Cooper, Icke, Jones, Mišak i ostali fun club

Post by john_constantine » 18 Oct 2017, 20:37

Jedino mi nije jasno ako je toliko glumica seksualno napastovano, zašto su onda šutjele tolikih godina? Isto kao i za Cosbya.
Sve mi to djeluje nekako organizirano. A mogle su govoriti u javnosti i spriječiti buduća zlostavljanja. Ali sad kad su više manje slavne, osigurane, sad imaju hrabrosti govoriti to u javnosti? Sorry, ali jebite se. Sve su šutjele dok je taj govnar seksualno napastovao druge glumice i žene. A sad se masovno javljaju. A šteta je već napravljena.
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Re: Cooper, Icke, Jones, Mišak i ostali fun club

Post by Inferno » 22 Oct 2017, 09:57

Jako dobar početak ove nove sezone Na rubu znanosti, jedva čekam iduću epizodu :D

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